
Reflective Essay About My Beloved Daughter

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I want my life to be a lesson to you. Know that whatever tragic or heartbreaking situations you may go through God has a plan and he will always be right there waiting with open arms for you to come running back. As you know, I had a horrific childhood from the start, but God kept pursuing me wherever I went and he never gave up until I came back to him. Know that people will deceive you, they will let you down, they will put their needs before yours, but stand firm in your faith of God. He will always deliver you from whatever it is you're going through. My beloved daughter, I want you to know that even though I've been through extreme situations in my life God had a plan and he has one for you also. This is a story of beauty through the ashes, God's redeeming love and I want to share it with you.
My mother worshiped my father, Alex Stafford, so much that she was willing to send her own flesh and blood away because it displeased him when I was in his presence. One night while I was away, Cleo my nursemaid was tired of my crying over my mother. She tried to tell me in a rather stern way that my mother was such a sweet, stupid fool. After wiping my tear stained cheeks she professed “nobody cares about anybody in this world, we all just use each other in one way or another. To feel good. To feel bad. To feel nothing at all. The lucky ones are really good at it. Like your rich papa. The rest of us just take what we can get”. She was right in some ways, darling. There are

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