
Reflective Essay/100 Week 2 Practicum

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For the second practicum, I was asked to be engaged for fifty hours on several administrative activities. For this assignment, I completed the following five activities: (1) working on the parent, student, and teacher handbook, (2) pre-interviewing possible teacher candidates, (3) observing a safety meeting, (4) data analysis, and (5) participating in a board meeting. This segment of the paper will discuss these aforementioned activities along with a reflection on these activities. The first activity I was involved in was the rewriting of many sections of the parent, student, and teacher handbook. I was selected as a member of this rewriting process given my experience in using the handbooks for writing papers in various classes taken for the UWF Educational Leadership program. There was a need to rewrite a significant …show more content…

In Florida, charter schools need to undergo the charter renewal process every five years. The initiation of the process requires an inspection from the local school district to ensure the viability and safety of the school building. Given the number of suspensions and criminal incidents our school experience last year, it was suggested by the district that an upgrade to security would be necessary for a renewal of the charter. Although our school does have an electronic surveillance system, it does not cover some areas in which students can easily enter and exit the building. In order to rectify the situation, the development of “zones” for before, during, and after school duties was suggested. Teachers or security would be responsible for manning these zones. The reasoning behind these zones is for the principal to understand that if an incident were to occur, she would know what teacher to contact to gather information from the incident. Applying this strategy would fill a major security loophole that may one day prove to be dangerous to faculty, staff, and

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