
Reflective Account On Diversity

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According to my family and cultural values, I have learnt to respect and understand other cultures and their beliefs. I always try to increase my awareness of the various dimensions of diversity. I always try to examine my own cultural identity and how that identity affects my relationships with others. In my opinion it is really important to become more aware of my own attitudes, perceptions, and feelings about various aspects of diversity. As an educator I think it is really important to make a commitment to increase an understanding of diversity. As educators, we are here to provide a service that meets the needs of our target groups and helps them to feel empowered. It is really important that we should be aware of our own personal values, beliefs and attitudes and be prepared to adopt the professional values of our industry—and not impose our own ideas on children.
From the values and beliefs of my culture I have learnt that when working and interacting with in cross-cultural situations (aboriginal and Torres Strait islander people) it …show more content…

Within children the racial discrimination can be for the children from oppressed racial/cultural groups. The children could question about their own identity, questions about racism and about whites and questions about other groups. For some children questions can be about people of colour, comments which reflect stereotypic or negative attitudes and questions about their own racial/cultural identity. Discriminatory behaviour in children could be seen in the area of cultural characteristics that are readily observable, such as language and dress.
2. As an educator I can enhance the ability to be culturally safe by reflecting on my own culture, attitudes and beliefs about others. We can have clear, value free, open and respectful communication to develop trust and to recognise and avoid stereotypical barriers. As an educator I can talk to children about different cultures, their diversity and similarities and

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