My time within the American public education system has been a relatively interesting experience. The system is not as bad as everyone seems to make it out to be. Maybe I’m blind but bullying has pretty much died altogether within the social setting of school. There could be a case or two for verbal harassment but physical bullying doesn’t exist in suburban public schools. Teachers are very kind and respectful yet still are able to educate with authority. The classes I have taken seem to all have been enjooyable to some degree or another. Despite what many claim, I think the education has system has gotten better on a macro scale. Sure there are yearly department changes and budget constraints teachers have to face (maximum to amount of printing paper allowed per teacher) but those things seem to have no effect on my personal learning. The curriculum both challenging and interesting granted I like the subject matter. All of the teachers I have had have been good and I don’t have any criticisms on how course work is administered within my high school.
And my experience, though anecdotal, isn’t independent. According to the article America’s Not-So-Broken Education System, “One can see across many generations, the schools have slowly and steadily improved.” This rings true on the simple basis that the hellhole high school that is portrayed in movies and television back when I was a kid seems to be bygone myths. High school, middle school, and elementary school are not as bad
There have been several historical factors that influenced the changes in education from then and now. The Smith-Hughes Act of 1917 was a major contributor to change due to the fact that by providing a better education for the teachers there would then be a direct correlation in the students being provided an enhanced education. Also, another historical factor was the “Progressive Era”. It provided students with a new way of learning. They were hands on and learning by doing rather than memorizing and repeating facts that they’d forget as soon as they walked out the school doors. Lastly, the No Child Left Behind Act was the most historical factor that influenced change. This act allowed children from the many diverse backgrounds to acquire
At first thought, I thought that our education system was alright, but I was only thinking about my school in particular, where there are not many fights or serious altercations or problems and the school is kept in a nice condition. However, I was on Youtube one day and saw a video about some of the most dangerous schools in North America and realized that not all high schools are the same and that there were a lot of flaws in the way that our education system favours to the higher class and the lower class can manage with what they get. It is also similar with learning styles - kids who are able to learn through memorization and reading excel while kids who are visual learners or need fundamental objects in order to understand the concept being taught suffer. This is also negative for students, like myself, who cannot always get exactly what they are thinking down
I noticed before even asking myself these questions that the education system was failing many of our students. Looking in the media alone, anyone can clearly see many takes on the US system, whether it be comical, satirical, or just a plain news story about the facts. One satirical take on the current education system that I believe truly captures the essence of today's classrooms is an article by the Onion titled "Negative Parent-Teacher Conference Not Exactly Eye-Opening for Area Mother". The article takes you through the opinions of an "area mother" who just left a parent teacher conference for her son. “I mean, I’m not sure I needed to drive all the way down here for the shocking news that the person that I fight with every single night about doing his homework is getting poor grades.” It portrays the clear lack of concern from parents, lack of interesting material in the standards, and the lack of effort from students. Unfortunately, it seems this has become the norm for many students in school systems across our country.
A strong education system is the foundation to a good education. Going through grades k (kindergarten) and grade twelve America does not have as long of schooling as most. Students are kept together throughout the whole high school career separating themselves by the classes they take. The grade school system
I don’t think anyone has a complete picture of the problem facing America’s education system. There is not just one “fix all” solution and there never will be. People forget what the word “system’ means. A system consists of individual parts that, when combined, function as a working machine. Our machines and systems are always improving as we improve. Every machine and system has a predecessor and just as equally will likely have a successor. When dealing with anything that evolves, one has to consider the path that evolution tends to follow. That process usually includes replacing or upgrading one part at a time. Sometimes you can replace a particular of the system and achieve obvious results, but it is a naive notion to assume that is always
Ironically, this comes after five decades of debate on how to improve our nation's school systems. The idea of educational reform, though, is certainly not new. In the 18th century, philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau wrote a novel called Emile that described a view of education that included self-actualization, relevant curriculum, and hands on learning (Rousseau, 2003). John Dewey, born just prior to the Civil War, was a staunch proponent of educational reform education being a continual process for every child so that they could reach their potential through adequate stimuli. This was to be done by understanding the child's interests, capacity, and habits (Henson, 2003). And, in the 20th century the ideas of Maria Montessori,
The school system of the US is contrary to what most americans would say about the US. According to a global report by education firm Pearson, the US education claims 17th place in the developed world with Finland, South Korea, Hong Kong, Japan, & Singapore topping the list. Finland (Being it's innovative self) decided to rebuild its education to better prepare its students for the world. Because of this, Finland constantly ranks one of the highest performing developed countries on PISA. I’m against the US education because the standardized test negatively affects students, not enough time for play time, teachers do not rank as high as Finnish teachers.
