Views on Reformed Education
A Christian education is more than just imparting knowledge about God and His creation. Proper Christian education is the raising of God's children in the fear of the Lord. It is the work of developing character, Christian attitudes, establishing biblical thinking patterns, and godly living in the hearts and minds of our covenant children. It is the passing down of knowledge from God-fearing parents to their covenant children. It should be Christ-centered and scripturally sound.
In Article 57, Baptism is a covenant between God and His people containing two parts, a promise and an obligation. We and our children are conceived and born in sin and therefore subject to God's wrath. He commands those who are His, to be baptized with water into the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit (Mt 28:19). This is a sign to us that as water washes away dirt from the body when we pour it on us and as the water is seen on the body of the baptized when sprinkled on him, so the blood of Christ does the same thing to the soul. Parents promise, to the best of their ability, to raise their child in the fear of the Lord and to provide them with a reformed education. As young children, not yet in school, our parents
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They have the privilege of planning and then implementing the program into classes every day. A teacher sets the tone of their class room. They should nurture students, be their mentors and set a good Christian example. Children mirror what they see, especially young children. The teacher should encourage their students to do the best they can with the gifts and talents that God has given them. A good teacher is able to engage the student and be able to teach in a way that everyone will
Teachers prepare lessons and try to make them as interesting as possible. They prepare homework assignments and assessments. They ensure that the information they pass on is current and correct to the best of their
A Christian school is a school ran on Christian principles or by a Christian organization. In fact, according to religious, educational, and political cultures, the nature of Christian schools varies from country to country. Because a strict separation of church and state is present in some countries, all religious schools are private. In other countries, there is an established church whose teachings from an integral part of the state-operated educational system is current. Primarily, Christian education is for God, whereas public education is primarily for the state.
All Christians know about the Great Commission, “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age” (Matthew 28:19-20, English Standard Version). In that command, Jesus tells us to baptize in the name of the Trinity. What does the word “baptism” mean? Baptimsa and sometimes baptismos, the Greek word origin of “baptism”, can translate to “immersion” or “bathing” without any religious implications (McGowan, 2014). Nearly every Christian church practices baptism with a religious implication; however, they do not agree on God’s activity in, the qualifications for admitting a person to, and methods of administering baptism. For instance, many churches do not baptize people until they become adults and make a profession of faith, while others encourage baptizing an infant soon after they are born. The practices and philosophy for baptism changed throughout its use in the New Testament, the Early Church, and the Medieval era.
The sacrament of baptism is the initiation into the faith of Christianity. It is a ceremony in which a person is cleansed of sin symbolically via immersion in water and given the Holy Spirit by the laying on of hands. This is the transitional process of when a person becomes a Christian. When Jesus Christ returns, the newly appointed Christian will become an immortal child of God (Haughee 2016). Over the past decade, infant baptism has become a topic of controversy among Christian societies. There are various opinions and interpretations of faith and viable arguments that support and question both sides of infant baptism.
For Christians, education is part of the processes they go through with an end of fulfilling their God-given purpose. On the metaphysical aspect of it, Christians also believe that God is the source of all
“Nothing in education is so astonishing as the amount of ignorance it accumulates in the form of inert facts” (Adams Para 1). The issues within the education system are having negative effects on education and the students. Even though there are more and more students taking advanced courses in high school each year, it does not mean students are receiving a proper and fulfilled education (Wagner Para 4). It is not only the educators problem to fix but also the people (Boyer Para 2). Statistics have shown that foreign countries’ students are moving up in areas, such as math and science, and are surpassing American students (Werner Para 4).
The Christian education is so needed in the rethinking of the worldview in society to reshape the norms back to normal. The world seem to be turning upside down and going in the different direction that is contrary to biblical
The” personal” definition of Christian education for me is being introduce to Christ and who He is. It is the process of spiritual formation and maturity over a process of time through character development and discipleship and the study of the scriptures.
Ever since I was a young girl, I dreamed of having a career that helped people. Growing up I had two younger siblings and I would help my mother take care of them as much as I could. I really enjoyed it and decided I wanted to become a nurse that worked with infants. I told my mother about my dream, I was nine years old at the time and she just gave me a heartbroken look and said, “That may never be able to come true because that job requires schooling and any type of education is far out of our family’s budget.” I was upset to be informed that.
Often held as a rite of passage and entrance into the Christian church, baptism is much more than just symbolic ritual. Baptism was commanded by Jesus Christ in the Great Commission recounted in the book of Matthew. Even though we are simplistically called to be obedient by being baptized the Christian church has long debated the aspects of this ordinance. Denominations are divided on the basic meaning, types and modes of baptism even two thousand years after the founding of the Christian church. Just as the other ordinance, the Lord’s Supper, congregations find themselves at odd with tradition, biblical interpretation and even individual understanding. However, the simple message of this awe inspiring act can be explained out of the
With the corporatization of the university, the values of education have progressively shifted over the course of time and Millennial students have adopted a more consumeristic mindset which causes problems (Jill A. Singleton-Jackson et al., 2010). This phenomenon is coherent with the prominent education system that has adapted to serve the needs of the 21st century learners. Scholars address the reformation of public education as an issue in modern society because the focus has moved from a hunger of knowledge to feed one’s curiosity, to merely gaining knowledge to take a place within the economy (Robinson, 2006). Consumeristic behavior in students is found increasingly amongst the millennial generation prompted by online
Therefore, Christian education must be centered to God and His salvation to know and comprehend the truth about Him. It is the way to equip and empower people of
Throughout history, reforms look differently based on the motivations of the reformers ("Education Reform," n.d.). Educational reform consists of changes that are made in public education ("Education Reform," n.d.). Education reform involves any and all changes in the way a school or school district functions, from teaching methods and any administrative processes. Educational reform is used as an ancillary for needed economic changes in the United States ("Education Reform," n.d.). Education reformers want to have curriculum standards tied to test scores ("Education Reform," n.d.). Many reformers have focused on changing society by reforming education on more humanistic, scientific, and even democratic philosophies ("Education Reform,"
The roles of a teacher are so many and so varied that it is impossible to list them all, but one of the most important is preparing students to learn, not only in the classroom, but everywhere, and for the rest of their lives.
According to Noah Webster, education “comprehends all that series of instruction and discipline which is intended to enlighten the understanding, correct the temper, and form the manners and habits of youth, and fit them for usefulness in their future stations” (Webster, 1828). Therefor the main purpose of education is to enlighten, instruct, form, and teach students with the basic content knowledge like chemistry to provide students with the skills to be contributing members of society. Education will develop the whole person: to optimize their spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical potential for the glory of God. Through a high academic Christ centered curriculum, education will impart knowledge of the world in which the students live by demonstrating, explaining, and engaging them in relevant global issues. Therefor education encompasses the entire student and