
Relationship Between Institution of Slavery and Outbreak of Civil War

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Relationship between Institution of Slavery and Outbreak of Civil War
Fundamentally, Slavery is an economic phenomenon. Looking at the history throughout, slavery has always existed where it has been an economic worthwhile to all those having power. Before the Civil War in U.S, nearly four million slaves lived there. Rates of return on slaves were enjoyed by the masters and these rates were comparable to assets. Industrial enterprises, cotton consumers and insurance companies benefited from slavery. This essay is based upon the analysis of relationship between institution of slavery and the outbreak and course of the civil war; also slavery during Civil war is discussed.
Relationship between Institution of Slavery and Outbreak of Civil War
"I am naturally anti-slavery. If slavery is not wrong, nothing is wrong. I cannot remember when I did not so think, and feel" (, 2010). These are the words of Abraham Lincoln, who did not allow his generals to free the slaves in the captured territories. Their emancipation proclamations were reversed by him. History tells that Abraham Lincoln canceled the proclamation of General John Fremont, who freed all slaves in Missouri. There has been a deep relationship between the institution of slavery and the outbreak of Civil War. "He himself was morally opposed to the institution of slavery, Lincoln as lawyer, he represented both slaves and slave owners in courts of law, but while he was successful in gaining freedom

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