
Relationship Between Adam And Eve

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Humans are an extraordinary creation by God. Adam, is seen as the leader and dominant figure, due to being the first man in human existence created by such a supreme and mysterious power. “Then the Lord God formed man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and the man became a living being” (Holy Bible NRSV Gen. 2.7). God then creates animals as fellow companions for Adam, as well as Eve, made out of Adam’s rib, so that he can have a helper suited for him. Eve is not seen as submissive to him, as her gesture is out of kindness, similar to how God helps his own people. Innumerable critical readers, tend to postulate ideas of gender stratification in the creation story using the logic of domination. Factors such as assumption of domination and value dualism (Warren, 32), formulate an apprehension of the relationship between Adam and Eve in the Genesis story. The proposal of a dominant and subordinate sex, is exhibited by their attitudes that result in their misguided decisions. In the beginning of the book of Genesis, the concern for Eve being created last, displays subordination based on the chronological sequence. On the other hand, a literary analyst would know that the last, means the first, the beginning and ending is equivalent as with man and woman. She is not a postscript to this creation story, but solely the pinnacle of the development of human kind. Another aspect that makes man and woman equal are the delicate materials God creates them from. God creates Adam from dust, where his life hangs by a breath that is out of his control, making him remain and silent and passive. The rib of Adam from which Eve comes from, portrays unity and egalitarianism. Before the establishment of Eve, God would address Adam as ‘adham meaning male and female. The male and female connect and depend on one another. Eve was sent to be a helper towards Adam. "It is not good that 'adham should be alone; I will make a helper fit for him" (Trible, 141).Conveyed in the Old Testament, God is seen as a helper to Israel, someone who loves and saves his people. This gives a disadvantage to man, as Adam will rely on Eve to make decisions, such as eating the forbidden fruit from

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