I am an auditory and tactile learner this means that I learn best by hearing and touching. I’m in the best position to learn when I’m hearing people speak and touching the actives or anything in general. This includes listening, drawing, moving, and building in class activities. Also I learned that by shaking my foot and using flashcards while humming or talking to myself I will remember things that I studied or learned in class. I will help myself understand and learn things better. I am an auditory and tactile learner and there are things that help me learn and things that don't but I will always help myself by listening and touching.
When we did the Learning Styles: Modality Preference Inventory worksheet, I scored a 23 in Visual, a 16 in Auditory, and a 23 in Kinesthetic/Tactile. For me, I always had to write things down in order to even come close to remembering it. I also had to actually do what was being done to understand. I always seemed to be both a visual and hands on type of person.
I am also a tactile learner. I love playing hand games. I can tell what most things are just by touching them. I can tell if their is something around me. If I'm up at night I can tell where everything is in the dark. I love playing in wet sand and play doh. I love things you can stick together and easily pull apart. Even though I am a tactile learner I am still a butter fingers when it comes to my phone.
Hi everyone! My name is Briana and I am an all around learner. I am mostly a Kinesthetic Learner, but also I can learn visually. I am also an auditory learner as long as what I am hearing interests me. Since I was younger, when I had to sit in class against my own will, I always learned better one on one or by doing things myself. If you show me once and let me do it my myself the next time I usually can get it down very quickly. I’ve never been good with lectures, the information hitting my face like water from a water hose is overwhelming and I usually never remember any of it. This always made me angry because that meant I always had to rewrite everything multiple times until it was tattooed in my brain.
The way I learn is depending on the style of learning.I am mostly a visual and a tactile learner.As a visual learner I like mostly to read or see how its done.If I need anything explained I like to see a picture or imagine it how its suppose to be.When I want to take notes I need to see the board as notes written on it or a presntation explaning either steps or diractions or notes this will give me a better understanding.As a visual learner I like my things very organized and marked by any color or labeled or else it will make me feel very confused and irritated.An example of a visual learner if i need to get directions to a place i need things to be explained and descriped to me this way I can make it to the place i need to go to. On
In continuing my research, an auditory learner is the opposite of a tactile learner. Students who use the style of auditory learning tend to learn by hearing and listening. To compare, the tactile learner should feel a “pat on the back” for feedback, but for an auditory learner they listen to feedback about their work. I am nowhere near an auditory learner; however, my friends can apply their auditory learning style to participate in a job interview or preform a public speech without being nervous or worried. Auditory learners are confident when they speak. Auditory learners use their style the best when someone is talking about something of importance. They take all the knowledge they heard and recite it back to themselves when needed. For
I am an auditory learner because to learn I have my friends (or flashcards, when alone) quiz me. I enjoy talking problems out with myself or with friends and family willing to listen. I also enjoy listening
I am advanced in math but I get excellent grades in art too. I am very musical, I will agree with my quizzes on that. I love music and I tie an emotion to about every song I hear so I can feel exactic, angry, sad, weird, and crazy. Some aged songs that I heard with a kid take me back to when I was 5 and I remember how I danced to that song. I have a spectacular memory, so I can remember seeing things more than remembering them. I remember people’s faces more than I remember their names. I am tactile; however, I don’t necessarily need to touch something to remember it if I really know about it but it can help significantly. I have a gecko and I could see how different it’s skin was from a snake or something and an expert could describe it for me, but I couldn’t really know how it felt unless I felt it for myself. Someone could describe how their project looks and feels but I would have to see and touch it to really understand for myself how it looks and feels. I can learn by hearing, but it is not my strong suit, if Mrs. Burdick or a math teacher tried to explain how integers worked just by telling us, I most likely would have trouble remembering it and knowing what she was talking
" reflection in a mirror is an exact replica of what is in front of it. Reflection in professional practice gives back not what it is, but what might be, an improvement on the original " Biggs (1999).
As a learner, I know I’m very visual and I need understand almost everything by seeing or drawing them. I’m a little bit of an auditory learner, but not a whole lot. I know what to do, so I can understand what i’m asked to do. It honestly helps me to listen to music a lot of the time to be a more focused student and It is difficult to take a test or do a task without music. Music helps calm me down because when I’m told to do something I usually I’m in a rush with a certain amount of time, but want to do my best, so I listen to music to help calm down my nerves.
My preferred learning style is auditory. I can use mnemonic devices, such as flash cards with audio to my advantage in school. The repetition of the flash cards would help me in science where there is lots of information to remember. Reading the information, text, stories, assignments, out loud would help me to fully understand the context. I can also read my drafting work out loud, so that it is less likely to miss any errors. During class, I can ask my teacher more questions or to explain certain concepts.
than learning better when I am moving around and doing activities. Two good ideas to use while in a classroom are using flashcards and taking brakes. Using flashcards are a good idea because they help me learn better by doing something. Also, taking breaks will help me not be so overwhelmed. According to the quiz I am tactile and I work better using my hands. I agree completely because that is how I learn best and how I will continue to learn and study so I do better.
Auditory learners retain new information best by hearing it. They to read out loud and will listen to a lecture rather than reading the text. They prefer the speaking on the phone than face-to-face conversation. They are easily distracted by noises. Auditory learners are not able to color coordinate their clothes, but they can explain what they are wearing and why.
Reflection is thought by linking recent experience with early experience to promote more complex and interrelated mental models or patterns. The thinking involves looking for commonalities, differences, and interrelations beyond their superficial elements. The goal is to develop higher order thinking skills.
Although I have had the opportunity to learn in a variety of setting, I believe that my most efficient way of learning and retaining material is through the auditory, visual and tactile learning experience.
I have always known that I am an auditory learner. I know this because, of my aptitude with languages. My ability to mimic people voices, remember song lyrics, and my incredible memory of past conversations. Though I do have terrible working memory, I have great long term memory. This is just one of the ways, through which I process information. I am also a kinesthetic learner, which means that I can learn through movement. I discovered this through equine therapy, and the information I retained while working with the horses. From the VARK, I learned that I have a very strong aural learning preference, along with reading and writing skills. I find it very easy to express my thoughts and feeling verbally. I am always talking and being told to be quiet. My brain is constantly running and my mouth is trying to keep up. The only relief I found from this is books. I have always loved reading books. The feeling of a book in my hand