What was the most interesting quote or passage in the chapter and why? I found the most interesting quote to be “waste handlers concluded that compliance doesn’t pay”. The unpleasant fact is that companies would rather risk being caught and pay a fine than to spend more money on safely disposing waste. Environmental officials need to make punishments stricter if they want companies to start following rules that protect human and environmental health. What is one new thing you learned from reading this chapter? I learned about how the people of Toms River and Greenpeace effectively shined a light on Ciba-Geigy’s harmful practices. When Ciba-Geigy was trying to sponsor an endangered-species coloring contest, an elementary school teacher by the …show more content…
The state officials cannot expect their rules and regulations to be taken seriously if they do not enforce their rules in the first place. Can we trust research conducted by or paid for by the regulated chemical companies? Why or Why not? I do not believe research done by the regulated chemical company is trustworthy. It is possible for a company to withhold the results of a study, or discontinue the study prior to completion in order to protect the image of the company. Dr. Wilhelm Hueper experienced this first hand while working for DuPont. Dr. Hueper was conducting an experiment with lab animals to see if they would produce tumors when exposed to ingredients used by DuPont, such as benzidine. While previous experiments by Yamagiwa and Kennaway showed that it takes more than a year for tumors to develop, Dr. Hueper’s experiment was forced to stop prior to the one year mark. This was probably because DuPont was worried the results may show the ingredients used in their dye production as being carcinogenic, and thus, would hurt their reputation. Eventually, Dr. Hueper was able to complete an experiment which concluded dogs would develop tumors in their bladders when exposed to dye chemicals. Unfortunately, Hueper was fired and not allowed to disclose his scientific findings in order to protect the company’s
After receiving many calls from the Audubon society, the police sent a squad car to the local park. There stood 13-year-old Gary Parsons. With a BB gun in his arms and lifeless pigeons dangling from his belt loop, he was guilty. The police escorted him home and banned him from the park for shooting birds. The very next night he took revenge on the Audubon society, blowing their brand new birdhouse to pieces with a homemade cannon. No one expected Gary to become the devoted environmental activist that he grew up to be. Without Gary Parsons, the Choctawhatchee Bay watershed would not be what it is today. At 72, Gary dedicates his time and energy, striving to better the environment.
I think Big Pharma companies skew their data very regularly. Although this is not ethical, it's practiced in this field because there is a certain probability calculated as it relates to side effects and ineffectiveness. For instance when we take Tylenol as a child we eventually become tolerant to the dosage. As we get older we need to increase the dosage even more than is advertised to get relief. The Pharma companies do not advertise that ALL pills have a toxicity level and will affect our organs at some point in time. Each pill is tested for toxicity levels before being released to the public. With that said, these companies take on a certain amount of acceptable risk when producing medication. The public has accepted this risk with
Small samples and statistical errors can cause grave implications to practices. Also the practice of researchers only contributing positive results can also affect the information available as well as, as the economics perspective due to rising health care costs from damages resulting from improper techniques or advice related to the information. An example of this was studies done promoting the safe use of powder formulas and fortifiers in the NICU. Previous studies had shown the safety of their use when in reality strict hygienic measures needed to be taken in preparing powder based formulas to decrease infectious risks. It was concluded that contamination in the production and subsequent mixing of the product led to several NEC outbreaks. In my unit, we actually had an neonate death as a result of a powder based Human Milk Fortifier and NEC.
The media sources use a scare tactic way of presenting their information. They make the story very compelling that these products absolutely do cause adverse effects. More studies most definitely need to be done, which is what the authoritative sources stated. They found some links but their results were usually not statistically significant. If more people become familiar with the potential risks and side effects of consuming these products, we can make a push towards natural food colorings in all of our products. Also if enough people continue to report adverse reaction to the FDA it can lead to further studies being done and then maybe we can make a change in the U.S. As we learned in this paper, the media may have a point to what they are saying but typically they “jump the gun” so to say. By this I mean that they make statements off of their own judgments, and when they do use studies to back themselves up they find studies that fit what they are trying to prove. Take everything the media says with a grain of
First I will summarize an excerpt out of Heather Roger's essay, Gone Tomorrow: The Hidden Life of Garbage published in 2005. Second I will summarize Lars Eighner essay On Dumpster Diving published in 1995. Our government needs to immediately enforce a set of strict standardized laws that carefully regulate and monitor the disposal of todays and more importantly tomorrow trash. I will argue that this is necessary for large corporations and businesses to deduce their consumption. Finally I will argue that we need to educate the public about the importance and need to restrict our consumption to secure our future.
