
Reflective Essay Outcome 2

Decent Essays

In order to be a successful writer, one must be able to thoroughly understand and incorporate a wide variety of sources into their writing. Outcome 2 requires the ability to analyze complex texts and sources, and then synthesize them into a coherent and complete essay. The sources should support the ideas being expressed, and it should be evident that the writing benefits from their inclusion. In addition, a variety of pieces of evidence should be used to represent a more broad scale of sources. Another important part of outcome 2 is something I intentionally did not do in the Short Assignment 3 (which is the paper I chose to show my understanding of the outcome). It is necessary to document sources used in an appropriate format. I would just …show more content…

The Short Assignment 3 – Plagiarism Synthesis does an excellent job of showcasing how effective using sources can be. After this assignment, I truly have a newly discovered appreciation for using sources in my writing! I had a lot of fun writing this paper, mainly because I felt very rebellious, but also because it turned out exactly how I envisioned it, which was quite satisfying. What better way to make a statement about plagiarism by plagiarizing your essay on the topic, as well as using sources that do the exact same thing? In order to successfully execute my creative vision, I had to make sure I really understood the two texts that I was pulling quotes from, and how they differed from each other. I then went through both Lethem’s and Shields’ essays and highlighted anything that stood out to me as important or interesting. As I began writing my paper, I tried to find gaps that I could fill with a highlighted fragment from one or both texts that incorporated well into the current thought I was trying to communicate. Reading through my paper now, it’s pretty difficult to separate the parts that came directly from me, and the ones that I acquired from the texts. While revising this paper, I didn’t mess with the wording very much, but I did edit areas for clarity, and added a few sentences explaining

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