
Relations Between Iran And Iran

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The 1970s were a crucial time in American history for developing and maintaining relations with other countries, specifically Iran. There were many factors that led to the crisis at the United States Embassy in Iran. These factors were caused by the United States president of the time, Jimmy Carter, who worsened relations with Iran through his foreign policy. As president, Jimmy Carter worsened relations between the United States and Iran because of his support of the Shah, his foreign policies leading up to the Iran Hostage Crisis, and his actions taken as president during the Iran Hostage Crisis.
The Iran Hostage Crisis, which began in November of 1979 and lasted until January of 1981, was the beginning of conflicts between the United …show more content…

Because of the extreme origin of the crisis, many began to question Carter’s support of the Shah, his foreign policies, and the crisis itself.
When Carter was beginning his presidential campaign, Muhammad Reza Shah Puhlavi resented Carter for his human rights campaign, but once Carter was elected, the alliance between the United States and Iran grew and Carter constantly gave his support for the Shah. Beginning with Vance, the Secretary of State while Carter served as president, who took a trip to Tehran to visit with the Shah, Carter became loyal and supportive to the Shah. In this meeting neither liberalization nor human rights were discussed and only the discussion of weapons’ sales was brought up. Though Vance did not discuss those two things, they were the two things in which Carter ran on, yet they were the Shah’s largest concerns. The Shah’s fears were soothed at this meeting but the Iranian people’s fears were not, because they were afraid of the liberalization that they believed would accompany the alliance with the United States.1 At the next meeting held between the Shah and Carter, Carter briefly discussed human rights. However once the Shah told him that nothing could be done to help the human rights of his country, Carter did nothing to push the Shah. The American people also began to notice the disconnect between what Carter ran on, and his actual policies. This shows Carter’s unrelenting support of the Shah, because he is

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