Upon arrival, I was greeted by the secretary of the program, Geraldine Jean-Baptiste. I informed her that this week concludes the WLG program. She stated that it was a pleasure working with me, DYCD and LaGuardia Community College. I collected the last timesheet for, Kristina Lang, which was free of any errors. The secretary also informed me that the participant was outstanding in terms of work duties and ethics. Overall, I was able to conclude that this worksite was in compliance with DYCD rules and regulations for all 25 weeks of the program.
The session was open by the Lynne Thomas, Chief Executive Officer. According to Lynne, in order to be part of the workforce, students should to be reliable and have personal value and volunteer. Lynne also encouraged students to be part of the networking in order to be recognized. Ann Li, a RHIA who graduated in 2015, gave her testimony on being a student and volunteer. Her being part of the student leadership committee opened up many doors to her carrier so, she did encourage us student to be engage and be known by joining the
To be perfectly honest my recollection of Comp 121 is a little foggy, i took the course roughly a year and a half ago and during my first semester and it was one of my first college level courses. From what i can recall it was a interesting and enjoyable, The professor Jacob Sherlock is no longer with the school, but was a professional writer along with a life-long lover and student of the written word. We regularly discussed current events and the class wide give and take of various ideas and viewpoints was truly enlightening and are easily amongst my most enjoyable and memorable college experiences. In particular i vibrantly recall a passionate debate on gun-control which was to be frank, dominated by a extremely Conservative former Army
(C) C100 Reflection. The purpose of this executive summary (EXSUM) is to provide a personal reflection of CGSOC C100 block of instruction. C100 has provided for me an objective view of my overall writing, speaking and thinking skills. For writing, I feel I need to commit extra time and seek remedial assistance to help develop my writing skills to the Army's expected level of writing. With speaking, I must continue to develop confidence and not rely solely on handwritten notes and be the subject matter expected during my briefs. In addition, I must always be aware of the purpose of my brief and the audience that I am giving the brief to. Thirdly, in my critical and creative thinking, I must expand my level of thinking. During C100, I learned
I decided to take GPP3O because of my interest in teaching and the science behind living a healthy life. I hoped that peer tutoring in a food and nutrition class would give me the chance to experience a teacher-like role in a class partially related to my field of interest. My expectations were met and I enjoyed a semester of growth as a tutor, as I also watched the tutees around me grow and learn. Throughout the course I have made connections with students and become a better leader, all while learning new things about myself and others.
in the novel speak by laurie false anders, we meet a high school student named melinda who throughout the novel struggles with the thought of being raped, proving that she has lack of trust and fear mixed up inside her. along with that, we learn that melinda cannot be herself again because she feels like she is experiencing the rape all over
How do your critical factors align with the roles that were portrayed by your IPPE-3 Clinical Instructors throughout the past two weeks? What specific activities did you engage in during IPPE-3 that capitalized upon your critical factors?
During my 2012-2013 school year, I was enrolled as an eighth grader in Lindblom Math and Science Academy’s academic center. Being in the academic center meant that you would be offered some high school leveled classes in a high school setting as you completed your last years of elementary school. One of these classes, I like to refer to as the struggle, was biology.
Upon entering into Barry University (B.U.), I was an insecure black African- American woman full of passion coupled with a myriad misconceptions of what I thought social work consist of. However, during my two years as a undergrad student I learned that those misconceptions had kept me stagnant in facing and understanding my past traumatic events of life that could have had an negative effected on further clients and how I interact with others. For that reason, I would say my best experience in Barry’s BSW program was an assignment that I had to partake in called the Cultural Journal. This assignment not only hope me to learned about my cohorts’ culture as a Philippine woman, I learned that our culture had a lot in common such as that the
LD is a thirteen year-old Haitian -American seventh grader who is enrolled in the 7th grade General Education program at Middle School 500. She lives in a large household that is comprised of her paternal grandmother, her father, younger brother, aunt, the aunt’s boyfriend, along with her aunt’s two children ages 2 and 4. LD was referred for counseling by her Guidance Counselor due to conflicts in the home with her grandmother and aunt. The source of LD’s problem stems from her grandmother’s strong ties to Haitian culture and traditions. Although LD was initially referred for family problems, the dynamics of LD’s situation changed when her grandmother died suddenly before the holidays. As a result, the focus of LD’s sessions was changed
Therefore, I agreed with Linda Texter (Director of the DAC) to work with my site supervisor (Christine Katzaman) the entire work day, which was from 8:00 a.m. until 4:30 p.m., even though I knew this could prove to be too strenuous for me with my schedule, yet I was ready to give it my best. Besides, having had Linda as my professor for my Neuropsychopharmacology class, I consider her to be one of the most highly-educated people I know and do not doubt that she knows what she is doing. In fact, Udema Millsaps, who “badged me in” for the hospital remarked that Linda had told her that I did not need to be interviewed, for which I was grateful and flattered. Henceforth, with some resourcefulness and hard work, everything fell into alignment for me, allowing me to concentrate on this experience, and much to my delight the time flew
If there was anything I learned last year as a freshman is that the path towards medical school can be mentally deprecating. The classes I took last year challenged my intelligence and mostly challenged my confidence. It is easy to give in to pressure and your own insecurities, especially as an African American entering a career field that is underrepresented by people who reflect you and your struggles. It is trying and a constant battle to empower yourself.
Throughout the quarter in UWP 1, I have learned that good writing takes time and multiple drafts to develop. In all of my assignments, I have revised and made at least 3 drafts before submitting the final. With each draft, I noticed improvement in focusing on one main topic. For example, in my literacy narrative, I was confused with the prompt at first, so my first draft was confusing where I talked about multiple experiences in high school. However, after going through peer reviews and edits, I decided on a single event that affected my writing the most, which was my Sophomore year of high school. The college literacy project focused on presenting information towards an audience. Before this class, I thought the best way of presenting information would be in the form of a text or essay, but after using a PowerPoint for my college literacy assignment, I was proven wrong. Giving advice to students is best presented in a clear, and straightforward manner, and PowerPoint
At the 11th hour, on the 11th day, of the 11th month of 1918, the Great War ends. At 5 a.m. that morning, Germany, bereft of manpower and supplies, and faced with imminent invasion, signed an armistice agreement with the Allies in a railroad car outside Compiégne, France. The First World War left nine million soldiers dead, and 21 million wounded. Each of these countries (Germany, Russia, Austria-Hungary, France, and Great Britain) lost at least a million or more lives.
So far I have been enjoying this course, but I will admit that I have not spent as much time on reading the chapters as I should have. I have been a little distracted by all of my other classes and on top of that now, I have been focusing more on the test, case study, and presentations that are coming up very soon. It is all very overwhelming, because there are so many assignments due in a short amount of time, I pushed the readings to the very last thing that I worry about, which I know will not help me learn the material. I have reread over two chapters; chapter five, and nine. Chapter five is the chapter my group and I will be presenting so I want to make sure I know that chapter well. Chapter nine was not my strongest area when we practiced
I began my teaching career at IRSC on August 23, 2006, in the HVAC Department. I had never taught before, so it was all new to me. Over the years, I taught programs that were written by another instructor, and also adding materials from my own field experience. Several years after I started, the subjects that I taught, were becoming obsolete, or did not contain sufficient information for my students. I started to re-educate myself in order to keep up with the industry’s technological advancements. I found myself researching new products, new troubleshooting techniques, understanding all the advancements, and rewriting the program I teach. All of this was vital to my teachings, but also part of my job. I have a much higher rate in enrollment, completions, placements, and at the same time, better opportunities for myself within the college.