
Relationships And Attachment

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Procedure- The objective of the study was to compare relationship status (ongoing relationships and dissolved ones) in terms of perceived need fulfillment and attachment styles in order to examine relationship among these and their role in relationship outcome. The study sample comprised 2 groups of (15 male and 15 female in each group), college going students: individuals in ongoing romantic relationships (for at least 3 months) and individuals from dissolved relationships, within last 12 months (having been a relationship for at least 3 months). All participants were aged between 18-25 years, fluent in English, had a minimum education of at least tenth Std., and having been involved in an exclusive romantic (dating) relationship for at least …show more content…

The factors are the five subscales of ASQ ( with their possible range of scores in paranthesis)- Confidence in self and others (8-48), Discomfort with closeness(10-60), Need for Approval (7-42), Preoccupation with relationships(8-48) and relationships as secondary to achievement (7-42). Higher scores on the Confidence scale indicate higher attachment security, while higher scores on the other four scales indicate greater degree of particular aspects of insecure attachment. The authors of ASQ report however, that the central distinction is between secure and insecure attachment (Feeney et al, 1994). Evidence indicates support for the psychometric properties of the attachment Style Questionnaire (Feeney, Noller and Hanrahan, 1994). The questionnaire has high reliability and …show more content…

Relationship Need Fulfillment Questionnaire (RNFQ) with a scale of 129 items and 6 Dimensions to assess a generic measure of Relationship Fulfillment and fulfillment in different domains of an intimate relationship (namely emotional, intellectual, behavioural, spiritual, monetary, physical). The scale provides scores along 4 domains namely-Overall Relationship Fulfillment, Perceived Relationship/Relational need Fulfillment in each of the 6 Specific Dimensions and degree of adoption of Container role and Contained role by an individual in an intimate relationship. Norms were developed on a sample of 100 (50 males and 50 females) and standardized on another sample of 101 (consisting of 51 males and 50 females). The scale demonstrated high Cronbach Alpha Coefficient of Reliability and significant Criterion Validity (Standardized Cattel’s 16 PF-Form A). For each need RNFQ measures computed were- 1) perceived frequency of Perceived Relationship/Relational Need Fulfillment ratings by partner on a Likert scale (ranging from 1=always to 5=never) and 2) perceived importance ratings (ranging from 1=not at all important to 10=extremely important). For each need the perceived importance (desired) and perceived (experienced) frequencies of fulfillment by one’s partner were examined. The 129 needs listed were rated by participants in terms of frequency of need fulfillment as well as

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