In this course I learned how to be a brave when I assessed my fellow, to cite sources, and how to analyze an abstract. The important thing I learned it was how I search in the UOPeople library to get strong sources. I would change my grammar mistakes, especially comma mistakes and my style in writing because I recently discovered that it's a little confusing. I really liked that I learned to write a five paragraph essay with supporting citation because it's important for academic study, and I didn't know anything about that. I will apply this in my life when I will study in the university to write a clear thesis and 5 paragraph essay when it is needed. Also, I will do my best to keep away from any grammar mistakes. I will apply this for my
Writing 101 has been a tremendous learning experience for me. It is not my strongest area, so it is my primary reason for taking the class. I took this Writing 101 class to improve my writing skills. In college courses, I have to do a tremendous amount of writing. Writing is also not my favorite thing to do, because it takes time, thought and research. The first week of class, we had to write the first assignment draft. I thought this class will be hard for me and difficult to keep up with the assignments. I disagree with my initial thought. The class definitely challenged me, but I learned so much. My expectation was to improve my writing skills. I would say I met that expectation. However, I feel that I need to continue to learn and perfect my writing to become even more proficient. I learned how to develop strong thesis statements, to conduct online library searches. I started WRTG 101 with a basic knowledge of the writing skills; now I know how to accurately use punctuations, I know how to develop unified, consistent and well-supported paragraphs, and I know my weaknesses in my writing.
To explain my type of writing it is defiantly free writing style, like myself spontaneous. As I start off writing and get my groove going words just creatively flow. I may have to start over a few times, or rework the beginning but then it becomes more of a natural flow. I prefer to write about things I have experienced, fun things I enjoy, and do so with a comic approach. I do not like to take life too serious and am a spontaneous, adventurous, and fun-loving person. I have a huge personality that usually does come out in my writing, as most of you that have been on this journey from day one with me know.
If you are not in a hurry and want to analysis your writing in detail, then you must check out Slick Write. Slick Write not only points out your errors but also gives you an analysis of your writing which lists phrases, filler words, uncommon words, adverbs, passive words, prepositions and lots more. Once in a while, I keep track how I am improving my writing with Slick Write. It’s a good way to know progress in the quality of your
Writing is one of the most important skills that I have learned throughout my years in school. I have learned that no matter how much I love or hate it, writing is a necessity; I might as well try to be good at it. Writing has been in my life for many years. There are many types of writing, educational writing and personal writing are two that I will mention in this essay. I have learned how to allow writing to help me in my daily life. When I began writing I hated it, however, I have learned the many uses of it, and it has become a huge part of my life.
America is a place full of immigrants with no single ethnicity or race. America can also be referred to as the ?Melting Pot? because it consists ingredients of multicultural backgrounds. There are cultures such as French American, Asian American, Italian American and African American. I am Mexican American. My culture has helped me to become the writer I am today. My bicultural background and constant moving back and forth from Mexico to America has both influenced and weakened my writing. Although I was born in America, my Mexican culture has always been a part of my life. I have spent the majority of my life in Mexico, and Spanish is my first
Essay have never been my strong suite. This semester however, my writing ability has improved. My progress is evident when I look over my assignment five essay and see the mistakes highlighted. These mistakes are what I now look for while editing my work. I am still improving with every piece of writing I create, but I revise differently by looking specifically for my weaknesses. I have been successful in my attempts because I do not make the same mistakes as I used to. I now use more resources than I previously did to embellish my writing process. The combination of these changes has greatly improved my final pieces of writing.
She argues in how to write clearly and she said that there is no person who writes me and most evident from the first draft sometimes must first draft of the script and the second and third draft of a draft of the order to be clear
Most of our writing process are the same since most of us are brought up with common teachings of how to write. I don’t quite consider myself using a normal process. As I switch up how I do things to keep from a sort of, monotony, of writing the same exact way over and over. Generally speaking I start off with the main topic of the essay, the intro and closing, complete rough draft, talking it over aloud throughout, then lastly revisions before turning it in.
I have learned a vast amount about my personal writing style within the last 9 weeks of participating in ENG 111 and I use this knowledge to improve my writing. Though my writing can always use improvement, my process for drafting and pre-writes allows me to organize my ideas and create clear, coherent pieces of text.
Writing and I have always had a, what I would consider, a fairly complicated relationship. I have always dreaded writing assignments, yet those assignments reflect most accurately my understanding of the subject. Most of the time, I would greet a writing assignment with a sigh or an eye-roll. Whether it was in Vietnamese, or English, I would try to put up the work until last minute and grudgingly hand it in. As I expressed in my Narrative Essay, my writing teachers had always said that I had potential in writing, but I was blinded by my attitude towards the activity to believe them. I also expressed that I grew fonder of writing after engaging in stories writing. However, writing assignments were still my worst nightmare. That was until I started college. I was warned about how much I would have to write in college, but I had never expected
All of the formal writing I have done recently and in the past has been for school. In my junior and senior year of high school my two year course focused a lot on reading and analyzing novels and plays as well as written commentaries. I have a very solid base in analyzing text and as well as writing for a purpose, whether it is formal or more personal in nature. Other types of writing include things others have mentioned including texting, emailing, etc. I do not particularly enjoy fiction writing, and same goes with reading, I would much rather read something nonfiction.
The course English 2 provided informational work that can help further my writing skills in other courses. I have always had a hard time with grammar when it comes to typing papers or in general speaking. I really did not understand what a thesis statement was before this class, while I still struggle with thesis today; I have an understanding of what a thesis should be. It should be a statement and not a question, which I originally thought was the thesis. One of my favorite parts of the course was learning the definitions of ethos, pathos and logos. The terms really add a lot to describing events in the world or adjectives in an essay. One of my favorite parts of the course was working on the bibliography, which I had never done in any course.
Over the course of my studies at university, I have grown and learned more about academic writing and numerous writing styles. I believe there is so much room for me to master my writing skills to succeed and complete my degree and improve my academic writing and personal skills through more practice. However, I have become concerned with my first attempt submitting my piece of paper through the online test in the Writers’ Diet diagnostic tool and was labelled ‘flabby’ in my writing. Analysing my errors and referring to the textbook ’Communication Toolkit’ by Grellier and Goerke (2014), also submitting my piece of writing to Grammarly and paper rater I was able to measure my weakness in the area of sentence structure, punctuation and grammar.
Over the eighth grade year, I have learned to effectively use feedback and reflection skills to strengthen my writing. These writing processes taught me to include peer and teacher feedback along with self-reflection to earn a better grade on my writing pieces. In the beginning of the year, I would simply complete the drafts my teacher assigned. Proof of my original writing process is shown in the essay, titled One Necessity of a Hero: Personal Sacrifice, in which it reflects on the Thematic Unit. To demonstrate my poor writing process, a segment of my original introduction stated, “After analyzing documents from The Hobbit Thematic Unit, I discovered that the principles of heroism involve personal sacrifice. I also learned that a hero is
Over the past few months, I have learned several different writing techniques. While all of the different types of papers were difficult to write, I believe that my writing skills have improved. In fact, I did not understand all of the assignments, but I did try to do my best on all of them. While I should have used more transitional words in between sentences and paragraphs, I feel that I learned a great deal. It is true that I have not had very much writing experience and the writing process is difficult for me. Sometimes, I do admit, it takes days to complete one assignment, but it will be worth it when I am a proficient writer.