Pat Barker, the author of this book, is an English author and novelist born in 1943. The Viking Press published this book in 1991. It has 288 pages. The book is very vaguely about former soldier in World War 1 by the name Siegfried Sassoon. The book documents Siegfried Sassoon's journeys and sights in a mental asylum for war-shocked patients, who are struggling to become sane, again, in a place called Craig Lockhart. It is there where he meets other significant personas that develop the book. The first is Sassoon who tells the story through himself and his personal experiences during his life. He plays an overly sympathetic role just like the real Sassoon. He stands by what he believes in and will not contradict himself in any way. You may even see him as just stubborn. Even though he goes back to the war he still stands by his views. For this reason he is much the fan favourite. The second is Dr Rivers. The main man in the hospital. He was a former anthropologist turned psychologist. His job is …show more content…
However, there are limits to the acceptability of male emotional interaction in the book. In Chapter 17 of the book, Dr Rivers lists an array of limitations. He proceeds to tell Sassoon that patriotism is very widely encouraged, "at the same time there's always a little bit of anxiety. Is it the right kind of love?" Homosexuality is very heavily foreshadowed. Dr Rivers states that during a war, the reaction to homosexuality would only be more intolerant and negative than in peacetime, as the authorities and society would want to make it clear and state that there are penalties and serious consequences for the wrong kind of love. In this case, homosexuality. From this perspective, love between men—and male emotional relationships are a smaller part of a larger thing that is decided to be socially unacceptable
So far we are introduced to four main people; Captain, cook, oiler, and correspondent. Although we are not informed of any of their actual names, throughout the book we know them as their occupation. Since the beginning, I pictured captain as an elderly man, the type who would smoke cigars and drink a lot. However he is kind and makes several jokes in the book. The cook doesn't speak much, but his actions show his personality.
The novel The Crossing is written by Gary Paulsen, who tells a tale about a fourteen year old boy, Manuel Bustos, who meets an American soldier, named Robert, that takes him on a once and a lifetime experience to a bullfight.
This book is not intended for the faint of heart. It all starts in the city of Sighet. It is currently the start of WW2. The authors family, first get evacuated by the SS soldiers and other forms of military. They are later shipped to what is known as a concentration camp. The parts after that, I can not spoil. This book is short yet
Flanagan. It is about a boy named Will who goes on a journey, with companions. His companions get captured, and he is their only hope. His issues are self-doubt, and thinking that he will never be as good as his mentor. “‘But what if I make a mistake?’ Will asked” (158) Will is talking to a friend about when he graduates and won’t have a mentor anymore. The quote shows Will’s self-doubt, that he’s not sure he can do it. This is just one part of Will, that makes him such a great main characters, really engaging to read about.
The time period this novel takes place in is towards the end of World War Ⅱ around 1944 and the months after the war is over. It begins around the time the Allied troops have liberated France are pushing eastward towards the Fatherland. Hitler and the Nazi’s are on their heels and are planning on launching a desperate last attack that will be known as the Battle of the Bulge. The Allied troops have come to a halt to regroup and Hitler is using this as the prime time to launch a secret attack of more than two-hundred and fifty thousand soldiers on the Allies. Germany eventually ends up losing the battle and eventually the war. From there, the book talks about General Patton’s post war actions and his sudden death and the conspiracies behind it.
Out of the individuals the three that stood out to me the most are has follows Tony, Jackie, and Neil. Although these three individuals all lead a totally different life somewhere along the road they faced similar challenges with life.
This book is nonfiction and it has many real characters. Benjamin the main character which spent 1942 to 1945 hidden in a farm during the German occupation of Hollowland. There were also Papa and Mama who after the war were considered heros. Benjamin emigrated to Canada
Whilst facilitating an enrichment project for KS4 learners, it was my pleasure to work in collaboration with a ex-pupil of mine (who had left the school two years previous.) in order to explore the issue of homosexuality, homophobia and briefly touch on stereotypical views in society.
The novel begins by introducing the men of the 14th Brooklyn, which was the 14th Regiment New York State Militia during the Civil War. The main characters were men named Newt, Burridge, Tiger, and Lyman. Some of these men were heroes trying to bring glory for themselves and their company like Danny who was Lyman's friend who was killed early on. Some were cowards just trying to find a way out and make it home alive like Newt. In the end, both hero and villain were all soldiers fighting in a war. War brought out the good and bad in these men as they tried to survive and accomplish their goals of victory. Some of the men were heroes and would die in battle, and the cowards wouldn’t have a scratch on them and survive another day. The war also took a toll on the lives of soldier’s families. Soldiers not coming home is the worst kind of horror a family could face, fathers and sons
There are quite a few characters. There’s Dr. Josef Mengele, the man in white the people call him, and he is the boss of the operation to kill the ninety-four men around the world. He also goes by Mr. Gregory, Fischer, Breitenbach, Aspiazu, and
The main character of this book is Desmond Doss. He was born in Virginia, and grew up with a drunk and abusive father. He always dreamed of becoming a medic, but never had much schooling. Doss became even more determined to become one when he went to the hospital and met the love of his life, Dorothy. Doss would always ask Dorothy medical questions on dates, and so she gave him a book, in which he studied from. He saw many friends and other men from his town being sent off to war, and he wanted to join them too. Doss convinced his father, who is a veteran, to let him join war, but when he tries to change Doss’ mind, he was unsuccessful. No one could change Doss’ will including Dorothy, and he eventually prepares to join war. When he joins war he has to go through various training programs, but fails the rifle test, as he refuses to pick up a gun. Being unable
The main character in this book is Chris Hadfield, who wrote the book himself in the first person. He was born in
The third character is the old man. What we know of him is that he is deaf and passes every night getting drunk at the café. It is believed by the waiters that he has plenty of money. After all, he can afford to sit and get drunk every night. Even when he is drunk, he is incredibly neat. “This old man is clean. He drinks without spilling. Even now, drunk.” He is filled with despair, which may be the reason that he tried to hang himself the week before. He is taken care of by his niece, since she was the one who saved him when he tried to kill himself. He may have been married at one time. He has no real desire to go home, since he waits until the waiters cut him off before he leaves.
Pat Barker uses language effectively in the novel “Regeneration” to present gender roles and other themes within the novel. Her presentation of women, emasculation and men taking on more feminine roles are important for the theme of gender roles within the novel. She also uses language effectively to present themes of duty and father figures.
Regeneration. Architectural propositions. A look at practical solutions ad proposal for the regereration on he cixommunity