
Reflection Paper On Diet

Decent Essays

Diet Reflection and Analysis Although tracking a diet for three days may seem short, if it is an accurate reflection of an individual’s typical daily intake of food, then it can provide a good source of information regarding one’s selection of food. For the three days that I tracked my diet, I did my best to eat as I usually did. When reflecting and analyzing the food choices that I had made from Thursday, September 21st to Saturday, September 23rd, I realize that there are both strengths in my eating habits as well as areas that I can improve on. Some of the strengths that I noticed during the three days were limiting the amount of added sugars I ate, supporting a healthy body weight with the total amount of calories taken in over the …show more content…

While there were strengths to my diet, there are many opportunities where I can further improve it. Some strengths include increasing my daily intake of vegetables, increasing the amount of fruit I eat, and limiting the amount of sodium in my diet. While I made a conscious effort to eat vegetables by having a salad at lunch two out of the three days, it still was not enough for me to consistently consume enough vegetables to meet the amount of 3 cups a day. Also, eating a salad made from the salad bar at the dining hall also limits the variety of vegetables in my diet since there are limited choices. This is very similar to my need of increasing the servings of fruit I eat per day. I realize that I made less of an effort to include fruit in my diet, as I only ate fruit once per day. There is more variety of for fruit, as I ate a cup of grapes, one banana, and a cup of blueberries. With so many options, it should motivate me to increase the amount of fruit I eat to reach the goal two cups per day. Fruits and vegetables have important nutrients the other sources of food do not, so it is incredibly important for me to increase the amount I eat per day. On the other hand, instead of increasing, I definitely need to decrease my sodium intake. For two days, my sodium intake was

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