For the second practicum, I was asked to be engaged for fifty hours on several administrative activities. For this assignment, I completed the following five activities: (1) working on the parent, student, and teacher handbook, (2) pre-interviewing possible teacher candidates, (3) observing a safety meeting, (4) data analysis, and (5) participating in a board meeting. This segment of the paper will discuss these aforementioned activities along with a reflection on these activities. The first activity I was involved in was the rewriting of many sections of the parent, student, and teacher handbook. I was selected as a member of this rewriting process given my experience in using the handbooks for writing papers in various classes taken for the UWF Educational Leadership program. There was a need to rewrite a significant …show more content…
In Florida, charter schools need to undergo the charter renewal process every five years. The initiation of the process requires an inspection from the local school district to ensure the viability and safety of the school building. Given the number of suspensions and criminal incidents our school experience last year, it was suggested by the district that an upgrade to security would be necessary for a renewal of the charter. Although our school does have an electronic surveillance system, it does not cover some areas in which students can easily enter and exit the building. In order to rectify the situation, the development of “zones” for before, during, and after school duties was suggested. Teachers or security would be responsible for manning these zones. The reasoning behind these zones is for the principal to understand that if an incident were to occur, she would know what teacher to contact to gather information from the incident. Applying this strategy would fill a major security loophole that may one day prove to be dangerous to faculty, staff, and
English class has never been my strong suite. I always had to work twice as hard in English then I did in any other class. Writing paper always had me stressed and overwhelmed, I felt discouraged in my work. l never seemed to be able to get to the level I wanted to. I would try my hardest and paid attention in class, but when it came to writing the paper none of that seemed to help. I think that my experience in English Composition 1 has helped gain and grow in some areas, but I don’t think that it highlights a well-written college essay. Some elements that I worked to improving was introduction paragraphs, tone, style, and thesis statements.
The process I developed and used to complete my dissertation was trial and error in the beginning. I entered the Ed.D. program, at Southwestern College after several years removed from a graduate program after having obtained my Master’s in School Administration. I entered the doctoral program with basic knowledge of current instructional research, theories, and practices, but had a desire to challenge myself professionally.
A public school district tasked with educating students and hiring teachers to carry out its mission must have documents in place to help its employees navigate the complex environment both within and outside its schools. One of the publications created by the Del Valle Independent School District (DVISD) to assist its employees is an employee handbook. This paper will provide an overview of the DVISD employee handbook contents, discuss observations from district employees about the handbook, and examine the contents in light of research that offers best practices on how to write an effective employee handbook.
At first I was not sure what I should put, but then when I starting thinking about it, it came pretty easily. However I did have a difficult time thinking about what I can’t change because I try not to focus on that.
A person communicate different variety of ways, both verbally and non-verbally. Primates and other animals have been communicating without the use of language since long before humans invented verbal communication. Some scientists believe that even today, most communication between humans is non-verbal. Both types of communication differ significantly between genders and across cultures.
Initially and still relatively concrete in thought, I sincerely felt that the leadership within the school hierarchy started with the principal and branched down all the way to the core teachers, specialists, and support staff, establishing that whatever the aims and jurisdictions set forth by the principal overtly shaped the nature of a school’s approach to reform and learning expectations. Additionally, teachers were expected to operate in their specific roles to advance those expectations set forth in large school staff meetings that planned
Before entering English 1301, I had my doubts about what this class was going to consist of. Considering this is a college level English class, and a subject I struggled in, my worries were not at ease. Throughout the year, my understanding and comprehension of the writing process, as well as how to write different varieties of writing, have strengthened. After partaking in this course, I am confident I have met the student learning outcomes.
I am particularly interested in the 1st STEP program because of the opportunity presented to acquire advocacy, persuasion and presentation skills that are fundamental not only in the court room but also in all areas of lawyering. As a continuing J.D. student, and ranked 86 (47%) of my class, I wish to engage in the fundamentals of litigation so as to better serve possible clients. Because I was pre-admitted into the program upon my acceptance letter, I choose Golden Gate University to learn and grow and hope this program will further my education.
Reflecting back on my experiences from my Writing 39C (and Writing 39B) class, I can acknowledge the changes and evolution in myself as a writer. In my Week 1 Self-Assessment, which was written at the beginning of the Writing 39C course in reflection to Writing 39B, I mentioned that one of my central strategies in my writing process is focusing on the pre-writing. My pre-writing process includes strategies such as brainstorming and outlining. I mentioned in the self-assessment that I would “pick up the strategies I have learned and continue to use them in the course of Writing 39C”. With that, I carried the strategy of pre-writing over to Writing 39C knowing that research papers would require a plenty amount of pre-writing. A method commonly used in research papers that I have gained experience in from this course is creating annotated bibliographies which I would consider a part of the pre-writing process. Annotated bibliographies assisted me in my writing significantly by helping me feel better prepared and giving me groundwork for starting my research paper.
around School Site a and its instructional leadership structure (Gall, Gall, & Borg, 2003, p. 437). As part of this in-depth case study, I purposely designed research that would encompass the experience of teachers, teacher leaders, school administration and district administration. Through thorough analysis, I was able to triangulate the data in order to use ?different methods with different strengths and limitations to see if they all support the same conclusions? (Maxwell, 2013, p. 102). From the findings of the data found in the in-depth case study, the Guide was created. After original creation of the Guide, a second stage of data collection took place to access the relevancy and usefulness of the Guide. Both sets of findings are included in this chapter. For ease and understanding, I have labeled the states of data collection as Stage One and Stage Two. Stage One data collection encompassed survey, individual interviews, and focus group interviews that informed the findings and analysis in this chapter. Stage two includes results from a pilot survey and twelve individual interviews around the usefulness of the Guide and suggestions for
English isn't one of my favorite subjects, but it was interesting to learn much more about English through this course. This course, overall, taught me about how to organize my ideas and the importance of clicking the button that checks one's spelling on the paper. Even though, I improved throughout my time in this course in my organization and expressing my ideas. I still have some mistakes to improve on in my writing. English 101 showed the importance of writing and the ability to express my ideas throughout my academic career.
I attend the 2017 Fall Symposium Advocating for TESOL at Miami Dade College. My plan for plan for engaging in advocacy for emergent bilingual students would be starting out with something simple as giving families the resources to advocate on their own behalf (Association, 2015). Some resources I would provide families with are brochures, contact information to local agencies, workshops, and district school meetings. In my plan to engage in advocacy I will start out with connecting with others to share/ gain knowledge for ELL students. I would show this by, attending community events, informal conversations, professional learning communities, and through professional development.
Reflective Essay As I began this semester, I was sure that I would absolutely despise English 112 since English has never been my strongest subject. Aside from those feelings, I still needed this class as a prerequisite for my nursing major. To my surprise, I found that this class actually became easier as it progressed. The more I had to write, the easier it became and each paper became less stressful.
* establishes a system of praise and constructive criticism - rewards and improvement; grows with the organisation
A reflective essay is essentially an essay designed to emulate past experiences or occurrences in writing form. Most reflective essays are to show the reader changes and evolutions of yourself or certain aspects about yourself, so there is a constant change of tenses during the essay between past and present. During this essay I will be describing the most important parts of writing a reflective essay and all the key elements that should be included.