Since these dyes are harmful to the environment, a benefit of doing research on them is to find a way to more safely and quickly remove these dyes from the environment. The current methods are expensive, and cause the dyes to turn into sludge, which is also dangerous because this sludge can produce toxic products.^3 In addition to this, doing research on the properties that these dyes have on humans would be beneficial in studying the effects they have on humans and how to treat these effects.
Melanie has had special relationship with nature all of her life. Throughout her childhood Melanie learned much from her Grandfather and her Mother about tending to the earth and nurturing animals. She grew up spending most of her time at her Grandfather’s pioneer-era farm in the Ottawa Valley in Eastern Ontario, Canada. As such, Melanie has a special burden in her heart to protect the earth and her creatures. While her first career was in yoga and alternative medicine, in recent years Melanie’s work has shifted focus. In addition to her role with For The Wild, she is now a law and environmental science student, as well as the Director of a Canadian non-profit focused on Restorative Justice. Melanie also has experience working as a legislative
There exists an assumption where the drug companies fund the experiments with the aim to subsidize the consumer’s need for cures. However, some drug companies fund the experiments with the aim to make profits when the government approves the drugs. The bias exists when the company executives designs incorrect research with the aim to create a good brand image that promote their drugs. The company executives can select academics with the same minds to perform the experiments. Such academics comes up with positive results that promote the drugs and request for further exploration when there arise troubling signs of the
Dale Anderson and C Langstan along with the State DEQ, and City of Casper conducted an enterprise when forcing, through regulatory activity, which became a pattern of conduct. The racket of using a position of power to force others to pay more for waste disposal, so that your family makes more money, is no better than Organized Crime extorting business and families!
Certain decisions can result in consequences for the business, the employees, and all other stakeholders. While maintaining a competitive edge helps maintain profitability, it also allows provides workers with higher wages, bonuses, and other rewards that benefit them. Maintaining a competitive edge is important to many stakeholders within the organization who stand to benefit, it may not benefit, or may even be harmful to other members of the community. If a company produces waste that affects surrounding air or water quality, the business decisions may be in unethical. It would be a top priority to find ways to reduce waste, while still maintaining
Worthley, J. A., and R. Torkelson. "Managing the Toxic Waste Problem: Lessons from the Love Canal." Administration & Society 13.2 (1981): 145-60. Web.
Delegates of the National People of Color Environmental Leadership Summit once said that the “The environmental justice movement is the confluence of three of America’s greatest challenges: the struggle against racism and poverty; the effort to preserve and improve the environment; and the compelling need to shift social institutions from class division and environmental depletion to social unity and global sustainability.” (pg.1)
Dixon is raising debt capital by issuing long3 and short term bonds; an interest rate of
In the article “Research Accountability Is Needed to Counteract Industry Subterfuge”, the author Gretchen Goldman claims that studies funded by corporations creates unreliable research. Goldman shows her audience that the sugar industry paid Harvard researchers to produce research that wouldn’t put the sugar industry in a bad light. Goldman uses this as evidence to make the point that corporations often put pressure on scientists to produce unreliable work. Goldman
Toxic waste has many major effects on individuals and not just on a society as a whole. Some effects include “cancer, genital deformities, lower sperm count, obesity and diminished I.Q.” (Kristof par 2). This just goes to show that companies are hurting people way more than they think. Companies are disposing of toxic waste because it is helping them to make more money, but what they don’t realize is that