
Reflection Paper On Ethics

Satisfactory Essays

At the beginning of the semester, when I thought of my take on ethics, and the nature of ethics; I immediately went to my religious beliefs. Through the semester I learned about so many different approaches to understand the way people believe, and do things. Ethics are principles and values that help lead people to make the choices they make daily, and the things they value the most. It really opened my mind, and my eyes to see more of a perspective. As far as the good life, I said that at first it was considered to live carefree, and in luxury. Now, I think the overall goal as in the ethical view of the good life is to pursue happiness, or in Eudaimonia.
2.) My theory of the right and the good all reflect on my religious beliefs. The right is making choices that are pleasing to God. The good is valuing God’s commandments, the bible, and our convictions as Christians. An example of the right would be choosing not to participate in breaking any of the laws that are in place, this is in the bible where it states to obey the law of the land; this is stated in Romans 13:1-14. One example of the good would be honoring convictions God might have placed on your heart, such as wearing skirts; to present modesty. These personal values that Christians hold tight to their heart, allow us to go through this life and do the best we can unto others, represent love, and unity; and learn to forgive.
3.) One theory that is dissimilar to my own worldview is Buddhism. This theory

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