The first artifact is an algebra unit test. The objective of the test was to demonstrate understanding of basic trigonometry concepts. For the exam, we had to memorize numerous formulas and apply them to various questions. By doing this, I developed stronger problem solving skills. I did well with understanding difficult questions, and the way to approach them. I need to improve on checking for mistakes more efficiently. In the future, I can apply these skills into my own life, because it taught me how to have more creative solutions to challenging tasks. Problem solving skills are important to have when going into higher education, and applying to future jobs.
The other artifact is the “Complex Numbers Project” from Algebra 2. This assignment
Pursuant to California Vehicle Code (40902), I plead not guilty by Trial by Written Declaration of the charges of CVC 22349 (b). I have paid the fine of $352 and have attached the receipt to the case as instructed.
This is a reflective essay based on a event which took place in a hospital setting. The aim of this essay is to explore how members of the Multidisciplinary Team (MDT) worked together and communicate with each other to achieve the best patients outcome.
With differentiation in mind, I came up with a daily schedule of learning and instruction time for my students. Entry 4 artifact 3 is a copy of my daily schedule and lesson plan format for instructing my students. I begin my day of learning using whole group instruction with a whole group instruction reviewing the calendar, music/movement activity, and read aloud. During these activities, I ask the students question based upon their ability and grade level. The students are really engaged during our introduction. They get to move and meditate to reflect on their day.
The second artifact I have provided is a reflection was written for SPED415: Instructional Methods in the Inclusive Early
For the second practicum, I was asked to be engaged for fifty hours on several administrative activities. For this assignment, I completed the following five activities: (1) working on the parent, student, and teacher handbook, (2) pre-interviewing possible teacher candidates, (3) observing a safety meeting, (4) data analysis, and (5) participating in a board meeting. This segment of the paper will discuss these aforementioned activities along with a reflection on these activities.
One day I was ask to transfer Mrs X from bed into wheelchair. Mrs X is paralised so to transfer her a full body hoist is needed. I had to call for help, it wouldn’t be safe to do this by myself. So while I was waiting for the other carer to arrive I have explained to Mrs X what and how we are going to do it. I have also cheked the hoist and battery if its fully charged and operational. I put right size sling on Mrs X with her cooperation. I carefully manovered hoist close to bed, then I hooked sling onto the hoist with short hooks on to of the body and long hooks on bottom. That was when my collegue arrived to help me with transfer.We asked Mrs X if she is ready when she said yes by pushing
They also learned how to dissect what the questions want you to answer and how to provide evidence to their answers. As a result of creating the artifact, I learned that it is important to be fully prepared with the lesson going to be taught. I learned that my students have difficulty identifying what information is important and which is not. I utilized graphic organizers in order for them to distinguish between the two. As for what I learned as a result of implementing the artifact is that the activities were good and strategies were well implemented which benefited the students in organizing their thoughts. Pertaining to the artifact, what I would change in order to improve the artifact is to praise the students with specific praise instead of simply stating good job and to redirect the student by asking questions on the topic at
State what skills you now have because of participating in the artifact development process. The skills I now have is a more complex way of using my critical thinking skills, being able to look at the whole clinical picture. As well as, being a leader able to advocate and protect my patient. Also, being able to understand the patient values, beliefs and cultures and not letting my own personal moral get in the way of dealing and caring for my patient. One thing that I understand a lot better is health care policy. As nurses, we should know about the health care policy to explain it to our patient if they have questions in relations to it, being able to advocate, just in case not being treated properly in accordance to their health care policy.
My primary artifact sample is a makeup tutorial in text/picture form. In this tutorial, the “kyshadow bronze palette” is being used by Kylie Jenner herself. Kylie Jenner made a video tutorial of this look and took little clips out and made a picture “how to” tutorial to simplify how to get this makeup look. My next artifact is a makeup video tutorial video by Kylie Jenner’s makeup artist using the same kyshadow palette. I liked this video because the makeup artist tells the viewer what specific brushes she is using, what colors she is using and exactly where she is putting them. My final artifact is another kyshadow makeup video tutorial by Roxette Arisa. I chose this video tutorial because it’s not like the other tutorials. Roxette talks about what she thinks about the palette and also does a makeup look and explains it very well.
Name one assignment for each of the learning outcomes below which you believe you improved upon:
The first artifact was an excel spreadsheet from Vocational Business I. Knowing how to work with Excel and its formulas is essential in almost everything a person does. Vocational Business I was heavily loaded with charts and data of all sort of things that has to be organized and presented in a meaningful manner. Although, at the beginning of the class I had some issues with using all
Vital signs are a fundamental component of nursing care and indicate the body’s ability to maintain blood flow, regulate temperature and regulate oxygenate the body tissue. Taking vital signs are essential in revealing any sudden changes in the body, which could potentially indicate clinical deterioration of the patient.
This essay is a reflective essay on my learning development from a young age through to my current position as a University Student. I will be relating my learning development back to two theories of human development, Vygotstsky’s socio-cultural theory and Marcia’s version of Erikson’s theory of identity development. I will identify and discuss the challenge I have faced with my identity and how this has impacted on my development.
During my education at Western Governors University (WGU), I had the opportunity to take the course Community and Population Health as part of my BSN program. The community health course forced me to go out into my community, something I would have never done otherwise, and interact with its members. The interaction gave me a chance to assess the community’s health problems. Being put out into the community gave me a better understanding of the implication of public health nursing. Giving me a new perspective on the causative factors involved and methods for preventative measures.
Synthesis: While reflecting on this artifact, I made many connections to previous lessons and course material. The first connection I made was to my child development class that focused on the development of child starting at birth. By having this prior knowledge of how children develop and where they