
Reflective Essay On Communication

Satisfactory Essays

Suppose you are sent to give a talk to a crowd composed of pupils of an elementary school and university students. Your qualification is not a concern, but you will have an immediate problem communicating with your audience because you are to deliver a single message to two distingue group. How do ensure the objective is attained? No doubt the linguistic context can be adjusted. However, how will this guarantee effective communication? No! Remember communication is a dynamic activity that involves understanding and sharing meaning (McLean, 2010). Given the situation at hand, we can base our argument on the context and then use either intrapersonal, interpersonal, group, public, or mass communication strategy to convey information. We shall proceed by looking at them starting with intrapersonal communication.

Intrapersonal communication: Analysis of a situation takes place in the background. That is in the mind. For example, as I observe and wait for my turn to deliver my first lesson, I became so nervous. Observing other students deliver their lesson had created a mental picture of the scene and ignited the process of self-concept. As I ponder over this imaginary image I could hear this voice persistently asking, how do I start, or will I do better? This personal cross-examination or self-talk that plunge you into an abstract world or into a state of absent-mindedness is referred to as intrapersonal communication and can be incited by culture, emotion, or circumstance. We

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