
Reflective Essay On Communication

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In this new age of technology, communication has expanded far beyond what anyone could have imagined. The most commonly used method with the younger generations is through text messaging. The first thought that clouds my mind after sending a text message is what reaction it will illicit. The style of texting that I use changes depending on who my audience is comprised of. After graduating high school, a few of my friends and I had decided that we wanted to maintain the bond we developed in AP United States History. We created a group chat in June following commencement as summer was starting and I was heading home to Iraq. It was a place for jokes and making fun of each other with no boundaries. However, now the group chat is in a different place. When four distressed college freshmen and one rambunctious high school senior are sharing a communication medium, the results are bound to be a strange mixture of endearment and preposterousness. Four out of 5 are starting a new chapter in their lives, but are still grasping onto any sort of connection to their ‘glory’ days. Comfort and reassurance is found in one another as we try to navigate through school for the first time without each other.

There seems to be a pattern of bringing up Mrs. Curran who was our AP United States History teacher whenever possible. Michelle even sends a picture she took of the teacher on our last day of school. I wanted to test out my theory about our obsession with Mrs. Curran. I sent out a text

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