
Reform Factory Farms Essay

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What if the roles were reversed? When it comes to factory farming and the overall food industry, the first thing that pops into your head is the terrible images of all the innocent abused animals, isn't it? The food industry is a top controversial topic in our society. The pros and cons vary of the true ethics inside the industry. With that being said, should the food industry be ethically reformed? Why or why not? Is there benefits, does it really do harm? The answer is yes, the food industry should be reformed ethically for a general improvement of the society. There is reasons on top of reasons to why reforming should be done. The benefits of reforming factory farms would tremendously improve the overall environment and produce cleaner …show more content…

By ethically fixing the farms it would decrease the spread of diseases and bacteria as a whole. One way factory farms could go about that is by limiting the overcrowding of animals. In fact, the overpopulated factories “create health hazards because they are so overcrowded which is stressful to animals, causing for diseases to spread easily” (What's Wrong With 3). It is also proven that when “thousands of beef cattle are packed into feedlots, bacteria can get on their hides” (What's Wrong With 4) which is then evolved into the slaughterhouses where it then begins to spread. In addition, the action of reforming would provide a cleaner and inclusive workplace. A method of providing a bigger and cleaner space could be by eliminating the amount of machinery along with the confinement containers. It was stated that, some “states allow for the use of gestation crates; a cruel confinement technique resulting in physical suffering” (Factory Farms Food 2) for hundreds and hundreds of animals. The overall limitation of machinery in the factories could greatly produce general space which would allow an easier and cleaner environment for the workers as well as the

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