What if the roles were reversed? When it comes to factory farming and the overall food industry, the first thing that pops into your head is the terrible images of all the innocent abused animals, isn't it? The food industry is a top controversial topic in our society. The pros and cons vary of the true ethics inside the industry. With that being said, should the food industry be ethically reformed? Why or why not? Is there benefits, does it really do harm? The answer is yes, the food industry should be reformed ethically for a general improvement of the society. There is reasons on top of reasons to why reforming should be done. The benefits of reforming factory farms would tremendously improve the overall environment and produce cleaner …show more content…
By ethically fixing the farms it would decrease the spread of diseases and bacteria as a whole. One way factory farms could go about that is by limiting the overcrowding of animals. In fact, the overpopulated factories “create health hazards because they are so overcrowded which is stressful to animals, causing for diseases to spread easily” (What's Wrong With 3). It is also proven that when “thousands of beef cattle are packed into feedlots, bacteria can get on their hides” (What's Wrong With 4) which is then evolved into the slaughterhouses where it then begins to spread. In addition, the action of reforming would provide a cleaner and inclusive workplace. A method of providing a bigger and cleaner space could be by eliminating the amount of machinery along with the confinement containers. It was stated that, some “states allow for the use of gestation crates; a cruel confinement technique resulting in physical suffering” (Factory Farms Food 2) for hundreds and hundreds of animals. The overall limitation of machinery in the factories could greatly produce general space which would allow an easier and cleaner environment for the workers as well as the
The products of the factory farms can increase in quality by treating the animals humanely. Cleaning up after the animal waste and getting rid of the carcasses will create a better and healthier environment for the animals. Allowing the animals to eat, drink, and rest when at their choice will allow them to grow healthier and not deteriorate as they do now. The protein in the animals will be as it should in a naturally healthy animal, creating a better product.
Factory farming is currently meeting the needs of supply and demand which is beneficial to the economy. However, with the lack of regulations and enforcement of current regulations by authority entities such as the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) and the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA), it is ethically and morally unjustifiable for these corporations to practice and conduct business this way. The USDA and FDA are not the only players who are to accept blame in this unethical practice. State and federal laws should investigate and collaborate with those agencies to develop, execute, and retain safe and clean practices. Perdue Farms should also accept personal responsibility and be concerned about their workplace, their employees, the animals that make them money, and the consumers. The ethical theory being put into place
Factory Farming is an increasing industry in the United States. These large farms, which evidently appear to be more like slaughterhouses than the typical farms a person can imagine are located throughout the United States. These factory farms contain animals ranging from chickens, sheep, goats, cows, turkeys, and pigs, they also contain dairy products. The conditions for the animals and the employees of these factory farms are inhumane and vile. Life behind the walls of the factory farm is both unsanitary for the animals and the employees. Employees are forced to endure long hours and poor treatment. Animals in these conditions withstand living in cages and are forced to live in uninhabitable ways.
Factory farming has many flaws in the system, animal abuse is one that is usually over looked by owners of these farms. Many works while on this farm are exposed to the cruelty that the animals go through but often can do very little to change it. “Factory farms pack animals into spaces so tight that most can barely move. Many have no access to the outdoors, spending their lives on open warehouse floors, or housed in cages or pens.” (aspca) Without the room to engage in natural behaviors, animals become exposed to severe physical and mental distress. Many animals become trampled to death and never experience the proper life
Thus affecting the food quality of the animal itself in question. 1 c. Factory Farms help feed millions of people and create millions of jobs for Americans but we should end Factory farms because the animals themselves are being treated wrongly thus changing the food quality. 2. Body Paragraph A a. Factory Farming Does not treat animals humanely as they are stuffed in tight cages, bad living conditions, and no sunlight what so ever.
By treating animals roughly, it has a snowball like effect on the health of the animals themselves, the health of human beings and the health of the planet. Roughness with the animals can cause them to experience a lot of stress, especially if confined in a small space. The stress that is caused can worsen the food that is to come from them, which can hurt anyone who eats it. Factory farms have been around since the 1920s and have only become worse in terms of animal welfare and food safety. In order to remedy this situation, America, as a whole, must work to make factory farms a better place for animals to live.
Factory farming is an efficient and profitable way to make and sell meat. But there are a myriad of consequences to this system. Factory farms do whatever they can to be cost-efficient. This leads to a waste of energy, harmful effects on the environment, cruel animal treatment, and negative effects on human health, and therefore, factory farming should be abolished.
