When thinking about diversity I often think of racial diversity but there are different types of diversity other than racial diversity. Parker and Beck pointed out that there is religious diversity, those who know how the school works and those who don’t, tall students and short students, and students whose parents had different jobs. Parker and Beck mention that although students are different in many ways they “like to play and pretend, and they will sit transfixed for a good story”, so even though students are unique they have similarities. In my high school we had mostly white students and about 40% Hispanic students. My school wasn’t as diverse as it could have been but we did have other students who weren’t white. Over the summer I volunteered at a migrant head start school called Telamon. I worked in a class where all the teachers were Hispanic and all of the students were Hispanic. It was such a great opportunity to work on my Spanish and to help in a classroom where the students were all different than my race. I’ve been in schools where students had different religious beliefs, parents had different jobs, and students of different races. Overall I could always benefit from volunteering in schools where there’s diversity. I think volunteering at Telamon will help my teacher because I have a better understanding of students who are migrants but as I mentioned before I could always benefit from more opportunities volunteering at schools that are diverse.
Out of the
have formed about rich people will be hard to disown, I think that they should
The first artifact I have attached for Standard Four: Diversity is a diversity project completed during the spring of 2015 for ED444 Methods and Materials for Teaching Social Studies and ED447 Instructional Technology. This project consists of different resources to use when teaching Kindergarten Social Studies Standard Three. This standard requires students to describe how rules offer safety at home, school, and in the community. This diversity project demonstrates activities that aid in individual experiences.
The purpose of this paper is to reflect upon the diverse experiences that I have had in my personal and professional life. Fortunately, I have had a large mix of diverse friends and experiences in my life. This paper will discuss those diversities as well as the plan to expand on my current knowledge.
What is diversity? Diversity is when you have a group of different races and cultures come together in one setting. I think that diversity is something that everyone should be introduced to at some point of his or her life. Diversity is a concept that has played a very important role in my life, especially growing up in a community that wasn’t very diverse and switching to a community that school system embraced diversity to the fullest. By having diversity introduced into my life though out my high school years I was able to expect change as an good thing and realize that race is a physical trait and doesn’t make you who you are, delvop an new thought process and new views and I was able to comfortably interact with people different from
The United States today is a society struggling with its own diversity. There have been
I was very excited when I saw this essay prompt because diversity is actually one of the main criteria that drew me into NC State. All throughout my schooling life, for as long as I can remember, I never attended any schools that were diverse. There was always one extremely predominant race or gender, and it’s something that truly disturbed me. I am excited to attend a college that is so diverse in many aspects, that I will be able to benefit from in multiple different ways. I will be able to learn and understand new perspectives which will help me gain an open mind and heart to be able to accept different kinds of people. I will be able to familiarize myself with different backgrounds and cultures, because I am so accustomed to my own, I
In the United States, we are going through a tough transition period. We are moving on from old energy to new energy and from conservative traditions to new ones. It is good to know that many in the country acknowledge the times with a belief of an inclusive America. In the same fashion, some celebrities speak out about racial issues that continue to divide out country as they fight for equality for all races. Our country is there yet, but individuals with huge platforms who use it to speak in favor of diversity, it can help our country get to that point. An influential figure can convince countless people to become more accepting of the changing country that becomes better for all Americans.
This summer I was challenged to take on a volunteer opportunity at a facility with children to learn about and experience encounters on diversity. I started volunteering with Mrs. Rodriguez at her home daycare center “Severina Rodriguez Family Home Day Care” on May 2, 2015. This institution’s mission is “Where your Child is our Priority.” I originally picked this daycare center because when I was a toddler I was a part of this institution. I wanted to give back to those who took care of me when my parents could not. This home daycare is located in Hialeah, a primarily Hispanic portion of Miami. Since the majority of the inhabitants of Hialeah are Hispanic the demographics of the home daycare was primarily Hispanic. Other races that were represented
“We may have different religions, different languages, different colored skin, but we are all human race” - Kofi Annan. This quote said by Kofi Annan explains perfectly how not all people have to be of the same background or even the same culture but everyone is still a human being so you can not treat them as any less. America is a melting pot because of all the different cultures in the US today. Also, the US is working on rights for all by making it more convenient for people who do not speak English to have the same rights. While some people believe diversity separates a country, it can be argued that diversity creates unity because today the US is a melting pot, and they are working on rights for all.
There is no doubt that today¡¦s business world is changing rapidly and many factors are also simultaneously interacting. Perhaps these factors are created by diversity.
The culture that I live in today has very many characteristics to it but one that always comes to mind is diversity. There is a big variety of people that are in the world today that makes the culture very unique and interesting. There are many different languages, races, ethnicity, religion, gender, backgrounds, life experiences, and interests. Many people do not realize how diverse our culture is today that makes us all unique. I like the thought of how different so many people are.
There are 7.4 billion people that populate the world we live in and call our home. Of those 7.4 billion people, 3.2 billion reside in the United States of the America. Many call it home; some call it their big community. In this big community, there millions of smaller communities in which every individual, once in their life, may join. A community can be described as a group with common or similar shared interests, goals, or attitudes.
Everyone in this world is divergent. Some of us were born and raised along the countryside, where the Rocky Mountains greet you with their array of colors; from a soft, warm blue with a layer of white snow in the winter, to a cool green with specks of golden aspen trees in the summer. Others were born and raised in the city where people wait for crosswalks to turn green, under towering skyscrapers that cover the busy streets. But without diversity, without uniqueness, there would be no purpose for sympathy. Why try and relate to someone that is exactly like you?
By the year 2050, nonwhites will represent close to half of the U.S. population, according to the U.S. Census Bureau projections. By 2005, the ethnic minority share of the workforce is expected to grow to 28 percent, up from 18 percent in 1980 and 22 percent in 1990. Although the African American population is now the largest minority group, the Hispanic and Asian populations are growing much faster. In 1994, the African American population was estimated to be 33 million, or 12.7 percent of the total population, up from 11.7 percent in 1980.
Diversity has broad ranges of spectrums. Students from all across the continent; students from political refugees, indigenous Americans, and immigrants bring their culture and linguistic skills to American classrooms. Students do not only bring their cultures and linguistic skills, but they bring their ethnics, talents, and skills. In addition, their age and gender are two