Although writing papers usually comes easily to me, I found it particularly difficult to write this paper. At first I found it difficult to begin the paper. I struggled to organize my ideas in the beginning. Once I started writing, I couldn’t stop. Being restricted to only two pages, I struggled to say everything I wanted to say in a short and succinct manner. By the time I wrote all my own original ideas down, I didn’t have any room left for quotes. Only having two quotes in my paper hurt my grade because I did not have enough textual evidence. Every time I tried to add a quote, my paper went over the two page limit. I also struggled finding quotes that supported what I wanted to say. In the future, I need to do a better job finding textual
My writing is still in progress because I have some things that I am proud of and there are also some features in my writing that needs to be fixed. For example, I am proud of myself working hard to get a good score in my first major essay by making lots of revisions and making sure I have a plan before I write. Next, I am also proud of my second mini essay ( which was a speech to convince authorities). I am proud of this piece of work because not only did I get a good score, I used Logos, Pathos,and Ethos correctly in my speech. This work proved that I can use rhetorical appeals in a way to persuade my audience. In addition, I am proud of some of my creative prompts. I remember I had a prompt about what happen last night. In this prompt I
Writing is a practice that most of us were taught when we were young. We were taught the basics of grammar, how to form a sentence, conjunction words, how to write paragraphs and more. Although we have learned this skill while growing up and have used the skill every year after entering kindergarten, this does not mean our writing process will ensure the best work. The authors that I chose each encourage their audience to excel in the art of writing in their own way to help with the writing process.
I have always prided myself on my thoughts and ideas; it is my ability to convey those thoughts through writing, with which I struggle. In highschool I managed to get by fairly well in my English class. We were primarily graded on reading comprehension, and so my poor writing skills had little opportunity to negatively impact my grade. I did not find this to be so in Writing 100, however. It quickly came to my attention that I would need to improve my writing if I wished to do well. I realized that in order to improve my writing, I would need to fix one of my worst qualities as a writer: my tendency to begin writing without properly understanding the prompt. This past semester in Writing 100 I have made an effort to fix this, and it has led me to become more intentional of the purpose of my essays, which, in my opinion, has helped highlight an intellectual depth that my work was incapable of displaying before.
If you are not in a hurry and want to analysis your writing in detail, then you must check out Slick Write. Slick Write not only points out your errors but also gives you an analysis of your writing which lists phrases, filler words, uncommon words, adverbs, passive words, prepositions and lots more. Once in a while, I keep track how I am improving my writing with Slick Write. It’s a good way to know progress in the quality of your
Starting a piece of writing has always been tough for me. There are times when I have spent an hour trying to figure out how I should start my writing. Now that's partly because of procrastination but main due to the fact that the intro to any piece is writing, in my opinion, is the most important aspect of any form of writing.
I totally agree with what the author is saying in the text. It takes time to get a good product out even though we think some people are deep and wonderful they still have the same struggles that we have when it comes to writing. I like this text because it is realistic it is giving an account of first drafts from common day people and shows how it is even for professional writers have problems with. This point is important because as people we sometimes feel we are not as good or capable of doing something not realizing that the people we look up to have the same problems we do. Another point that I agree with the author on is that you have to start somewhere. Many times as writers we don’t know where to start when it comes to writing. That being said we will just sit and think for ten twenty minutes when we could've just been information on the paper and then editing it later. In addition I liked that the author used examples from his professional experience when it came to writing food reviews. By him using details like how he went to the restaurant and sat down with friends and took notes of what was said. This was good to me because it helps me connect with him and the things that he does to write his reviews.
One of the techniques I am going to use through out college is talking to
Most of us were in a situation when we had to say: “I am not too good at it.”, or “I can try, but it is not my field”. For example, somebody will ask me to draw a picture of a cat. I will try. I have seen cats before, know how to operate a pencil, have a flat piece of paper. I am even passing by art gallery on the regular basis, on my way to work. But I still cannot be sure you will not mistake my picture of a cat for a picture of a tractor or an intergalactic battlefield scene. That is how I feel about assignment to write about my writing process. So far, mine I can divide in three steps.
