The major activities of the week included to have a meeting with the parents of one of my target clients. This is a new experience for me as an intern counselor, at the end of the meeting the parents were very appreciative of our concerns and for supporting their child when she needed it. With this experience, I also was able to do my first referral to the department of Human Service (DHS) in Arlington. Also I was able to have mediation meetings with students, as well as individual sessions. Follow ups were also important, they involved communicating with the students to make sure they stability and well-being. Also, students have received their mid grades. We have been asked to talk to these students, and that was a good experience. First,
Margot Macomber as the Hemingway Code Hero in “The Short Happy Life of Francis Macomber”
In “I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings” Maya Angelou make a statement about the power of names and gives examples of the importance by sharing instances where people are to assume a different identity with a different name.
I really enjoyed my activities this week. Shadowing my Task Supervisor during a therapeutic home visit was interesting. I loved her interaction with the foster family. She took the time out to interview each child and properly observe the children in their home setting. She also addressed any concerns or questions that the Foster Parents had.
I assessed 71 years old female, Ms. Smith (fake name), who appeared in good physical health. She was alert and oriented because she was able to tell me the correct date and place. She did not seem to be in any distress. Eyes were symmetrical, sclera was white, and pupils were equal, round, reactive to light, and accommodating, and extraocular movements were intact. No hearing deficit was noted because Ms. Smith was able to repeat the words that I whispered into her each ear. I did not note any breathing difficulties as she was able to breathe through both nares equally, lungs were clear bilaterally upon auscultation, and she denied shortness of breath. No swelling or tenderness was noted on palpitation of lymph nodes. Ms. Smith denied heart pain or palpitation, and heart beats were regular upon auscultation. Extremities were symmetrical bilaterally, and muscle strength was strong upon assessment.
D-The patient arrived on time for her session. This writer witnessed the patient at the dosing window. This writer addressed with the patient about her treatment goals, referring to tapering off on the methadone. The patient then requested to decrease her current dose by 1mgs as she wishes to be stabilized on a lower dose. This writer completed the dose change request form and had the patient initial her name on the application as proof that it was done with the patient presence. She stressed that she wants to take it slow and not rush it as she wants her body to adjust to a lower dose each time a dose change request form is submitted, at which this writer agreed with the patient. Furthermore, this writer requested for the patient work schedule
According to my results on both the table and the pie chart I created, most of my competency scores within the separate clusters are ranked highly. On the table, the highest scores are highlighted in yellow. To be exact, 9 out of 14 clusters and ranked as occurring consistently. The pie chart reflects the visual image of my results placed next to each other. Next, I will reflect on the big feelings and emotions that I experienced while reviewing my results.
In this assignment I address the pivotal moment in my development as a writer and how this event is changing me. I reflected on college English class at Azusa Pacific University that I am currently taking. Initially In this essay I will be discussing my driver for this class and explore how English course is a fundamental skill in my nursing career.
D-During the course of the session, the patient appears to be anxious because she cannot make reasonable decision about her treatment whereas the patient expressed she wants to decrease on her dose, even though a dose change request was completed on 03/02/2016 and hasn't been approved. This writer addressed with the patient about the program policy. Furthermore, the patient appears to be ignored by this writer when she addressed about obtaining take home bottles/special bottles if she's unable to come to the clinic and this writer informed the patient about the take home policy/procedure, including special bottle. In addition, the patient is uncertain if she has gotten the full time position as she is currently awaiting on the status today
This week for the reporting period, I participated in going shopping for two kids with a social worker aide. I also had the opportunity to sit in on a meting among the workers and the guardian ad litem. I observed as they reviewed the cases before presenting them to the judge. I noticed how the guardian ad litem seemed to be overwhelmed. I also had the opportunity to put together investigation folders together for the workers. Lastly I assisted workers by filing papers for them.
Walk Ins’- We had a lot of walk ins this week. It was a bit overwhelming but I think me a Hannah, the other Intern, did a great job assisting the client. A client needed an emergency dental appointment and we were able to schedule her one. A client daughter had a medical bill and I needed to find out if her insurance will cover the bill. I couldn’t get in
Vaccines are defined by as a product that produces immunity from a disease and can be administered through needle injections, by mouth, or by aerosol. Vaccines cause immunity to certain diseases and are administered worldwide. They have been proven to be safe, effective, and they work with one’s immune system to prevent diseases which protects individuals and their communities. Every child that is vaccinated goes on a specific journey and receives certain vaccines at different times in their lives. In order to better understand the process of vaccines one must explore the history of vaccination, the pros and cons to receiving them, the different types of vaccines and what they do, and the risks that go along with not being vaccinated. (“Basics”).
After reading the article, I feel responsibly, action and asking questions are my strongest characteristics. In the beginning of my career I started working in large inner city emergency department in Detroit, Michigan. I quickly learned that I am responsible to patients for making sure that they receive that best care in order to achieve the best outcome. By not being accountable to take the necessary actions could lead to less than poor outcomes & satisfaction. I actively sought out the answers by asking questions and clarifying those things I did not understand. I also took charge in my own learning curve in order to be successful in my career. As a new graduate already stressed, working in the fast pace environment, those strong characteristics
As of now only two people have posted their discussions. Due to work, clinicals and other things going in my life, I have to post my global responses ahead of time. By reading both Christina and Pam’s discussion, I understand how the concept of safety is the most important aspect of PHN. During last semester, we were educated that we should never enter someone’s property if we feel unsafe. At Marin public health, we do not do home visits, so everything is done via phone calls. For example, the nurse I worked with made calls to those who had communicable disease and some did not answer the calls. I questioned the nurse asking if she personally visit the person if they do not answer the phone calls or call back. Personally, I believed that a person with communicable disease should be
For my first paper, “Creativity is just as important as Literacy and Math” I choose to revise my paper from last semester which discussed the importance of creativity is just the same as literacy importance. I enjoyed writing about this topic and felt like I did a really good job; but to improve my writing skills I believe I can write a better paper this semester compared to last semester. I reread my paper for starters and organized the way it was based I had written in. As well as listing the facts and research I had supporting each topic. I added a few more facts and opinions to help support my points made. I didn’t receive enough feedback the response, “it’s well-written” is too vague which couldn’t help me improve my paper in any way. I feel like my introduction and conclusion are both strong, but i’m sure it could be stronger. I feel like the most I struggled in the paper was the desire for it to be written so perfectly though I knew there could always be room for improvement. This also worked as a strength due to lots of time and dedication I spent on the paper both last and this semester.
This essay will review the literature to critically explore the value and purpose of reflective practice.