
Relationship Between Grace And Crystal

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She was a young girl with dark red lipstick, wavy hair, and kind of bossy. Her favourite hobby is really nothing. She loved to hang out with her best friend who was Crystal. Crystal was a nice young skinny girl who was really good in her studies. Grace was 14 and Crystal was 13 a year younger than Grace. Grace and Crystal both go to Hunt Middle School, and they love it there. Crystal used to get straight A’s in her classes. Grace she gets C’s but only in daily grades she gets B’s. Right you might guess that then why would Crystal be friends with Grace well they know each other since childhood because of Crystal’s mom and Grace’s mom. Grace lives with her mom and her 5 year old brother. She gets so frustrated by her brother because he’s so …show more content…

“ Yeah no problem Crystal”
Grace told her mom that Crystal is coming over so Stacy and Grace got out snacks and drinks. They cleaned up the house and it was looking neat and clean.
“Hey that is not fair mom Grace can call her friends and I can’t” James angrily said.
“ James you are too young you are only 5 you have to be at least 10 years old for me to allow you to call your friends and I’m sure that there parents won’t allow too” Stacy explained softly.
“ No fair, but you have to let me have some snacks”
“ Fine now go into your room take some snacks but not a lot, Crystal is almost going to be here”
“ Yay snacks my favourite” James goes to his room and peacefully eats his snacks.
“ Mom Crystal is here I will go and get the door” Grace merrily said to her mom.
“ Yeah I will go into my room to sleep so if you guys feel like eating the snacks you can take them from the kitchen and have fun”
“ Thanks mom I will”
Crystal comes into the house and they go up to Graceś room to talk softly.
“ So I have something to tell you real urgent” Crystal hesitantly said.
“ Whatś so urgent?” Grace asked her.
“ Well I got suspended from school”
“WHAT no way how did that happen?”
“ I was taking the science test and I didn 't have an eraser so I asked the kid next to me for one and the teacher thought I was cheating”
“Crystal if youŕe suspended Iḿ suspended too, I can’t go to school without you”
“ Grace wait wait wait,

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