This goal was implemented in an effort to build upon skills that were developed in the previous 2080 placement. I felt I often left a session without pushing the client hard enough or obtaining sufficient data to make a judgement on their how they went.
However throughout this placement I instigated an emphasis on this area and found that I improved my data collection skills by preparing data collection tables to record responses. For example when implementing Semantic Feature Analysis (SFA) initially I planned to simply write the responses on a blank sheet, this lead to miss interpret post session. I then prepared a table that allowed space to write the responses for each semantic feature. Therefore via implementing these strategies I was able to achieve this goal and feel very confident in my ability to record data in a session.
In addition to this I developed contingency plans however lacked the online interpretation skills to know when to implement them and as a result relied on my CE. This goal was later reassessed and I began implementing down contingencies without my CE but not with up
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I feel I was able to improve and strengthen this clinical skill dramatically throughout the placement. When considering my previous paediatric caseload placement rapport building was rather simple in comparison to the adult caseload I experienced more recently. Rapport with children was easily achieved through appealing activities however this is clearly not transferable to adults. Despite this I believe I adapted to the case load rather well, as illustrated through the rapport built with my client who stated they enjoyed the therapy I implemented and were clearly comfortable in my presence. By the end of placement this particular client expressed emotion for my departure, which was an extremely rewarding feeling to have built a strong rapport in such a short
One of my skills I used as a mental health technician is having the ability to listen on multiple levels , this allows me as a technician not only to hear what is said, but how it’s said, why it’s being said, and what it means in the context of that client. I also have a sense of humor, but counselors, I should know how to form a relational connection with someone to the point of developing a shared sense of humor in a therapeutic environment that the client can feel comfortable. Another strength is having patience with my clients as they process our discussion. Using patience can help build a good rapport with clients, and realize it may take them time to accept certain things and to move towards positive changes. Working in the field of behavioral health for 20 years, I work with clients that you need to discuss something many times before they were prepared to make a move in any particular direction. I also understand you are not likely going to see large changes in an individual client; therefore be okay with incremental progress in their lives and rejoice over small
As previously mentioned, it is thought that engagement and understanding are key elements involved in creating and maintaining a therapeutic relationship (Orlinskey et al 1994). Throughout the risk assessment I checked the patients
As I was working to time scales in order to compile my report for panel I had to build rapport quickly with the service user and his carers and I did this by being very open and honest and conveying respect to the carers when I entered their home. I wanted to gain trust so I could conduct the best possible assessments which would reflect the needs and wishes of the service user but also assess thoroughly the capacity of the carers for safe guarding, caring and supporting the service user. I understand however, that these skills need to be expanded for example; there will be occasions whereby I need to address barriers in order to build rapport for example when working with resistant service users.
All of these skills have meanings and they all tie in to one another. Without one the whole process would be incomplete in my opinion. The first skills that we learned in class were attending behavior and empathy. In the book it states that, “attending and empathy are essential to establish a working relationship with your clients and a good understanding of their issues and concerns.” (Ivey, Ivey, & Zalaquett, 2010, p. 63) I agree with that text from the
Growing up, I’ve always wondered why there isn’t more done to help those who are stricken to wheelchairs or those who can’t remember where they are at one moment then are completely aware the next. To this day I don’t understand how nobody’s found something to halt the deterioration of the central nervous system. My “major of interest” is neuroscience. More specifically, my major is the molecular and cellular side or the “biology side” to the field. With this major, I will learn the ins and outs of the brain and everything that coincides with it. But, I will also need to research to go even farther into the subject and to really master what I’m studying. I want to be able to contribute to the current research that is pushing to fight the disabling powers of neurological diseases. The diseases I want to really focus on are Alzheimer’s and ALS. These illnesses have ruined countless lives and have stopped many people from living their lives to their full potential.
A possible occupational therapy intervention that would benefit a client or clients at the facility is working on their social skills. The intervention could incorporate role-playing about the basics of conversational skills. Since some have difficulty in distinguishing between social cues working on their ability to identify them during conversations can help them emotionally, spiritually, mentally, and
The following will discuss the benefits of a positive Clinician-Client relationship during the therapeutic process. It will discuss different ways to foster Clinician and Client relationship in order to gain a positive report. It will provide supporting evidence that the relationship positively influences the outcome of the therapy. It will show the view that being personable with the client can help the client to relate through the session and encourage the client to open up and enter in to a positive relationship. The following will also review the ways for one to be a better clinician, that
Since the first session is so important in determining if a client is going to return
As the semester begins, I would like to continue to work on enhancing the previous goals and skills in my previous practicum class as well as use more advanced skills. I would like to work on implementing and illustrating enactments and scaling interventions in my sessions/videos. Be able to identify and understand situations/feelings that arise in therapy sessions pertaining to self-of-therapist and enhance my professionalism. Hence, having confidence to lead my therapy sessions by relying on what I have learned in previous classes. Also, be able to use proper clinical language. Moreover, continue to work on understanding my limitations, biases, comfort levels and work on being transparent in order
In recent years several mandatory sentencing laws have been put into motion. The original goals of the mandatory sentencing laws were to stop repeat offenders and to exhibit a "get tough attitude" on crime. These laws have not been working as intended, instead mandatory sentencing has led to some unfortunate consequences. Some of these consequences are overcrowding in prisons and less prison based rehabilitation. Mandatory sentencing laws do not narrowly target major drug traffickers.
expected John to pay of his debts. John would not pay of the debts and made
The ability to effectively communicate with a wide range of people is a vital factor in working towards building relationships that may flourish and enable the gaining of confidence and trust. As a practitioner, it is important to be patient, approachable, non-judgmental and a good listener. Open communication and a positive attitude
Discussion will include the knowledge underpinning practice and the evidence base for the clinical skill, that I have learnt and supporting this with available literature.
I think that the elaborating skills are very important in a therapeutic session. The client has never seen the social worker before, generally the client meets the dressed up social worker and walks to their office to see a bunch of degrees on the wall and then the social worker begins their session. Clients can be intimidated
This essay intends to introduce the reader to the most important skills involved within developing and maintaining a therapeutic relationship between a client and the therapist or counsellor. The onus will be on Humanistic counselling but many of these skills are central to all counselling types.