
Reflective Essay Definition

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Pt. met with AMS Primary Counselor for her monthly individual session on time. Counselor greeted pt. and asked her to sign her Record of Services sheet. Counselor inquired how she have been doing with her pregnancy. Pt informed that this writer that her Doctor recommended bed rest for the duration of her pregnancy. Pt. reported that she is really content with her doctor. Pt. stated, “She is really nice. She gave me her phone number and told me to call her anytime.” Pt. indicated that he scheduled to have a c section on June 12, 2017. Pt. spoke about how she got a c section during his last pregnancy. Pt. explained having her stiches remove in the middle of May and it’s a possibility she deliver the baby before June, 12 2017 Counselor encouraged …show more content…

Pt. verbalized how her aunt who live nearby is going to help to take care of her grandfather during and after she deliver the baby. Pt’s grandfather is older and is forgetting to take his daily prescribed medications. …show more content…

Pt. stated that she is mentally stable. Counselor inquired if she has used any illicit drugs since his last therapy session, which she replied no. Pt. verbalized her agreement with the treatment plan long-term objectives implemented by Counselor. Pt. requested a Dose Evaluation form to increase his dosage of methadone. Pt. reported that she isn’t responding as am expected to her 140 mg of methadone. Pt. reported that she has been negative symptoms late at night. Pt. stated, “I can’t go to sleep and my joints are hurting.” Counselor told Pt. that she needs to report this symptoms to the AMS nurse and to attend pregnancy group to learn more about her special pregnancy situation. Counselor prompted Pt to attend the AMS pregnancy group for the month of April. At the end of the session, Counselor discussed and encouraged Pt. to practice relaxation more now that she is pregnant, to follow doctor medical recommendation, and better nutrition contribute to a physically and emotionally healthy

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