The Needed Reformation of Gun Laws in the United States of America
In America today we are faced with a choice, to protect our population with regulatory procedures concerning guns or to stand back and allow the current trends of voluntary violence to continue to ravage our country. As the number of deaths by violent firearm interactions rise our country has a moral obligation to attempt to better our systems. The reality is, in order to support the desire for a safer country we must increase the regulations and laws that surround the possession and purchase of firearms. There are those who oppose this out look, but the evidence from mass shootings, death numbers in correlation with the number off guns in a given area, and suicide survival
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Lemieux found that there is significant evidence that “mass shootings and gun ownership rates are highly correlated… and that this association remains high even when the number of incidents from that United States is withdrawn from the analysis,” (Lemieux 82). This quote emphasizes the point that the number of guns in a community has a direct relationship with the amount of mass shootings that occurs in a certain area. The United States has a leniency in gun policies that allow for there to be an astronomical number of mass shootings every decade. If the United States were to model the gun laws after some of the other countries in the world there could be a higher chance of the mass shooting rate going down. Such countries as “Australia [have] not experienced a mass shooting since 1996 when it implemented more rigorous gun policies in response to the Port Arthur massacre,” (Mata 174). Australia isn’t the only country whose gun policies have kept mass shootings from filling the gun records; Mata’s research has uncovered that Great Britain and Switzerland have also shown positive progress. Countries other than the United
The second question arises whether the diversity of firearms legislation across the states is a consequence of different rates of gun violence, the variations in demographics and cultural backgrounds, or the political influences and conventional approaches to this problem. The hypothesis of the study is that no increase in gun violence within separate states with stricter or laxer firearms legislation has been even observed, so there is no direct correlation between gun violence rates and the adoption of new laws regulating the gun ownership and sale.
Gun control in America is one of the most fiercely debated topics in today’s political sphere. Nearly everyone has an opinion and there is a mind-boggling amount of information typically discussed regarding the matter. Media hot takes and campaign talking points aside, far too many lives have been lost to gun violence. A total of 12,902 in 2016, to be exact. The fact that more lives have been lost to gun violence in the United States this year than the 5,000 lost in the almost 10-year war effort overseas in Iraq and Afghanistan is appalling. Is sensible and reasonable gun control progress attainable in our near future? That remains to be seen, however it is my intention to respectfully dissect an argument presented by none other than an essay
The article “Gun Control Laws: Should the United States adopt stronger gun control laws?” focuses on the debate on passing stricter gun control laws. For example, supporters believe that gun control laws will decrease mass shootings and gun violence. Additionally, adopting these laws does not violate the Second Amendment, and as a result it does not limit the government from the use of fire arms when it is necessary. However, opponents argue that the gun control laws will not stop gun violence. The problem is the people holding the gun and not the gun itself. Furthermore, opponents gathered that stronger gun control laws do violate the Second Amendment. The author illustrates the debate on whether the United States should or should not adopt stronger gun control laws.
In today's society there is the question ‘Should there be more gun laws?’. The advancements in military weaponry is nothing short of astounding. With these advancements though, come the ramifications of their inventions. More and more, the nation is seeing these weapons in actions. People are fearful and demand more laws, but that is not the answer to this dilemma. More gun laws would not resolve this problem for numerous reasons; more gun laws would lead to more violence, the United States alwardy have an excessive amount on gun laws, and the nation looks at the object not the person. The United States have to address these issues before a change will happen.
The debate over whether the United States should have stricter gun laws has become a major talking point in our society. However, the clear choice that will bring the most prosperity and security to our country is to maintain the current gun control laws as they are the best option for the USA’s modern society. We must not let the rush to judgement after every shooting spree cloud our minds and glaze over all the benefits and lifestyles that guns let us take for granted. Society must also see what the outcomes are for the other options suggested and to not make the wrong choice and have to live with the consequences. We must not let the government enact laws that would place stricter controls on guns.
Gun Control has been a controversial topic within the United States for several decades. Many of whom argue against it, stating that laws regarding gun control are unnecessary and not needed. However, gun control laws are unequivocally needed more than ever in today’s society. This paper will examine the topic of gun control and gun violence, thus providing evidence as to why the United States needs to implement stern rigorous laws in order to deter the amount of gun related criminal acts.
