
Reflection Paper In English

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English 101 was enlightening. It gave me a greater understanding about the writing portion in english as a whole. I am very glad that I choose to talk about dogs as my semester topic. I never became overwhelmed or annoyed with having to write a paper about dogs, one of my main passions in life. I highly suspect that if I had chosen a different topic to write about, that I would have become bored with whatever I was writing about. I was able to develop as a writer because I was forced to truly layout each piece of writing before I wrote it. I would make a distinct outline of what I wanted to accomplish in my papers. I also was able to truly analyze what I wanted to get done and discuss in each papers thanks to the extended amount of time that I was given to write the papers. In high school, works of english were expected to be done in a very timely manner and I would often rush to get them done. In this particular section of this class, students were given ample time to complete assignments and we were able to actual review our papers before turning them in.
When I was writing my narrative about how my family added both of my dogs into our lives, I found that the words came rather easily to me. I am convinced that because I had a deep passion for the topic I was discussing, I found that this was by far my favorite paper to write. Using descriptive imagery and paying attention to my word choices, I was able to tell one of my all time favorite stories. I decided on how I

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