Refugees are common everyday people, that are forced to flee their home because they are trying to get away from the political problems, war, religious persecution, and for many other reasons. While fleeing home refugees are turned “inside out” because they leave love one’s behind, jobs, memories, and even their culture. When refugees turn “back again” they start their lives all over and learn a new language, do different jobs, and live in different environments. In the novel “Inside Out and Back Again” by Thanhha Lai, Ha is a 10 year-old girl, that her life has turned “inside out” like many refugees, while she is fleeing home because she left behind her culture and lifestyle. However, after Ha got to Alabama she starts to learn a new …show more content…
Refugees go through a lot when fleeing home, including leaving behind favorite food. According to the novel it states, “ Brother Quang forces a swallow before explaining we are used to fresh-killed chicken that roamed the yard” (Lai 120). In this quote it demonstrates that Brother Quang is missing the food, and like most of the refugees don't get adapted to the food from their new countries. Also, the refugees that are able to leave their home country, They leave behind family, friends, and love ones. In the text it states, “But i miss my friends in Sarajevo… Sometimes i wish I’d stayed there, watching the war, rather than being here, safe, but without friends”(Brice 26). In this quote it shows how the children that left home country are missing their loved ones and adults do so too. Furthermore, most refugees like Brother Quang leave behind their studies just to go to safety. According to “Ten Borders” it states, “I just want to get back to my engineering studies”(Schmidle 4). This evidence leads me to understand that the refugees were almost professionals and most were already professional but the war took away that privilege to become successful in their home country. These evidence shows that most of the refugees miss a trait from their home country that their new country just doesn't
Do you know what Refugees are what they do how they live and how they survive. Refugees are people that have to leave there home all because of war, they have to leave and find new ones far away. Before war happened in Vietnam Ha was different she was sneaky because when she went to get groceries she would by fried dough for herself, and she was mean because when she would hide her brothers sandals when she got mad at them. The title of the book makes you wonder a little by the words inside out and back again, the author Thanhha Lai had a good idea for making this book for a history lesson. Refugees like Ha and her family turn back again when they find better home like Ha she stared understanding more.
The part Inside out of the novel's title Inside out & back again relates to the universal refugees experience of fleeing home. For a refugee to feel ¨Inside out” they lose a part of themselves. In Refugee Children In Canada, it states that ¨perhaps the greatest threat to the children
In the novel “Inside Out and Back Again” written by Thanhha Lai, it’s explained how a young girl by the name of Ha and her family struggles when fleeing their homes due to the war. It describes all the new things she has to learn and the struggles she faces during this time. When they were forced to leave their country they had to adapt to many things such as new culture, a new language and different new kinds of food. When they find a new home they have to adapt to their different life styles. This makes the refugees feel like their life is turning upside down. Has life is related to the refugee experience because she had to go through many down through living as a refugee.
The voyage for Ha in Inside Out and Back Again is a story by a young girl told through the use poetry. It is one of war and effects on her as well as her loved ones. As the readers delve deeper into the story they start to get a better understanding of the hardships and difficulties her and her family had to go through as a direct result of the Vietnam War. The young girl struggles to deal with her missing father, having to leave all that she knows to travel to the United States where she has to tolerate racism and discrimination within her school. The readers get an insight into Ha’s experience; we see her working through the changes of being in an unfamiliar country, and eventually get to see her become someone who will never forget where she came from. Reading about Ha’s experience helps the reader appreciate both the physical changes that
“This year he predicts our lives will twist inside out” (pg.4). This quote from the book Inside Out and Back Again by Thanhha Lai confirms that Ha and her family…….. Many refugees like Ha overcame obstacles and found strength and resilience despite these difficulties. Additionally, in the book Inside Out and Back Again Ha and her family share their story of why they were forced to flee their home country in Vietnam and begin their journey to an unknown world in America. Ha and her family underwent the universal refugee experience of turning “inside out” and coming “back again”.
All refugees share similar experiences when adjusting to their new way of life. A refugee is a person who has been forced to leave their country in order to escape war, persecution, or natural disaster. When they have to move to a new country, they may not know the language. So that is an obstacle for them, learning the new language is very difficult. They also have to cope with the things they no longer have and the different culture. They have to get used to this new place and find their own new normal. In the book Inside Out and Back Again Ha and her family have to deal with all the obstacles that come with becoming a refugee.
