
Reflective Essay: What I Learned In My Writing Class

Good Essays

Before I embarked on taking English 121, writing was something that I thought I knew well. In high school I had to write a two page essay everyday Monday to Thursday and a one page essay on Friday. The essay topics could be on anything I wanted, but at the end of the school week I would have written a total of 9 pages and 36 pages in a month. Now they were not the most elaborate essays, but they had to have an introduction, body, conclusion, and be revised and edited before I turned it in. I am familiar with writing, but the topics in this class taught me a lot more about writing than I ever learned before. My fears going into this class was that I was not going to be able to understand the material being taught, and anything I wrote …show more content…

I have a great difficulty getting my thoughts on paper. I already have a hard time turning my thoughts into words let alone on paper. Part of this is because of fear. I tend to be in a mindset where my writing has to be right the first time, and there is no room for error. This obviously not how the writing process works, due to the fact an essay has to be edited and revised multiple times to get the finished product. Like with anything else in life, if perfection is the goal then only disappointment will be the outcome. I do not do this consciously when I write, but it is a struggle that I developed subconsciously over the years of my life. This is a major problem for any person trying to write an essay because it will restrict anything getting on paper, and it will prevent any creative thoughts or points to be made. It is quite an ugly thing to see an essay that has been written with this mindset, and though I have most definitely drifted from this mindset in this course, I still struggle with it now to a degree. My experience in this English course has helped me enormously with my own struggles with writing, and has improved my writing. Moreover, this course has changed the way I look at

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