
Reflective Essay On Religion And Politics

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Growing up it was drilled into me that religion and politics were taboo conversations that should only be discussed among adults. While taking this class I learned that I’m now a part of the future and will be now making the decision so I need to now join the conversation so I can be prepared. The religion, politics, and pop culture theme had the most impact on me. The separation of church and state is a term that isn’t relevant anymore. Even in the past when this saying was relevant politician still didn’t follow it. As time went on citizens believed that if a politician considered themselves religious than they would automatically be the perfect politician. Politicians are now using their religion as an excuse to break laws and to get citizens to continue to support them, yet this is causing many others to stop believing in religion. In today’s society, it’s no longer a shocker to see in the media that a politician or someone powerful in the pop culture world being accused of sexual harassment or some form of sexual misconduct. The fact that people in power are constantly abusing their power and no punishment is happening is simply disappointing. The man reason why these individuals are getting away with crimes because they claim to be religious and many individual believe that religious people can’t be punished If people in power can get away with each then just imagines how people that don’t have power think about committing these acts. During this past

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