Mario Rebottaro
ENG 131.72
Nicole Brake
Reflection Essay
Throughout my semester in English 131, I have gained many improvements to both my writing skills and my writing process. One such improvement was making me think critically on my essays in both this class and another class where we had to write essays. On all of my later self-reviews, I constantly gave way below what I was eventually given, and that helped me so much, by changing my essays so much more than what I would have done originally. That is evident by how my grade has steadily gone up on each of my papers. The memoir that I first wrote was my first ever graded that was really beneficial to my grade, and I got a 44 out of 50. The next paper that I wrote was a profile, and I got the same grade on that as my memoir. The first improvement that I had was on the review essay, and that was only by one point above the other papers that I wrote. Lastly, the best improvement that I have had was with my final paper, a proposal essay. On that essay, I got a 49 out of 50, a major improvement to my other pieces of writing. One thing that has not improved by being in this class is my ability to proof-read and my spelling. I have never been good at noticing any spelling mistakes, only pieces in writing that does not flow or make sense. I have even noticed in my peer’s papers that I have reviewed that there are words that are misspelled and the professor has marked, and I wondered how I have missed them. That
The story “Sonny’s Blues” by James Baldwin makes excellent use of multiple literary elements. Namely, I think the writer utilizes symbolism and the nuances of point of view to give the story a deeper connotation that could not be said plainly. The meat of the story is about an unnamed older brother’s relationship and differences with his younger brother, Sonny. Sonny’s aspiration to become a jazz pianist leads him in an opposite direction than his brother, and into a world where the common suffering is dealt with by heroin and music. The fundamental differences between the brothers in their lack of understanding for each other and their gradual acceptance of one another is highlighted and
My writing skills have fluctuated throughout the semester. I feel, although, I have mastered leads and headline writing. Leads and headlines were the first writing skills we practiced and have continued to practice throughout the entire semester. The continuous practice of leads and headline writing throughout the semester, I feel confident in my ability to write concise, eye-catching leads and headlines. For writing assignment three I needed to provide a follow-up headline and corresponding lead for a criminal case. The headline had to focus on the upcoming sentencing hearing because it was the newest information about the case. In order to do so, as I mention in my blog entry, I had to write several drafts for both my headline and lead. [INSERT BLOG PICTURE] After many drafts of the lead I settled on a summary-lead because the article was a follow-up story about an established criminal case. I wrote the headline after I wrote the lead because the headline had to be a shorter, more intriguing version of the lead. After many drafts I finally wrote a six worded, eye-catching headline that was about the sentencing hearing. [INSERT WRITING ASSIGNMENT
In elementary school, I learned to write sentences. As time went on I learned to put those sentences in a paragraph which was three to five sentences. When I finally entered high school I learned to put those paragraph together which made the essay. When I was in English composition one writing had so much more than just having five paragraph. The writing was a way of expressing your creativity, idea, values, and emotion. It is not focusing on making five paragraph you could do what made you happy as a writer. There are countless abilities that writing has. The most powerful thing writing can do is change the opinion of thousands. But what is exactly English 1100? It is about improving your writing, reading and thinking skills or improve them. There are seven learning outcomes students that can get from this class, for example, communicate effectively, demonstrate rhetorical knowledge, engage in critical thinking, writing and reading, develop effective composing processes, collaborate during the writing process in a social setting, use appropriate convention for format, documentation, and editing, Adapt composing process to electronic environment. By end of this course, all student should able to demonstrate those learning goals as stated in the packet.
Over the past semester my writing has improved in three specific areas: extending the length of my writing so that it is more than just 300 words per piece of writing. Clarifying and giving my writing more detail so that it is easier to understand and follow. And finally by improving my spelling and punctuation throughout my piece instead of just spell checking the first few paragraphs.
After the gathering of data for this paper, I initiated with my writing work for this paper. First of all, I prepared the rough draft and outline with the plan to cover every area in the paper. I get this draft and plan approved by my teacher and gained further recommendations from him. I dedicated a specific time for researching, writing, editing, and proofreading of every area before submitting to my teacher to check and highlight any error or need for improvement. This enabled me to gain more guidelines from my teacher regarding my paper to complete it with efficiency and on time. These guidelines further polished my researching, writing, editing, and proofreading skills. Furthermore, the guidelines I gained from my teacher during the completion
After reading over my summer assignment essay and analyzing the comments and feedback of my writing I feel that I have a lot of work to do to improve my writing as a whole. I feel I had the ideas down on what I wanted to say on my summer essay. It was just difficult expressing them in a way that was compelling enough to the reader. The topics for the essay were not challenging to me because I felt that I wrote a lot about the one I chose on alienation. Throughout my reflection I will discussed the weaknesses and strengths in my writing as well as talk about ways I feel I could improve my writing.
