After touring and researching NC State, I realized that the diversity of this campus community has passed what I originally expected, and from seeing how diverse it was, I knew that I wanted to be a part of it. Although I may only be a Caucasian male, I believe that I would both contribute and benefit from this campus’s diversity. Currently, I consider myself pretty involved as I participate in a variety of extracurriculars, including the Sociedad Honoraria Hispánica, where we volunteer within Hispanic communities and with students who are in need of help with the Spanish language. From being involved in high school, I believe I could transfer this involvement in some shape or form into my life in college. However, not only will I contribute
Keeping in line with Marietta College’s statement on Diversity and Inclusion, it is important to map out a plan to make sure we are living up to the mission of the college. In order to fulfill this mission, it is necessary to have students from diverse backgrounds represented on campus. However, having students on campus is only one aspect of D&I work. Understanding the make-up of the college and the surrounding city, it is necessary to ensure these students have the support to be retained through graduation. In this effort, I propose the creation of a three part program that will assist in this effort. This plan will involve
The diversity and location of NC State is what draws me to this University. From the first moment I stepped onto the campus, to the tours and talking to current students, I felt the excitement of the campus. NC State is a rich community that is strong because of the variety of classes, teachers, students, and activities, and for the array of perspectives and experiences. From attending a small school in a small town, then transitioning to a larger high school, this feels like a natural next step.
I already have ambitions to become president of a Hispanic fraternity on campus, whether it maybe Lambda Upsilon Lambda or Lambda Sigma Upsilon. As I venture through either of these fraternities, my main goal is to acquire a strong brotherhood, but simultaneously be able to create networks that will benefit myself in the future. Joining a Hispanic fraternity alongside volunteering and joining other clubs such as the Association of Latino Professionals in Finance and Accounting, will allow me to be able to embrace my Colombian heritage and allow me to achieve a sense of personal enrichment that I am looking for. My past experience in the work field exemplifies that I want to continue working and helping the Hispanic community. During my last semester of high school, I interned at a law firm named Susan Scheer Immigration Law in which it specialized in immigration law. At this internship, I not only sorted and organized files, but I also helped translate in interviews and documents that would later be presented in court. Continuing into my college career, I wanted to keep helping the Hispanic and Immigrant community progress. As a son of
As a first generation, Mexican-American student who is proud of being involved in both Greek life and the Theatre community on campus, I believe that I have a very unique position as a member of the Cornell community. As a first generation, Mexican American student I know the struggles that come with navigating the college process and all the obstacles that come with it. I can empathize with others who might be facing the same struggles and I enjoy being as helpful as possible, so that others can avoid some of the road blocks that I faced during the college search process. As a member of the Greek community, I understand the importance of philanthropy and building a network with other diverse minds. Through this community I have come to value
Looking at the diversity in New York City you can see that each of its counties has its own story and not much cohesion of general stories. The Bronx has experienced an infusion of different ethnicities of Hispanics and a slight decrease in the diversity of its Asian community all this and it is on par with Richmond County to be one of the least diversified areas. Kings County has been steadily losing the diversity of it Asian immigrants but its Hispanic diversity continues to increase each census period. New York County revealed a high total diversity with an increasingly diverse Hispanic community but its Asian community is the lease diversified. Lastly, Richmond is the lease diversified in the 1990 and 2010 census but its total diversification
History, it is the building block of the future. We as Americans have had a history like none other. Diversity has always been a part of our history. In the past it has laid the base for flourishing cultures and a feeling of belonging. In the present it has brought diversity through political parties, opportunity for minorities, but also shortcomings and views of division. But if diversity can continue to flourish, and if we can learn to compromise, our future will be abundant with progress and peace.
