
Regression Analysis for Demand Estimation

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Demand Estimation by Regression Method – Some Statistical Concepts for application ( All the formulae marked in red for remembering. The rest is for your concept) In case of demand estimation working with data on sales and prices for a period of say 10 years may lead to the problem of identification. In such a case the different variables that may have changed over time other than price, may have an impact on demand more rather than price. In order to void this problem of identification what we adopt is the techniques of demand estimation through regression process in order to distinguish the effects of different variables on demand. In order to understand the basic working and application of the model, let us start with two variable …show more content…

(to be remembered), which follows a F- distribution with Degrees of freedom (k-1) and (n-k). this calculated value is then compared with the Corresponding F value with d.f k-1 and n-k at 5% level of significance. If the calculated value is less than tabulated value we accept the null hypothesis that the regression is not overall significant, otherwise reject it, that in turn implies that overall the regression is significant ( when calculated F is greater than Tabulated F) If you don’t understand the t or F distribution it doesn’t matter at this stage. What matters is the application, where it is being applied & what is the significance of the

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