
Reflection Paper In Nursing

Decent Essays

This self-reflective paper focuses on what I’ve learned about myself this semester regarding my strengths, and weaknesses. Concentrating on areas of my professional practice that need improvement and discussing two goals I have created for myself, and how I plan on achieving them. This semester I have discovered I have two key strengths those being a dedication to the Practical Nursing Program, and seeking help in the program when I need it. Both being potential strengths in my nursing career. I have some weaknesses to work on as a student and a future nurse. My communication skills and disorganization in planning my school week, need improvement. To work on these specific weaknesses, I have set two goals for myself moving forward with this program. Firstly, I am going to make the goal of focusing on making communication part of my student nursing practice. I am going to do this by implementing one communication skill at the end of each lab practice in term two. Focusing on communicating with my partner in the lab while practicing, making communication part of my care, not just another task to be completed. Being disorganized as a nurse and as a student does not lead to success because it is more productive to be organized. So my second goal is to develop a plan for my upcoming week every Sunday for one hour in term two. Along with my shortcomings, there are fears I have looking into the future, into CPE 1 and term 2. Those are the fears of not being good enough in my practice, and being too young to succeed in the program.

I have many things to learn going forward in this program. My weaknesses are many, but I’ve learned a lot about my strengths this semester as well. I’ve found I make up for intelligence, in my dedication to this program. I’m always trying to think of new ways to improve and study. The majority of my time is spent studying, practicing skills, and planning for the program. I do make time for self-care as well. From the beginning, I have wanted to take this seriously, and I feel as though I’ve succeeded in doing that. I may not be the smartest student, but I am always willing to put in the work to get to the level I am expected to be at by my instructors. On that note, I have

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