Over the last couple of years, I have had many opportunities that dealt with me enriching diversity for my campus and community. Being a member of Phi Theta Kappa has many immeasurable benefits. One benefit that came with me being a chapter officer at North Hennepin Community College is that every year we get to choose a project that benefits or raises awareness to the community. This year me and my Phi Theta Kappa team chapter members wanted to see what our fellow student body members thought about equally underrepresented minorities in position of power. We were able to gather and interpret the results. From the results, I personally changed my attitude, I learned that everyone needs to be educated so that they could be more knowledgeable
Ever since its infancy, the United States of America has been a shining beacon on the hill for people of all nations to claim the opportunity to embrace the American Dream; equally available to everyone. America is the land of opportunity, but not the land of equal representation. Congress is notorious for being filled with Caucasian, male politicians and limited in women and those of minorities. A Congress without parity is a Congress which is not representative of the general populace, and this limited worldview is only just now becoming less acceptable as the people are becoming more aware of the discrepancies in diversity within the American Congress. America has always been known as a melting pot, spiced with every flavor of diversity,
The data that I chose to examine is black population in the year 2010 and income in the past 12 months below poverty level. I obtained these tabular data from the North Carolina Linc website ( The data for the black population in the state of North Carolina is the official record of Census Bureau. The Census Bureau gathered this data through people who associated themselves as being “black or African American” (NC LINC- Data definition). The second variable that I chose to examine is the North Carolina counties where the income in the past 12 months falls below the poverty level. According to the Institute for Research on Poverty, the U.S. Census Bureau measure the poverty level by “comparing pretax income to the three times the cost of minimum food diet” (How is poverty measured in the United States?). Unlike some people, my prior knowledge on these subjects was very minimal until I read the article “The Case for Reparations” by Ta-Nehisi Coates. Coates article focuses on stratification, social class and class system in the American society. The article had very interesting and shocking point which made me measure them first hand through the use of NC LINK and ArcGIS online mapping software.
The purpose of this paper is to reflect upon the diverse experiences that I have had in my personal and professional life. Fortunately, I have had a large mix of diverse friends and experiences in my life. This paper will discuss those diversities as well as the plan to expand on my current knowledge.
As a person who is very open to different ideals and processes, I strongly believe that diversity is one of the most important tools to success in education, work, and life. The area of North Carolina that I come from is very distinct in its homogeneity; Marvin, North Carolina, is a wealthy, successful community but ultimately lacks in diversity. Growing up in an area constricted by unvarying ideals and views, one may become out of touch with differing thought processes or approaches to different aspects of life. NC State is truly a community that is diversified by dissimilar attributes, and these distinctions are what make a community great. I believe that I will able to benefit immensely from the campus diversity by being able to collaborate
POLS 590: Race Race in Political Science and Public Administration Annotated Bibliography of the Pertinent Literature Michelle Fletcher Dr. Randolph Burnside Summer 2015 Race and Diversity: Surveying the Literature in Political Science and Public Administration The literature covered in this readings section offered a diverse sampling of the texts and articles that are central to an academic understanding of race and diversity in both political science and public administration. Prior to reading these important works and completing this assignment I was unaware of the clear distinctions that exist between the treatments of race as a variable of interest in each discipline. Specifically, I believed that political science housed the scholarly
Plessy vs. Ferguson was a landmark decision passed in 1896 that instituted the practice of 'separate but equal' in American society. The 'separate but equal' doctrine was an oppressive system of racial segregation which greatly lessened the rights of all minorities especially in public education. The fight for educational equality made public schools in North Carolina and other states in the south a major area of conflict. Wilma Peebles-Wilkins noted, 'Upward mobility through the educational structure is in keeping with the desires of post-World War II black Americans to enhance their economic, political, and social statuses.' There were many court cases in which organizations such as the National Association for the Advancement of
Cloud State University is such a wonderful place for people to explore other cultures. The international student community is so massive and it gives students to meet new people. Coming from a diverse place, I felt that I came into college with a good understanding for other people’s cultures. I’ve been abroad and have been thrown into situations where I didn’t feel comfortable and had to adapt. However, in being here for two months, I’ve met people from places I’d thought I’d never get to meet. It’s so crazy of how diverse this school is, and I hope that I never stop being able to explore other people’s cultures. Organizations like the Latin American Student Association allow students to be able to expand their world view while growing their own personal
By the year 2050, nonwhites will represent close to half of the U.S. population, according to the U.S. Census Bureau projections. By 2005, the ethnic minority share of the workforce is expected to grow to 28 percent, up from 18 percent in 1980 and 22 percent in 1990. Although the African American population is now the largest minority group, the Hispanic and Asian populations are growing much faster. In 1994, the African American population was estimated to be 33 million, or 12.7 percent of the total population, up from 11.7 percent in 1980.