Reflective Report on Alternative Education Placement
The Context
There are a large number of benefits to children having the opportunity to take learning outside the classroom. During the alternative placement, I had the chance to see first-hand some of these benefits. The setting for my alternative placement was the National Coal Mining Museum for England. It is based at Caphouse Colliery, a closed coal mine in Overton.
The National Coal Mining Museum for England, or NCMME is a fascinating museum that investigates coal mining through the ages, it also explores different aspect of a miner’s life. The NCMME website summarises what the aims of the museum is. “The National Coal Mining Museum for England aims to keep coal mining alive by collecting and preserving the industry’s rich heritage, creating enjoyable and inspiring ways to learn for people of all ages, backgrounds and abilities.” (NCMME, 2016)
For the duration of the placement we were based within the Educational offices for the time we spent there and were able to assist in various activities and tasks, for example, generating ideas of what schools would find useful for in the classroom for before and after the workshop sessions. We had a lot of other opportunities to observe the various workshops that are offered to schools, as well as to shadow a school during a full day’s trip. This included the hands-on underground tour, a Rocks and Fossils workshop and chance for the children to explore the above ground
The positives when doing my placement was the part where I helped the kids. I learnt new things about children’s mindset and, read to the kids. The negatives in the work placement were, not having things to do, standing up all the time and, not having a routine.
Whilst I was at placement I have taken part in a lot of activities. Some of these have needed me to tell the children how to work safely. One of the activities that I had to do this was when they were using the scissors. I assisted in an activity where they had to make poppies.
As a junior counselor, I wanted to be able to make the children that I was counseling become as excited as I had been to learn about the ecosystem of the wetlands. My most fond memory of this was when I was able to perform demonstrations for the kids in the ‘touch-tank’ at the institute, so that they would be able to have a hands on experience with the creatures that we were working to protect. While performing these demonstrations for the kids at the camp, it helped me grow confident in my ability to speak in front of large groups and direct them, which had previously been a daunting task to me before volunteering. By being more involved with the institute, I felt as though I was making an even larger impact as well as building further onto my own knowledge and
On the Junior Project - helping with registration, organising activities, helping with homework, supporting staff with sessions, escorting children on trips or outings
To provide a safe and stimulating environment for children to complete work that they haven’t completed during school time.
As an incoming freshman learning interesting facts about my major at UTSA through “web search” has grasp my attention to take control of the opportunities that are in front me and not slack off. I am very trill about the nine academics centers and the organizations that are willing to help me through my 4 years through college. Knowing that I have never experience well-giving help that is giving to me now, will give me a tremendous boost on being the best teacher I can be and help give understandable lecture. Moreover, from reading on my major requirements, I have learned the importance of taking the right classes and the reward from taking them. I also have learned to take as much information from each course that is required or even go beyond
One of the most important things people need to survive is a job. There are a wide variety of careers people can choose from. Some of them include, science, education, language arts, and science. Something else that is also important, is getting experience. That is why it is crucial for people to visit work facilities to gain knowledge. In my case, visiting a middle school for education tips will be a wonderful experience for both me and my employer. Allowing me to visit Elizabeth Davis Middle will benefit both parties.
The Department for Education and Skills (DfES) defines ‘Learning Outside the Classroom’ (“LOTC”) as ‘… the use of places other than the classroom for teaching and learning’ (Council for Learning Outside the Classroom, 2017: online). The use of LOTC in schools has proven to contribute to children’s whole development ensuring that they; are healthy and safe, enjoy
In this course, we were able to work with children at a field site of our choice. I chose to do my field hours at Oasis. Oasis is a wonderful program, and I truly enjoyed my time there. The children at Oasis taught me so much and what we learned in class really helped me further educate them. Many students that volunteered there were not education majors and often did not know how to handle situations with the children. Our course had us study education psychology. This helps deepen the understanding of how a child’s mind works, which is a truly valuable skill to have.
Now that I have completed the Johns Hopkins University Center for Talented Youth course Crafting the Essay, I feel I have tremendously grown as a writer. Even after submitting the first assignment, I looked back at a position paper I wrote for school that I received an A+ on, yet I saw several flaws I wished I had changed.
Today in my practicum placement my mentor teacher and I did an activity with the students to see if they grasped the concept of adjectives that they learned yesterday. We gave the students a worksheet that had a picture of chocolate, a marshmallow, and a graham cracker in three separate rows. Next to each picture there were boxes that said looks, feels, smells, tastes, and sounds. In each box, they had to use adjectives to describe how each item (the chocolate, marshmallow, and graham cracker) looks, feels, smells, tastes, and sounds. We gave the students these items so they could investigate how they looked, felt, smelled, tasted, and sounded. We gave them directions on what to do and watched them as they investigated and wrote down their
“Be a reflective teacher. Honestly look at what you do from time to time. Evaluate the purpose of your role as a teacher.” (Robert John Meenham, 2011)
* establishes a system of praise and constructive criticism - rewards and improvement; grows with the organisation
Assessment is the systematic collection, review, and use of information about educational programs undertaken for the purpose of improving student learning and development (Palomba & Banta, 1999). Educational assessments are carried out to measure the efficiency of the program, the quality of instruction and progress of a child’s learning. The purpose is to determine the growth and development.
The National Coal Mining Museum is based at the site of Caphouse Colliery in Overton; once a fully functioning mine. The museum has an area, 140 meters underground, which has been adapted to demonstration the development and revolution in mining techniques through out the ages. It presents mining techniques from the early 19th century all the way through to the present day. The museum also houses an array of mining machinery and vehicles that has been conserved since its use, which are kept in a gallery above ground. Such machinery includes locomotives, BJD coal cutters, and a seventeen-tonne Dosco Roadheader that was used to cut roadways underground. (National Coal Mining Museum, 2014)