This class has helped me to improve my writing in many ways. Though I do not manage my time as well as I would like to at the moment, I have evolved this aspect of my writing vastly. At the beginning of the semester, it took anywhere between two and four hours to complete an essay, and I would wait until the very last minute to even begin writing. I have learned how to properly manage my time in order to write my essays in a shorter amount of time. I have also increased my ability to find and present sources in an academic essay. Though I still need to polish my ability to present information without bias, I am able to find relevant information in order to further prove my point in an essay. Overall, this class has taught me many valuable things
Over this semester I feel that I’ve not only developed into a better writer but also have grasped a better understanding of the writing process, which is arguably most important; having a solid foundation for my writing technique is the key to writing well. Throughout middle school and high school, I have always been told to use the "five paragraph format" when writing essays, but now that I’m in college, I understand that I have been limiting my creativity and not expressing my opinions and ideas to their fullest extent. To be a good writer I must put time and effort into my topic and fully understand the main idea to write a satisfactory essay. So far, I feel as if I’m doing alright. `When I first begin the writing process I always start by typing out the full story. Personally, I can’t sit down and plan what I’m going to write about; formal drafting makes me feel as if I have writers' block. Over the years I have taken bits and pieces of advice about my writing and incorporated those snippets of guidance and suggestions into what my writing style is today. I don’t think I’m bad writer but I could work on developing more of my essays into “A cakes.”
I think I’ve done more writing this year than I have in the last 4-5 years combined, perhaps even since high school. I don’t remember any significant writing projects I did K-12 except for a term paper on postpartum depression and some occasional poetry. At this point in my life when I really do need the writing skills, I regret not taking papers seriously or appreciating the art of good written communication. Writing objective papers has not been a problem since the layout is simply good logic and researching reliable information. There isn’t pressure to keep your audience’s attention by painting a mental image to get the reader immersed. Even with this journal entry, I’m not anxious about capturing the reader as these are simply my thoughts as they come to me while I type.
Throughout my academic career, I haven’t given writing much of a chance. Instead, I gravitated towards math and science subjects. I believed that writing wasn’t one of my strengths, which caused me to not enjoy past composition courses. This opinion changed during my writing process for “Strategic Devices,” my rhetorical analysis of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr’s “Letter from Birmingham Jail. As I analyzed the skillfully crafted letter, I was reminded of how powerful writing can be, and, when used for good, words can transform the situation that they are spoken into. In English 121, I have learned many new aspects of writing, grown as a writer, and developed a fresh perspective towards composition. Through this progress, I hope to become a positive impact in my sphere of influence.
My writing experiences prior to this course have been mostly self-taught. Lacking much formal education the only writing I have been involved in over the years has been job related. I honestly cannot think of the last time I wrote any type of paper that was graded by a professional in the English field. I quit high school in 1994, obtained a GED, and finally decided to continue my education some 20 years later. I have enjoyed writing in the past but it was mostly in the form of lyrics, stories, blogs or daily journals. Writing, the way I have in the past, has been therapeutic for me. Whether or not academic writing provides me the same sense of therapy I have yet to figure out.
Before I started this assignment, I knew little to nothing about the subject. I don’t recall ever having done a project quite like this one, so I’m not sure how it’ll turn out. It likely won’t be very good, but oh well. I did encounter a few problems while working, such as my inability to properly analyze his writing style (or at least not phrase it properly), or to find his challenges or triumphs, legacy/ies, et cetera… I don’t think there’s anything at this moment that I can do about it. If I’m going to be honest here, I’m not proud of it. Now that I’m about out of time, I see everything I could have done better on it. Every last detail. The only two things I’m pleased with are the second page and the questions, and I’m not certain I should even be pleased with the questions.
I have improved very much in my writing process over this semester. I have grown as a writer in each writing process step such as prewriting, drafting, revising and editing, and overall. Outlining, writing a good thesis, getting peer reviewed, and giving myself plenty of time to finish a paper are new strengths that I have learned over the semester. I will reflect on all the topics in the writing process and my growth in argumentation essays. In fact, my previous attitude and feelings about writing was that I disliked it, and I knew that it was a weakness of mine. Now, I feel that I can write a strong argumentation essay. I have the sense that I have progressed a considerable amount from my first essay to my last.
Over the course of this class I have changed as a writer. My writing has improved, yet their are some similarities between the writing. The writer I was before and after this class is different and the changes should be announced. Now when I write I know how to use transition, not just any basic transition but actually be able to flow from one point to another with quality grammar. A second thing I do as a writer now is knowing how to use MLA 8 formating. The first essay I turned in was extremely wrong on formatting and makes me cringe just looking at it. My citations were all APA formatting and in the header of the essay I put my name, date, teacher, and class. This is completely wrong and am surprised I even got a grade as high as I did. Another thing from looking at my first essay is that I could not write with the proper form. My whole last paragraph of my exemplification essay was useless because it did not have an examples. The writer I am now is more politically correct and can write when in a mode without going out of it.
I simply wrote one draft without using any feedback from adults or peers. If I decided to use feedback on my piece, I know it would have been more beneficial to my development as a writer. On this piece I earned an 85%, in which I wasn’t satisfied with. From this, I was allowed to revise my piece, allowing me to go in depth into my writing to earn a better grade. Also, before submitting my revised essay, I asked my mom to read over my work to see if it would raise my grade. She gave me a few valuable pieces of advice that helped raise the grade on my essay to a 90%. From the Thematic Unit, I learned to improve my writing process to prepare myself for the future. At the end of the year, I was told to write my own essay about William Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night novel, using my own writing process to be successful. My effective writing process included writing a first draft and completing self-assessment afterwards. The first step of my process helped me understand how my writing could develop into a stronger piece. After self-assessment, I wrote a second draft and had a peer review my work. Finally, I made a third and final draft in order to present the best version of my writing. As shown from the Soliloquy Essay, my writing process is