The most effective part of the speech to me is when Mr. Obama begin to describe the reason for the reform. The speech states, "So that if you lose your job and you change jobs, start that new business, you'll finally be abe to purchase quality affordable care and the security and peace of mind that comes with it" Mr. Obama. I chose this particular part of the speech as being most effective because there is a specific connection with the audience based off of what he said. The connection that was made to the audience from this part of the speech is relating to those in the country who are small business owners and are struggling to buy insurance for your workers this specific reform will be of help to that group if individuals. This speech in
“It was a very powerful speech,” Bohner said. “He took a very broad stance on a lot of issues but knows that we can stand together and make a change.”
His overall tone is optimistic because “Obamacare” performs a moral and civic duty that we all must fulfill. He strongly feels that there is a need to provide coverage for any and all people: “I’m in favor of universal coverage as a communitarian proposition: It is a social responsibility that we have --” a clear example of his tone towards the audience, supporting the idea of universal health coverage.
When President Obama was elected to office, he had campaigned on the promise of healthcare reform, and was rallying the government to deliver on that promise. Despite successes in increasing coverage for certain populations in the 1980’s and 1990’s, there was no substantial and sustainable reduction in the number of uninsured. In a speech during a joint session of Congress (2009), and before the signing of the ACA, Obama argued that a high uninsured rate had an impact on the American people, the healthcare system, and the economy. The symptoms of the 1/7 Americans without uninsured in 2008 were: negative impacts on citizens, manifesting in greater financial insecurity, unreasonable barriers to care, general poor health, and preventable deaths; the healthcare system was burdened with billions of dollars in uncompensated care; the labor force became concerned about insurance coverage when seeking education or entrepreneurship. healthcare costs were rising rapidly, from 13% of the economy devoted to
Obamacare is known to be the most zealous project that we Americans have been aspiring for since the nineteen sixties. The greatest achievement of current President Barack Obama’s presidency. Signed into law in 2010 the supposed Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act’s and President Obama’s ambition is to give us more affordable and quality health care. Along with the hopes of reducing the spending for U.S. when it comes to health care.
He talked about many different things during this speech. The things most remembered or classified as the most important was jobs, racism and freedom. This is the most important speech ever in United States history. Because the way it made the people open their eyes and really believe and act on what he is talking about. He used many details and examples to exclaim that he is right and that every person should have an opportunity to shine and to show that they are just like everyone else and color of skin should not matter. Everyone was so impressed and happy with the way he used his words with confidence yet also was straight to the point. After this speech affected many lives and ways people lives, more adventurous. By just one speech would have affected the history of those individual speeches so much and have an effect on not just him but on everyone around him and for the history of the United
Since the early days of our nation, our founding fathers thrived for change. At the peak of his election campaign, Barack Obama promised the change the country had been longing for. He promised a health care reform and new benefits. Many presidents elected after the signing of Roosevelt’s New Deal had tried to achieve health care reform but ultimately none succeeded. Obama promised change; his change came under the name of the Affordable Care Act, a bill that was filled with empty promises. The Affordable Care Act, nicknamed “Obamacare” was supposed to benefit all Americans but instead of helping our nation's citizens, it burdened them. It burdened them with higher taxes, less hours of work, and higher costs
He also explained why he was unable to do everything from in 2010. This explains why the donkey is saying "roll it out!!" And the elephant is saying "roll it back", while they're pushing the huge ,round, blue pill back and forth. The pill has a phrase on it that says "Obama care", which represents the patient protection affordable care act new policies that was supposed to be rolled out in less than a month. The Caucasian male beneath the pill represents the Americans, and the legal residents of America who are being affected by every decisions that the republicans and democrats
The major points of Obamacare, also known as the Affordable Care Act, are they have reduced the number of uninsured families (Millman). Secondly, an individual cannot be denied insurance if they have a preexisting condition (Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act). Third, it has made it easier for small businesses to obtain coverage (Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act). Fourth, Obamacare requires the individual states to expand their Medicaid programs for low income families (Slate), and finally the Act lowers the budget deficit over the next ten years.
An Obama ad campaign stated 47 million do not contain healthcare insurance. Obama’s plan solves this problem with a national healthcare system. He will make comparable rates as Americans in Congress. Small businesses will get tax credits to cover 50% of the cost of insuring their employees. Obama will make sure that healthcare insurance work for Americans, and small businesses, not drug companies. The national healthcare system will defiantly change the system for the better.
Obama promised change, then he took on one of Washington's toughest issues; Universal healthcare reform.Obama said that he wanted to be the generation that says, "universal health care in America, we can do that!" He spoke no less than remaking America, but in the end were they just pretty words?
The Obama Presidency is known for many things: two wars, economy crashes, government shutdowns and, yes, the infamous Obamacare. Throughout the last six years, President Obama’s agenda was set towards passing a major healthcare reform bill: The Patient Protection and Affordable Healthcare Act (ACA), more commonly known as Obamacare. Passed on March 23, 2010 under considerable opposition, ACA is widely considered to be the landmark achievement of Obama’s presidency, and his hopeful legacy for historians long afterward. The law has since survived multiple challenges regarding its legality, but its impact on the intended (original) goal of reducing medical costs is still unclear. Affordable healthcare for all
Barack Obama was elected on November 4, 2008 to be the president of the United States. As he is the president, he implied many new suggestions in the United States, for example, the Affordable Care Act or The Patient Protection also known as Obamacare. The health care reform also known as The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act or simply Obamacare became one of the most ambitious projects in the history of the United States since the mid-1960’s.1 This is the first attempt to reform the U.S. Health Care system of the United States since the 1960s, when the President Johnson created public Medicare and Medicaid, to help pensioners and the poor. The current reform was attempted back in 1993, however, unsuccessfully by Clinton’s
The Obama Care bill also Known as the patient protect and Affordable Care Act was established on March 21, 2010. The Affordable healthcare Act also known as Obama Care has helped over a billion people gain access to health. In 2010 it shows that 50 million people in America did not have insurance, it also shows that 48.6 million people had decreased, and then it increased in 2012. In 2010, before the Healthcare Act was signed Obama noticed some of the small issues that were going on in healthcare systems. Obama seen that some of the insurance Companies had some unjustified rates for their healthcare plan. He observed how some of the prices for healthcare were controlled by hospitals and private doctors. The way that the healthcare system used to work was that the people that could afford the healthcare plans were able to get them. The People that were unable to get healthcare insurance like through their job or a private practice had to rely on getting Medicaid and Medicare was only for disable people or elderly people. The Affordable healthcare Act was placed to help people throughout the U.S. receive insurance even if they don’t qualify with their employer or private healthcare insurance. What many people do not know is that the new affordable care act offers many great benefits. Such as great benefits for women’s health, Birth control, people with preexisting conditions have great benefits, etc. Having this Affordable Act care will bring great benefits to our future and
Obama realizes that a strong nation needed the good health of all people. As a result, President Obama brings the Obamacare health insurance into the marketplaces to reduce the health care costs and to get access to health insurances easier as well. Under the Obamacare, there are no people to be denied coverage for
Initially, when I first registered to enroll for this online Speech class, I did not know what to expect. I thought that we would only meet in order to present the required speeches and then I thought that we would have a virtual classroom to give speeches were we were all online at once. Now I know that both of my guesses were wrong. For our speeches, we either record them online and invite classmates as audience members to watch, or have a live audience of family and/or friends that record you giving your speech in your living room or somewhere similar. When I found out that these were the ways I would be giving my speeches, I was so surprised. When I am speaking in front of a live audience in a classroom, I get so nervous, so I thought that this method of giving presentations might be less anxious for me.