
Reflective Essay: Applying To A Scholarship

Decent Essays

I hesitated at first when debating whether or not I should apply to this scholarship; as a white person, I felt that it wouldn’t be right to apply to a scholarship for racial diversity. Nevertheless, I believe that I can help ease racial tensions and push our society towards the acceptance of equality. As a Bulgarian, I feel that I can relate to at least some of the struggles faced today by people of color. People have teased me and have made assumptions about me based on my nationality; I am a foreigner wherever I go. I am “the American” in Bulgaria, and “the Bulgarian” in America. I have been called a communist, and have had my Bulgarian heritage generalized to being “basically like Russia.” I know how simultaneously frustrating and painful such experiences can be. I have been able to deal with this struggles, but I know others are not as fortunate. I can only imagine how horrible the prejudices people face must be when they cannot hide their differences. Those who attempt to speak up for themselves or others often get attacked verbally and socially, if not physically. …show more content…

People defend racist remarks as jokes, dismiss activists as entitled children, and ignore the struggles of marginalized groups. People like Donald Trump rise to power by preaching hate and encouraging prejudice. At times, I cannot fathom how backwards our world continues to be. Though real change can seem nearly impossible to achieve, I believe that our nation can work to be better. I hope that I can be a catalyst for change. I would like to be in the Darwin T. Turner Scholarship Program because I want to work with people who feel the same way, to help make difference, however small it may be, that will lead us towards true

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