Even though higher yields are met for demand and human consumption, factory farming is cruel to animals due to the fact animals are often subject to harsh living conditions, more susceptible to diseases and injuries and are treated inhumanely during the slaughtering process. Unfortunately, with an increase in human population worldwide, the strain on farmers to meet the demand increases as well. This in turn causes more animals to be subject to this cruelty.
This would lead the plant farming to increase the amount of product they are producing to keep up with all the people who only take in nutrients from the plants. This might not be as possible as it seems, but also when thinking about only the united states this would not account for enough of the jobs loss because of it. If all the factory farms had to downsize the amount of product they would not be able to pay their people as much and they would have to cut jobs. This alone might make it impossible for factory farms to ever completely be gone, because those who work in these industries would not only buy the product, but also push others to as well. There is also the fact that plants are expensive. Going to McDonald’s and getting a hamburger cost a lot less than paying for the same amount of nutrients from plants. Yes, people might feel sorry for the way that the animals are being treated, but a mother has to feed her family somehow. This can lead to the cheapest quickest option, which is fast food and most fast food places sell meat products cheaply, unlike the plant based alternatives. Fast food companies also are looking to buy their meat from the cheapest option, which most of the time will be factory farms that do not treat their animals that humanly. In conclusion, the inhumane treatment of animals is horrible, but it is not enough to change the eating habits of many
To begin, let’s look at what a factory farm is. The process itself was originally designed to maximize production of meat and dairy products for human consumption. The Collins Dictionary defines Factory Farming as, “A system of farming which involves keeping animals indoors, often with very little space, and giving them special foods so that they grow more quickly or produce more eggs or milk” (“Definition”). This was pretty synonymous with other definitions garnered online as well; all referenced either the condition of the facility or eluded to the condition of the animals (all of which are negative). Which leads one to ask, what is the benefit?
Throughout the years of society our views on factory farming have drastically changed. Many people used to think that our biggest problem with factory farming was how we would mutilate and torture innocent animals. Animals would be put in a situation where they would be force fed, and sometimes beaten by humans, the unthinkable has already happened and now we have to think about the long term effects of Factory Farming. However, as significant as the ethical argument is, people are also ignoring the fact of it being so bad for your body. Cancer, H1N1, and Avian Flu are the main health problems due to Factory Farming. On top of that we have 3 million people getting diagnosed with obesity from all the antibiotics there putting in from the the meat. The amount of people it is affecting is outstanding, not only for the meat but the factory farming also affecting our water. The thing that we thought that was the safest for our bodies in the one thing we have to worry about most, for our generation to the next this is a issue we can’t ignore.
Factory farms increase production and help feed the world. Due to an increase in population factory farms holds the world’s food supply in check. Factory farms produce more animals in a quicker matter than any other place. Factory farms help contain waste and help stop some
The effects of factory farming is not worth the damage that is done to the health of the environment, animals, and people. The idea of a factory farm is to produce meat at a faster pace, but the way these companies accomplish this task makes life a living hell for the animals. For example, “They’re often given so little space that they can’t even turn around or lie down comfortably. Egg-laying hens are kept in small cages, chickens and pigs are kept in jam-packed sheds, and cows are kept on crowded, filthy feedlots”(Factory). The animals on these farms have to experience constant fear and agony, especially since most factory farmed animals will be genetically manipulated to grow larger or to produce more milk or eggs than they naturally would, and suffer severe pain throughout their entire life(Factory). Animals, especially cows, are being abused not only physically, but mentally as well.. For example, “just within hours of birth, calves are taken away from
Factory farms have abused these animals in way that is so horrific, it is not often revealed to the public what really goes on inside these “farms.” Animals such as chickens are shoved together into battery cages to the point where they are unable to move. Their beaks are cut off without anesthesia, and they are propelled with antibiotics and excessively fed for the purpose of making their breasts larger quickly. The excessive feeding makes their bodies grow unnaturally and disproportionally – causing heart failure, respiratory troubles, chronic pain, and leg weakness; after a hen’s egg production reduces at a certain age, the bird will be shocked into its final laying cycle and then be sent to slaughter to be used as food scraps – if they are not already killed on-farm. As for mother pigs, they spend up to four months in gestation crates with only limited mobility during their pregnancy. "Her piglets are
Whenever I had the opportunity to visit a factory farm, I got to see how unhappy the animals were and how they were literally stuffed into an area that was only for their types of animals. Cows in one area that are literally crying for help and chicken feathers all over the place because of the chickens that were trying to escape the horrid place they called home. They also would inject the animals to fatten them up to speed up the process of getting them off the farm and into the slaughterhouse. Whenever I think of this way of living I think that the situation is wrong and should be stop before it too late and more diseases start