I am ready for English 111, because I am ready for a change. To be more specific, I amready to challenge myself. In life there comes a time where you get bored of staying stagnant.Once you get bored of staying still, your inner self will have an urge to achieve more. I want toachieve a goal. Imagine a younger child, playing basketball, and they wanted to be able to touchthe net. Then they are finally able to touch the net, so they set another goal to touch the rim.After a year of hard work and dedication, they succeed that goal and set a new one to dunk. Inlife, it is crucial to set goals for yourself so that you are able to keep striving. I am ready to set agoal for myself this year and this goal is to grow as a writer. I am determined to reach thatgoal.I took English 111 to gain more experience. You will improve with determination. I choseto take English 111 online for a few reasons. I knew that taking an online course means you willneed to be incredibly organized and dedicated. I was confident that I would be able to attain thequalifications of this course. The idea of taking an extra class online sounded fantastic in thesense that I could push myself to be my absolute best. I am certain that I am ready for English111 because I want to challenge myself, I am capable of writing at a more advanced level, andmy writing has matured.I want to be someone who has the personal satisfaction of knowing they have challengedthemselves to grow. English 111 will provide me with ongoing
Pursuant to California Vehicle Code (40902), I plead not guilty by Trial by Written Declaration of the charges of CVC 22349 (b). I have paid the fine of $352 and have attached the receipt to the case as instructed.
English class has never been my strong suite. I always had to work twice as hard in English then I did in any other class. Writing paper always had me stressed and overwhelmed, I felt discouraged in my work. l never seemed to be able to get to the level I wanted to. I would try my hardest and paid attention in class, but when it came to writing the paper none of that seemed to help. I think that my experience in English Composition 1 has helped gain and grow in some areas, but I don’t think that it highlights a well-written college essay. Some elements that I worked to improving was introduction paragraphs, tone, style, and thesis statements.
This is a reflective essay based on a event which took place in a hospital setting. The aim of this essay is to explore how members of the Multidisciplinary Team (MDT) worked together and communicate with each other to achieve the best patients outcome.
Upon entering English 111 on-line class, I had not taken an English class on-line before. In the past I have taken several other basic classes. English has always been a struggle for me, mainly writing and grammar. Neither, writing or grammar has come natural to me. The biggest challenge for me is putting my thoughts into words.
As a new immigrant, I took the accuplacer test and went straight to 111 English level. So, English 111 course became my first college English class. It seems like a great achievement for a French speaker. Nonetheless, this performance linked to significant challenges. Even though I am a fighter and an optimist, I was frightened about my academic achievement for this semester. The problems became bigger when I took my first practice test on sentence structure (fragments and run-ons) and got a D. I was frightened and felt that I will have to drop the class. However, I decided not to give up. I started working hard and had a V+ on the next test. This positive grade energized me until now. During this semester, I have much homework and practices which allow me to identify some strengths, weaknesses, and gave me lots of skills for my English 112 class and the future.
As part of my Business Innovation Development Project Unit, I had the opportunity to put myself into group with my friends or people I believed I could work well with. In the first stages of our group we all tried to get to know each other more through analysing personality and learning types’ test that we previously undertook. I realise we were going through the normal stages of the team formation in particular forming and norming (Tuckman, 1965). In my assignment group we had all Belbin team roles which helped us perform well throughout our project and also helped us to identify other team members’ behavioural strengths and weaknesses. During the initial stages of the group getting together I believed it was
Vital signs are a fundamental component of nursing care and indicate the body’s ability to maintain blood flow, regulate temperature and regulate oxygenate the body tissue. Taking vital signs are essential in revealing any sudden changes in the body, which could potentially indicate clinical deterioration of the patient.
This essay is a reflective essay on my learning development from a young age through to my current position as a University Student. I will be relating my learning development back to two theories of human development, Vygotstsky’s socio-cultural theory and Marcia’s version of Erikson’s theory of identity development. I will identify and discuss the challenge I have faced with my identity and how this has impacted on my development.
What happened? (description) What would you do if it happened again? (action plan) What were you thinking/feeling? (feeling)
To start, I chose this class because I knew that eventually I would need to complete it. What better time to do it, than right now? I had recently completed a math course this past semester, so I did not want to take another stressful class that I find to not be my strongest subject right after. My brother and some friends have mentioned that this course isn’t as bad as it is said to be. That is what pushed me to sign up and attempt to complete this course. Being a part time student and working full time is a lot to balance on ones plate. I have learned that from experience. I formally was a full time student and worked part time, but the roles tend to reverse once you find yourself struggling to pay bills. Seeing that this class isn’t as costly as a math course, and isn’t as time restraining either. This course will give me more time at work and more time to study. This sums up the reasons I chose to complete English 102.
* establishes a system of praise and constructive criticism - rewards and improvement; grows with the organisation
I am slightly taken aback by your comment: "I did not think it was of a high enough standard for us to be able to accept you on the Access course."
This unit does not introduce much new material. Instead, we expect you to integrate technical and theoretical knowledge acquired from study across your degree. We refer to two frameworks that may support you in carrying out this integration:
To begin with, I joined English 101 because I am doing general studies at the moment. Secondly, I took the placement test and the score I received was best suited for English 101. In addition, writing was never my strongest subject, but I am willing to put the effort to be a better writer. I expect to gain from taking English 101 is to argue and support a position, edit and proofread thoroughly, and understand the stages of the writing process. I’m sure I will have concerns in the future, but I’m not worried about them because I will seek for help when I’m in need. Furthermore, I will use all resources available such as going to the teacher for help, getting toured, EMCC Computer Commons, Buckeye Campus- Student Services, EMCC Library, and
Since beginning to write papers in English class, I have had countless successes and failures. While many of my English classes have taught me how to improve my writing, I have not learned very much in others. My most recent English class was last year, my sophomore year. My class was particularly undersized; therefore, it gave each student the opportunity to have additional individual attention. Throughout the class I experienced high points, weaknesses, and even difficulties that I never overcame. Overall, my writing skills improved, but only marginally.