
Rejecting All Lies, By Sissela Bok

Satisfactory Essays

Lying is sometimes justified. Some may feel that lying is never acceptable because it is morally wrong, however, I believe lying is acceptable when it can be used to protect others.

Lying can cause harm to people and hurt them. In “Rejecting All Lies” by Sissela Bok, Immanuel Kant states that lying always harms mankind individually. It harms mankind by making everyone turn on each other because of lies. Immanuel Kant also states that it harms the liar himself.It harms the liar by destroying his human dignity. Blanton thinks that it causes people to lose trust in you. They won’t believe anything and can cause you to lose their friendship. On the other hand, lying can protect people. Blanton States that we shouldn’t manipulate the truth

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