When I first read the prompt, the first subject that came to mind was All-State related because it was getting close to the time where I send in recordings to enter the All-State Music festival again and the harsh events that happened when I first auditioned had flashed through my mind. In my college prep class at the high school, we were also doing essay writing and one of the prompts were similar to this one so I decided to do that. In class, we learned about how not every experience would be a good experience that can create an impact and that it’s more unusual to write about something unforgettable and learning from that. Even though the first audition was two years ago, I remembered everything clearly in my head like it happened just yesterday.
So, when I finished the outline that I was required to do in class, there was a lot of detailed information and it was in a sentence format which can just be pieced together to create an essay. The teacher told me this is not how an outline was suppose to
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Everything I had pieced together went together and while looking at my screen, I realized that I’m probably doing what I’ve been doing every single year and every single time I write an essay. I included more information than I needed, so I started checking for sentences that were extra information that didn’t really need to be there to make my point. Once I was less than 800 words and more than 750 words, I created a copy and worked on my other class essay, which was to write a 500 word essay. I remember the requirements for each class, so I cut out a lot and it was still at 600. That was when I decided to cut out more extraneous information. It did not work as I had hoped it would so I asked for help. I didn’t realize how many more words could still be taken out until the teacher told me the reason behind it. Everyday, there was always a little change and as I got help on my short essay, I made changes to the bigger
Jury Selection of the 1930’s was very racially bias and prejudice towards the African American race by the white society. Also the men of white society minimized women's rights by not letting them participate in the jury. The jury selection process has changed vastly from the 1930’s until now. It is more complex and safe and open to all race and gender, people can’t just be on the jury there is a selection process for it. I believe that in 1933, Tom Robinson was unjustly charged because the process based on jury selection, jury selection experts, and the extreme difference in racial bias from then until now.
Collaboration. The use of online websites, blogs and digital audio software for musicians to collaborate on projects and disseminate new ideas throughout online communities. In this section, I will draw on the work of Jones (2011) and Lysloff (2003) to discuss how much easier it is for musicians to find others in similar genre’s to collaborate with, particularly in more obscure genres of music.
Many schools around the country are cutting their music program because of budget cuts in their counties. The arts for some reason are always the first to be cut; apparently the school doesn’t think they are essential to their students learning. Schools try to focus on the more important academic classes because of the high testing standards they must now meet. (Nesoff 2003) This is not just happening in poor school districts it is happening in large districts across the country including magnet schools for the arts: “When Albert Margolis and his wife attended the final music program for their son's kindergarten class in May, they were shocked when a teacher stood up after the performance and
“The one thing that doesn’t abide by majority rule is a person’s conscience,” (Lee 120). This quote from To Kill a Mockingbird is a good representation of the book. The book is set in the fictional town of Maycomb, Alabama during the Great Depression. Jean Louise (Scout) Finch, narrates the story of herself and her family facing the racial prejudices of the time. When her father Atticus, defends an innocent black man in a rape trial, Maycomb turns on Scout's family. Atticus, Scout, and her brother Jem stand up for what they believe in even if their neighbors disagree. By analyzing Harper Lee’s use of symbolism and tone, the reader can learn that courage isn’t physical strength, you gain morals as you grow, and prejudice kills innocence.
Culture is defined as the boundary between different people from different ends of the earth. For my project I had to interview another person from a different culture. This was difficult for me because I had no idea where to start because I didn’t know what made my culture specific to me. I found my interview subject relatively fast and I sat down and asked the questions. I found my subject from my boss I interviewed my bosses boyfriends sister and we went at it.
Volunteering for the St. Vincent DePaul Community Meals program, since the age of ten, has given me the ability to assist others while simultaneously sparking my desire to help people. Preparing and serving healthy, hot meals provides people in need with a nutritional alternative to an empty stomach. I am a member of various clubs such as National Honor Society, Future Business Leaders of America, International Club, Gender Equality Club, and Global Issues Club. Holding several positions from President to Secretary, these roles offer me responsibilities which allow me to learn balance. I am also heavily involved with the music program. Music has given me the courage to do things such as perform at
When I was in fifth grade, I was caught between two worlds, playing a woodwind or string instrument. If I played a woodwind instrument I would have to blow in it to make music, but string instruments are played with a bow to make music. After much thought, I decided that the violin was the best instrument for me, because it has a beautiful, unique sound, plus the possibilities are never-ending. I could receive a compliment from a teacher, or even get accepted to the symphony.
