Good afternoon Ms. Vance, Due to the fact that I had agree to work on Thursday to make some hours for this week, because Monday was a holiday (President Day) the courthouse was closed. And since I only work three days a week I was going to be missing Monday hours and that was going to make my hours short for this week, and I can not have short hours because I won't have enough to pay bills. They only got me working 25 hours a weeks, So this is why I will not be in classes on Thursday, I had made this decision on last Friday afternoon when I left work. However, I did not know you was going to give us a exam on Thursday until I find out in class on Tuesday. I really need my hours for work so that I can make my 25 hours this week. Also I was
English class has never been my strong suite. I always had to work twice as hard in English then I did in any other class. Writing paper always had me stressed and overwhelmed, I felt discouraged in my work. l never seemed to be able to get to the level I wanted to. I would try my hardest and paid attention in class, but when it came to writing the paper none of that seemed to help. I think that my experience in English Composition 1 has helped gain and grow in some areas, but I don’t think that it highlights a well-written college essay. Some elements that I worked to improving was introduction paragraphs, tone, style, and thesis statements.
Reflecting on this course over this semester, there have been many lessons learned that will be valuable, as we enter the business world. Our first lesson was to learn to work together, as a team, to prepare a short memo, long memo, letter, and email for use in the business world. This is a lesson that will experience many times as we do our daily work. Punctuation and grammar are so important to present to the client and other organizations that we are professionals. It could mean the loss of a sale or acquiring new business. It’s like dressing for work; looking professional or unprofessional.
Being seated in 9th-grade honors is an opportunity I need to be worthy of in this essay by making clear of my strengths, my fighting weaknesses, and bringing about a more desirable person in me. I wished to be forced to my limits in an honors class.
At first I was not sure what I should put, but then when I starting thinking about it, it came pretty easily. However I did have a difficult time thinking about what I can’t change because I try not to focus on that.
A person communicate different variety of ways, both verbally and non-verbally. Primates and other animals have been communicating without the use of language since long before humans invented verbal communication. Some scientists believe that even today, most communication between humans is non-verbal. Both types of communication differ significantly between genders and across cultures.
By taking English 102, it has given me skills to help become a college level writer. It is important to become a college level writer so that it better prepares me for future college courses. College level writing is going to be extremely important for me especially, as I go into law school, and hoping to be a future lawyer. During this course, I have learned how to better incorporate research and evidence into my essays, whether that be to help prove a point or to just provide general background knowledge on an issue. English 102 has helped prepare me as well on helping me become a better writer, by helping me understand what a good source is to use and how to apply these aspects of research without showing bias, but simply stating the facts. Through
Although I started the semester off not knowing how to write a strong well-written essay, English 101 has expanded my visions on writing. It's helped me grow as a student and what I have learned from it will help me in the future. We wrote many different types of essays with different types of writing styles, which helped me find my strengths and weaknesses. I gain strength in my weaknesses and improved my strengths.
English isn't one of my favorite subjects, but it was interesting to learn much more about English through this course. This course, overall, taught me about how to organize my ideas and the importance of clicking the button that checks one's spelling on the paper. Even though, I improved throughout my time in this course in my organization and expressing my ideas. I still have some mistakes to improve on in my writing. English 101 showed the importance of writing and the ability to express my ideas throughout my academic career.
This essay is a reflective account on my experience within the introductory period of my practice when caring for a patient. The essay will give the definition of reflection. This reflective essay will help me demonstrate how my experience in practice has helped me achieve one of the learning outcomes in my learning plan, (appendix 1). Driscoll (2000) will be used as a reflective model. The essay will explore what (description of events) so what (analysis) and now what (action plan). This essay is going to reflect on the importance of good communication with patients.
The dreaded English 102. Could this be my final English course in my career as a student? I don’t know for sure. I still need to decide what my major will be in. There is something that I know for sure, that is, needing to take this class to move on. I am not certain how my time in this class will go, but I plan to work hard to get the best grade that I can. Hence, I have decided to get this out of the way now, I look to fine-tune my writing skills, and I expect this course to help me understand my writing style.
My experiences with education have allowed me to witness disparities and challenges that underrepresented students face, as education systems are not designed to meet the needs of these scholars. Furthermore, these experiences have further motivated me to address these issues through research and community involvement. I hope to discover new ways in which underrepresented students can be assisted throughout their postsecondary educational journeys, through graduate research at the Harvard Graduate School of Education. Ultimately, with a Doctoral Degree focused on Education, I want to conduct transformative research and share this work as faculty at a research-intensive higher education institution.
To begin with, I joined English 101 because I am doing general studies at the moment. Secondly, I took the placement test and the score I received was best suited for English 101. In addition, writing was never my strongest subject, but I am willing to put the effort to be a better writer. I expect to gain from taking English 101 is to argue and support a position, edit and proofread thoroughly, and understand the stages of the writing process. I’m sure I will have concerns in the future, but I’m not worried about them because I will seek for help when I’m in need. Furthermore, I will use all resources available such as going to the teacher for help, getting toured, EMCC Computer Commons, Buckeye Campus- Student Services, EMCC Library, and
Have you ever been stumped, or confused to the point that you wanted to cry? While you were suffocating on the near, seemingly endless, amount of questions you wanted to ask, did you weep? Were you drowning in the cesspool of fear when you read that paper? Did your report card and/or progress report do this to you? If this is the case, then follow these directions to be great and succeed in the 8th grade. How will I improve in my academics, you ask? Well, they could improve if I started practicing and studying harder, working hard and gaining necessary help, and gaining knowledge to pass classes.
During the course of the quarter, I feel that I have progressed somewhat. I've gained a lot of knowledge on rhetorical strategies and how to present arguments effectively. In the writings I have written, I feel that each writing works towards meeting the course goals. Logos, ethos, and pathos were strategies and ideas we were introduced to (if not already in the past) and were built upon throughout the quarter. The knowledge gained over the course of the quarter weren't only those three types of appeals. Rhetorical strategies like proposals helped reinforce the course and using rhetorical analysis in different situations have become easier throughout the quarter. I believe that I have made sufficient progress towards becoming a better
As a practicing teaching, it is responsibility to create and maintain a safe and supportive learning environment for students. Whilst on professional experience at a local school in Cairns, I taught a series of lessons (artefact 4) for a year 8 Health and Physical Education class. In order to effectively teach each lesson, I had to manage the classroom activities and challenging behaviours. I used the ten micro-skills for classroom management to not only manage students’ behaviour but also ensure inclusive student participation and engagement.