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The degree I am working towards is Human Services at Liberty. Human Services is required to help with human needs and social services. Human services deals with trying to prevent as well as remediation of problems, but you have to remain committed to improve the amount of quality of lives. This field includes things like: social sciences, psychology, and evaluating people every day.
My personal goals is to continue pursuing the human services field, my biblical worldviews will stand firm. We have a perspective of God’s Word that we carry out through the Holy Bible. Of course people interpret theirs opinion toward God’s Word, but doesn’t mean its right. It’s the bible simple value of everything. However, my understanding of how
The career in which I am pursuing is Human Service Bachelor Degree, the reason why I am pursuing this career is because of the passion I have for helping people reach their full potential when crossing my path. There was many people who help me along the way throughout my entire life, so I feel it only right to give back. Now before I started attending Saint Leo University my career major switch twice .I was thinking about a career in the hospital such as the HealthCare Management then I went on thinking I don’t just want a degree where I am stuck in one career field. I will like a degree where I can move around throughout my community. According to the national human service.org the social and economic characteristic human service is a professionally
I have discovered that a benefit of going to school at a later stage in life is that I have had time to discover who I am and what is important to me. Every time I have thought about what I want to do with my life, it has centered on helping others achieve their dreams and goals. Human services is the right academic major for me because I am ready to make a positive impact in someone’s life and want to equip others with the necessary tools to do so. I am excited to be part of their journey to betterment, healing, and self-sufficiency.
My major is Human Development. I am taking 13 units for this fall 2015, and volunteering at Horizon Cross Cultural Center where I can learn my skills and my experiences. My future plan is graduate in the Spring of 2017. After graduation, I plan to work full-time.
When we think of history stories we tend to easily recall the outstanding endeavors of men, but what about all the brave and courageous acts women have accomplished? The Daughters of Liberty is just one of many groups of women who have made a lasting impact on our country. These women were a Colonial American group founded around 1765 in response to unfair British taxation. The group was often overlooked, but they helped further the American Revolutionary cause. Their support and loyalty were shown by boycotting British goods, urging colonists to buy from American businesses.
The field of Human Services is wide and varied umbrella of smaller sections. According to NOHS (n.d.), human service workers can be found in any setting from schools, to government agencies, and even in hospitals and mental health institutions. Combing through each option in search of the perfect career can be a daunting task. Where will a I fit in best? The answer can only be provided through thorough research and with the help of good programs such as the programs found at Lindsey Wilson College. This paper will focus on Social and Human Service Assistants, more
Today, in modern day living, people are talking about either of the two worldviews, and the importance of that chosen worldview. However, one can choose to live by the principles of a secular worldview or a biblical worldview. This study highlights the distinguishable difference between a secular worldview and a biblical worldview, the incorporation of belief and doctrine, and the theories of vocations and the efforts for living righteously.
I love sociology because it is a field that is endless. Meaning, there are so many career paths one can go in with this degree and one is never limited to one career choice. I have friends that have a sociology degree that are working in the DFACS office that deal with human resources. My friend went to Albany State, and graduated with a sociology degree and does case work at a local DFACs office in town. She said it didn’t take long for her to find a job and plans on getting her master degree in a couple of months. One of my high school teachers had a master’s degree in sociology and before settling in with teaching she did different things like working in the advising and admissions office at her old college. Sociology, is the study of the
A biblical worldview encourages people to consider the great love that God has for them and all the ways he extends forgiveness and patience to those exercising faith in him. Luke 10:27 encourages Christians to love thy neighbor as thyself. This principle suggests that tenderness, kindness and love should be shown to others in thought, word, and deed just as God shows it to his children. The Christian worldview offers that God has a role for everyone to fill and a will for their lives. Proverbs 3:56 encourages Christians to look for God s direction in all things and not to lean unto their own understanding. Through thoughtful prayer and introspection the direction one should take in life that will make full use of his or her talents and gifts will be revealed. It should, of course, be work of an honest nature and morally appropriate for a true Christian (Growing Christian Resources, 2015) (Open Bible,
Through my passions and experiences with people, as well as study, I am convinced that God has given me the desire and gifts to serve Him through discipling others. Ideally, I plan to work with young adults as they commonly need, and want, answers to questions of identity, truth, apologetics, and relationships, with Jesus and others. These are all things I am passionate about. I am committed to helping others experience God’s love, nurture their spiritual development, enable them to discover their spiritual gifts, and equip them for effective
America is commonly called the “Land of the Free”, but the abundance of liberties, and liberties for all, has not always been the case. The Puritans were some of the first to settle in the New World, but they were self-interested and did not come with the purpose of creating a free state for all. As time progressed, so did their believes, and by the time Tocqueville arrived from France, liberty was an important aspect of American life. So important that people would fight and die for it. Tocqueville, while impressed at the amount liberty and freedoms that citizens had, believed that America had a long way to go before it could call itself a truly free country. Fast forward over a hundred years later, and John Rawls lived in a time were the
In 2010, I obtained my Bachelor of Science in Human Services degree from University of Phoenix. I began the journey towards my Masters degree in Counseling in
While reading Exodus 17:1-7, one will begin to understand the fear and anxiety God’s people have been developing throughout their journey in the “wilderness of Sin.” This account of the Israelite’s, presents us with an opportunity to give a voice of our fears in abandonment. It also presents a visual on how the many ways God responds to us when we are in need, or for lack of a better term, thirsty in the wilderness.
I’m a firm believer that the encounters and experiences we go through shape our character. I’d like to elucidate how mine in particular have shaped my personal and professional ambition of becoming an agent of change targeting social injustices. I’ve taken opportunity and adversity and created a desire to utilize my attributes for the benefit of vulnerable groups in my community. My journey for a higher education demonstrates a well-rounded understanding, theoretical and practical approach, but most importantly a sensitivity and awareness of the complexities of society.
I probably just seem like a normal, dumb teenager looking to draw you in with a made up story, just to get a rise. Just to get a few minutes of attention. But my purpose here isn't to make you want to read my story; honestly, I couldn't care less if you stop reading after this point because you think this is all made up stuff. But who the hell would make up something as elaborate as this? Actually, I take that back. A lot of people could fabricate a story like this, probably a better one to be honest. But there's no way I can convince you that I'm telling the truth. I just need to get this story out. So keep reading, or don't. I really don't care.
There are many areas in social work, but the one I plan to study for is child and family social work. The child and family social worker’s job is to protect children and help families in need. For example, they may help families apply for food stamps, affordable or even free child care and so on. Social workers must step in when they found out if a child is being abused or in danger of being mistreated.