
Relationship Between Scout And Boo's Friendship In To Kill A Mockingbird

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In To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee and the excerpt Coming of Age in Mississippi by Anne Moody, the friendship between Scout and Boo Radley and the friendship between Essie Mae and the Johnson children are frowned upon by society, while simultaneously challenging the time's social codes. Scout and Boo's friendship is disapproved of by society because they are complete strangers. Scout and Boo form an unlikely friendship when Boo begins leaving trinkets for her ranging from "a small box patchworked with bits of tinfoil collected from chewing gum wrappers" to "a ball of gray twine" (Lee). Even though Boo doesn't know Scout and Scout doesn't know the real Boo, he continues to leave her things and Scout continues to take them. This friendship

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