The thought of guns and the ability to commit mass murder is a chilling one. According to the The Brady Campaign To Prevent Gun Violence, “an average of more than 100,000 people are shot every year in the United States” (Just the Facts: Gun Violence in America). Gun violence in America has reached epidemic proportions, surpassing rates of gun-related violence in other developed, high-income nations by 25 percent (Preidt). There is an urgent need for tighter gun laws in America. (5) In order to put an end to the growing trend of gun violence, the United States needs stricter legislation regarding the purchase and ownership of firearms. Although most gun advocates believe that stricter gun laws would not prevent mass shootings, stricter gun
Gun control has become an increasingly controversial topic in the nation due to the continuous debates relating to gun control and whether or not laws should be passed to make it harder for guns to be obtained. Guns serve for a variety of purposes that range from good to bad. Guns are not for everyone. Some individuals cannot handle guns properly, and some choose to use guns inappropriately. Lately, guns have become more of a problem in our society. There has been an increasing amount of shootings that have taken many lives and have wounded people emotionally, not just physically. Although guns are used for protection, firearms are reportedly used more in crimes. More and more shootings are breaking out across the nation. As a result, the
As the population increases its stocks on firearms, a significant number of citizens are at risk of being harmed. According to statistics, “In 2000, almost 30,000 persons died from firearm injuries in the United States more than the number of deaths from, alcohol abuse, or drug abuse… [in spite of] almost 20,000 laws and regulations regulating gun usage to some degree” (Kwon and Baack). Though several individuals are in fear of losing guns as weapons for protection, a greater number of laws will continue to be useful in maintaining the security of citizens upon significant new laws addressing gun control. Although the existence of guns is necessary to protect the constitutional right to bear arms, gun control laws are beneficial in helping to reduce violence, decrease the homicide rate, and prevent accidents from around the globe. New gun control laws should be enforced to ensure the safety of the entire population, and most importantly to prevent any gun violence as necessary to help save the lives of the innocent.
The debate over gun control laws is a very controversial issue in the United States and out of the many issues currently up for debate in American politics, there is no other topic that has a partisan divide quite as deep as the debate over gun control. Few people advocate for mass shootings or other forms of gun violence, except of course for the perpetrators of such actions. It may be easy to blame the recent uptick of gun violence in recent years on the sheer prevalence of guns in American society. After all, if there are no guns that means there should be no mass shootings, right? Many estimates put the number of guns owned by Americans at over 300 million and often more than the U.S. population itself. (112.6 guns per 100
Multiple political figures and citizens of America believe that the solution to America’s gun issue is to make gun laws more lenient. People believe that if America increases the amount of guns accessible to the average citizen then America’s streets will be safer, and there will be less gun violence. This fact is backed by Most political figures and citizens who want more guns in America, as they want them for one large reason, self defense. To support this, author William J Bennett wrote an article supporting the claim that gun laws should
America is the number one country for number of gun related deaths ratio each year. “In Germany 381, in France 255, in Canada 165 in the United Kingdom 68, in Australia 65, in Japan 39 and in the United States, 11,127” (Moore Michael, 51:15-51:48). Due to the United States having the greatest number of gun related deaths, it is almost essential to implement gun-control laws that restrict people from purchasing and owning dangerous firearms. The laws that are created to control the guns should ultimately keep the safety of the citizens first. Of course, there is no easy way or solution to please both sides of the argument, but there should be a balance between both sides.
People have been lobbying for more gun control laws recently following “mass shooting” events, to prevent these gun related crimes, but their effort is misdirected. A gun is a tool in the hands of a killer. It is a means to construct violence, but it is not the cause of violence. “There are no dangerous weapons. There are only dangerous men.” -Robert A. Heinlein (Guns). Putting more legislation in place to regulate guns will be a futile attempt at reducing gun related crime, because the gun is not the cause of these acts. Three gun laws currently in place have illustrated this fact.
President Obama said at a press conference held in response to another mass shooting in Oregon on October 01, 2015 “The solution to such violence is obvious. It cannot be this easy for somebody who wants to inflict harm on other people to get his or her hands on a gun” (Simple Minded Gun Control). Despite how "obvious" the president said the solution is, the fact remains that gun control is still a controversial issue today. The reason why this has attracted so much attention is because not everyone is in favor of gun control and each side brings up excellent points about the issue. Research related to this issue strongly supports the claim that there SHOULD be more gun control laws. The first task I will complete in this research paper is clearing up any misconceptions about Gun Control and all the terminologies I will use. Followed by my three arguments that prove this position which are (1) Incidents like Sandy Hook or Oregon will be less likely to occur (2) It reduces the high rates of accidental deaths and (3) As the years pass by and technology updates the laws should be up to date as well. Members from the National Rifles Association state that No law-abiding American should be forced to face evil with empty hands. I say I agree with President Obama there SHOULD be more gun control laws because it should not be as easy as it is for someone who wants to inflict harm on others to get their hands on a weapon.
Throughout the past few years, disturbing amounts of mass shooting have occurred in the United States. This is paired with the fact that gun ownership in the United States stays significantly higher per capita as compared to any other developed nation. Lastly, statistics from these tragedies evidenced that most of the weapons used are legally obtained, high volume weapons. It remains clear that as a country we cannot stay at the top in gun-ownership, and consequently have mass shootings decrease. We must examine ways that regulating gun ownership can prevent tragedies.