Public Schools in America for a long time were regarded as the best public schools in the world, but with the development of Asian and European schools American schools are not ranked as highly. American Public schools in 1999 were ranked sixteenth and seventeenth in science and math right behind Bangladesh. Some students are graduating from high school with little more than an inadequate ability to read and a diploma that should mean the student knows at least the core subjects. Other students are dropping out and not graduating at all. Colleges are not trusting diplomas and grade point averages as a basis of admissions because they know that with the large variety of classes that high schools offer as credit that the student may not know as much as his or her GPA says. Colleges are recalculating GPA 's deleting non-core classes and evaluating SAT and ACT scores for the purpose of admissions. Colleges also have to offer more remedial classes to teach students what they should have learned in high school. Something needs to be done to reform America 's public schools, especially at
schools may be better than we think but are they good enough to prepare our
On September 6, 2017, I were documented for an incident that involved a University Housing policy violation. I was charged with violating the University Housing Alcohol 1.2 policy. With my violation, came consequences. I met with The Residence Conduct Coordinator to discuss my actions and came to the conclusion that I would have to schedule a meeting with The Campus Alcohol and Drug Education Center (CADEC) and with that, a reflection paper.
The history of American education and policy proves that we are looking for the next big thing to happen in education, whether it is testing, charter schools, etc. Education, experiences, and opportunities look different for many people living across the country. On one hand you have the continuous fear and
The school the place where you learn has been the same for 205 years in the US. It is system where it schools are set to teach the kids in the middle,not the bottom or the top. If this is the school system in U.S, do you really think all kids have the same chance to pass as any other kid? In the beginning schools were made to fix critical errors back then but, today when we need to change to more present errors. It’s very hard to turn around or even to the right or left to change the system to fix different problems that affect modern. The public school system is failing in getting kids to and ready for college and even going through high school and graduating. We must change the system and fix right the wrongs the system has currently. Go through the problems and find a way to fix them. All of these will be set in the U.S and the problems are currently happening in the U.S. We must fix the future and change the system of public schools to help future generations of kids get a better and more fair education.
What is going wrong with schools? There is a lot wrong with schools, and easier question these days is, What's right with schools? Sadly the list would be shorter. The public school system in America today is sadly lacking, not just in the field of academic achievement. Children are, in effect, risking their lives by attending school. Critical attacks from disturbed students are spreading like a plague. Every year, there is increase in the number of students who give up education after high school and start working in minimum wage jobs/unskilled jobs. Stereotypes between smart and dumb students and racism are the biggest issues student faces in school education system. The public education system always gives priority to students who
Over the course of the semester, there has been numerous amount of areas where I believe I have improved in comparison to high school. What has helped me in my writing is the writing class and the in-class writing workshop. The writing class that is located in the Kremen education building has helped me with my writing greatly because in the writing center the person in charge teach us lenses and we apply those lenses to the writing, draft, or reading that someone brings in. The in-class writing workshop has helped me because other students get to read my writing. This is helpful because I get feedback from many students and they let me know what needs to be fixed. A new tool I have been using is They Say I Say. The book is very helpful because of the information and examples it provides such as the templates. I have been applying the templates into my essays and I have seen a significant difference.
Since the beginning of the semester, my writing has changed and evolved to accommodate and sustain longer essays. With longer essays, there is more room for in-depth analysis. Further analyzing a topic has led me to findings that I did not know existed. As I continue to write, I uncover addition and superior methods to approach my writing to the benefit of me and therefore, my audience. Throughout the semester, I have incorporated techniques to further my narrative throughout my writing.