The life of refugees is rougher than you think. Ha is the main character in the novel Inside Out and Back Again by Thanhha Lai. Ha is just a 10 year old girl who lived in Saigon, South Vietnam. Ha lived when the Vietnam war was still going on. Her family was poor and going through bad times. Ha´s and the refugee's life will turn Inside out then turn back again.
Refugees are people that leave their old lives behind to seek asylum in nearby countries because of the terror going on in their own homeland. Ha’s family had to flee Southern Vietnam because the war was drawing near Saigon. Both real-life refugees and Ha had to flee their respective countries and adapt to a whole new place before continuing on with their lives. Refugee children have a hard time becoming accepted by their peers before their community finally figures them out and start to receive them, just like Ha in Thanhha Lai’s Inside Out and Back Again.
More than half the refugees around the globe are under the age of 18, even though children make up 31 percent of the world’s population. Refugees are people who has been forced to leave their country in order to escape war, persecution, or natural disasters. The stories that will be covered in this essay are called “The Teacher Who Changed My Life,” by Nicholas Gage and the second novel is “Letter to a Young Refugee from Another,” by Andrew Lam. These stories have many differences between each other but they both left their country to America. What if you had to flee your country?
This essay is about the universal refugee experience and the hardships that they have to go through on their journey. Ha from Inside Out and Back Again and other refugees from the article “Children of War” all struggle with the unsettling feeling of being inside out because they no longer own the things that mean the most to them. Ha and the other refugees all encounter similar curiosities of overcoming the finding of that back again peaceful consciousness in the “new world” that they are living in .
Ha’s life as a refugee is a life experience is something that only the strong can go through, and her entire family made it. When refugees flee home, it is because of fear that their family will be torn apart by the war when they leave home, family, friends, memories, basically the perspective of the person is leaving what they desired. Then when they finally do find a home, (not all), they are greeted with new challenges, one of many is that acceptance in their new home, some people probably don’t want to make a living in their new home, “But life happens wherever you are, whether you make it or not”. But when people turn “inside out” they feel empty inside and everything is useless, they have to start over from square one and become “back again”. When they become happy again and accept what has happened to them, so they can move forward in life. This book is mostly about a girl with her family who was in a war, so they left of fear of being torn apart by the war because they will be safer than where they are at in the moment, Saigon Vietnam, but are greeted with challenges in the Alamba U.S.A.
In the novel “Inside out & Back Again” written by Thanhha Lai , The main character Ha flees her home due to war. Her and her family were looking for a new home trying to start a new life. Although it wasn’t easy for her to start a new life she had to learn to overcome many challenges. In the novel Ha reveals that her life is related to the refugee life even though it was unexpected. When refugees flee their home, it affects them when they leave and find a new home, it also involves affecting them when their life is turned inside out,and it demonstrates why they relate to the refugee experience.
‘The Happiest Refugee’ discusses various concepts including the effects of war, the trauma that refugees experience, their desire to contribute to society and our negative attitudes towards them. After the war, South Vietnamese soldiers and their families were captured by the North Vietnamese Communists and held in labour camps. Some of these prisoners were eventually released (after 1976), however, they had no right to education, employment or government supplied food rations. If Ahn had not left this oppressive environment, he would have grown up in extreme poverty and would be a very different person due to the trauma that
In the book Inside Out and Back Again, Ha’s life gets flipped around, similar to most refugees. They move from place to place trying to find a safe haven. If they cannot find a new home they lose hope. Their lives turn back to normal again because they feel accepted and welcome in a new country; therefore, resembling the “back again” in the title. A refugee’s experience becomes an “Inside Out” world because they leave home, lose hope and live a better life.
There are different types of refugees. There are climate refugees who had to leave because of the severe weather in their area, there are economic refugees who were forced to leave as result of no jobs or ways to gain income, there are religious refugees who had to flee from there country because they were persecuted for what they believed in, there are political refugees who had to leave because of their opinion of the politics in their country. There are war refugees who fled their country because of the ongoing wars in that country. There are refugees who had to flee from their country because of too many natural disasters in that country.