Three aspects of my writing I wish to improve are grammar, punctuation, and flow or order. These issues have affected my ability to get my point across, and it has also made what I was trying to say mean something totally different. When the flow or order of my writing is wrong it also makes people stop reading what I wrote or not understand what I am saying. The way I plan on to fix these issues is by more practice. I learn better my doing it not by reading or watching someone teaching me. I know my writing has improved since the job I have I have to write more letters to customers and I have my boss look it over before I send it. By doing this he shows where I can improve by adding items or removing items from the letter. By taking this
I have improved very much in my writing process over this semester. I have grown as a writer in each writing process step such as prewriting, drafting, revising and editing, and overall. Outlining, writing a good thesis, getting peer reviewed, and giving myself plenty of time to finish a paper are new strengths that I have learned over the semester. I will reflect on all the topics in the writing process and my growth in argumentation essays. In fact, my previous attitude and feelings about writing was that I disliked it, and I knew that it was a weakness of mine. Now, I feel that I can write a strong argumentation essay. I have the sense that I have progressed a considerable amount from my first essay to my last.
My writing skills developed drastically. I went into elementary school not knowing a word of English becuase my parents spoke Cantonese at home. Therefore, I struggled in elementary and middle school. However, the teachers at my high school have taught me amply. Therefore, English is a strong subject of mine. I learns the conventions of writing a well-structured and drive essay. However, I struggle in communicating. For example, I am slightly fearful of presenting, but I push myself into producing well-developed lessons. Additionally, I rely heavily off a script and is a skill I am actively working to
With what knowledge I have about writing, I feel like it needs improvement. I feel like I am so far behind with the knowledge of writing from other people. When I have a subject to write about I end up drawing a blank on how I should start out the paragraph. I will over think everything to where it gets to the point that I get so frustrated that I just want to quit.
Before I came to college, I felt my writing had to follow a certain pattern and be fixated around one way of thinking. What I was fortunate to learn was quite the opposite. Writing does not have to follow any certain pattern, but can rather be structured through many different possibilities. I was also told in high school that my papers either had to agree or disagree with the given topic, even if I believed otherwise. This formulated a very one-track way of thinking when it came to my papers. Now I know that I can let my mind explore new and exciting ideas. I can agree, disagree, compliment, criticize, and question the author however my heart desires, as long as I have the evidence to back myself up. Many authors in the book, Writing About Writing, explain their processes as well as the processes of others when it comes to writing. As a writer, I can draw on my own processes and relate them to the authors, as well as use their ideas and apply them to myself. Through reading, I have learned new methods of invention, planning and revising, and incubation when it comes to writing. All ways I can use to create more meaningful and creative work.
"Most of the time they like to listen to sad songs about love"(89). William plays his guitar and his girlfriend, Tiffany sits next to him leaning her head on his shoulder as she studies for her Geometry test. The sound carries and echoes through Mamiya. We may be on different sides of the building, but the memories of being on the same side linger. As people grow older and become romantically involved with others, they start to change their habits and don't pay attention to their old friends. Sometimes the old friend must accept that others have changed and move on to be happy.
Over the eighth grade year, I have learned to effectively use feedback and reflection skills to strengthen my writing. These writing processes taught me to include peer and teacher feedback along with self-reflection to earn a better grade on my writing pieces. In the beginning of the year, I would simply complete the drafts my teacher assigned. Proof of my original writing process is shown in the essay, titled One Necessity of a Hero: Personal Sacrifice, in which it reflects on the Thematic Unit. To demonstrate my poor writing process, a segment of my original introduction stated, “After analyzing documents from The Hobbit Thematic Unit, I discovered that the principles of heroism involve personal sacrifice. I also learned that a hero is