December. Ask most students, and this is the best month of the first half of school. The semester is coming to a close, and holiday season is near. On the other end of the spectrum, when a band nerd hears the word, they are overcome with a mix of emotions: fear, anxiety, and excitement. The cause for this: District Honor Band.
Initially, a writer should do an outline before starting any essay. An outline can help to organize his or her main points in order to build an introduction, body and conclusion. This method of pre writing was something that I had never been exposed to prior to receiving an example outline from Professor Vilceus. By studying the example, I went from zero knowledge about an outline to creating ones that made arranging essay material uncomplicated.
Few would argue against the idea that we educate ourselves and our society so that we have adequate means with which to understand and interact with elements of the world around us. Subjects such as mathematics, language, history, and the hard sciences are granted immediate and unquestioned legitimacy in our schools, and with good reason. We encounter each of these elements of our lives on a daily basis. We need to have an understanding of these disciplines in order to interact with them, otherwise they are meaningless to us. I submit that the same can be said for the fundamental concepts of music. Music is something that we encounter in our society every day. It surrounds us. Indeed
I was not nervous about writing this time. I looked at my paper and racked my brain trying to figure out how to cut my essay down from seven pages to three. It was a challenge, my essay was very detailed and filled with rich dialogue. The thought of cutting it, caused me near physical pain. I had poured my heart into that essay and now I had to cut up my work to meet length requirements. Saying that it was a challenge was an understatement. Despite this, I felt confident that I could do it, and I started revising my essay. The first thing I tried was cutting out portions of it. But after reading it, it felt flat, so I had to try another approach. I decided paraphrasing would be the better choice. I cut out everything that didn’t follow the main idea, and paraphrased nearly every piece of dialogue in my story. When I was finished, I had three and half pages. I made a decision, the essay couldn’t be cut down anymore without my story suffering for it, so I left it as it was. The next week I received a nearly perfect grade. Had I been faced with this decision in the beginning of the course, I would not have made the same choice. I would have second guessed myself, tried to shorten my essay even more, and weakened my story. My writing confidence had definitely improved. Now it was time to face my last obstacle, and write the final draft of my persuasive
An outline guides the writer so that they will not lose track of what they are writing about. I always used the same outline when writing counseling statements for my Soldiers. This outline was arranged from the most important to the least
Seussical the Musical was not my first choice, but the show quickly grew on me. My primary goal in this project for me was to complete anything asked of me as well as learn all I could about the entire design process. Working on my drafting skills and learning how to collaborate with another designer were additional goals I wanted to work on.
One thing that over the years I’ve become very good at is learning how to play many musical instruments. The different factors and components of this learning process include learning music theory, learning the basics of an instrument and how to apply different skills to various types of instruments such as string, brass, percussion and wind. Some of the instruments that I have learned are piano, organ, harpsichord, keyboard, guitar, bass, mandolin, trombone, cello, banjo, harmonica and soon the fiddle. Each of these different types of instruments required a different basic skill set.
The Musical Composition that has changed my life to how I see music is the song The Stroke from Billy Squier. I did not really know the meaning of the song, but it really Widened my Horizon in terms of music from only before listening to The Beatles, The Beach Boys, and The Monkeys. Then later being able to listen to Rush, AC/DC, Aerosmith And Other Really good rock bands that I still love today. Then I started collecting Records then I started collecting CDs, the first album I bought for myself is the majestic Black Sabbath Album “Paranoid” The album with the musical compositions Paranoid, Iron Man, War Pigs/Luke’s Wall, Planet Caravan, Rat Salad, Electric Funeral, And Fairies Wear Boots. This album was such an amazing introduction to Black