Relativism and Abortions
Does not every child have the right to life? Recently, disputing discussions about abortions has been a main topic all over social media and the news (Bruenig pg. 10). During the campaign for our President, abortion was at the top of the list for moral debates on right and wrong (Schlabach, pg. 11-13). Throughout this election, many American has cast their vote for which they assumed had the same beliefs as they did (Miller, pg. 17-18). Whether it is prolife or prochoice, everyone has a different viewpoint. For example, pro-life supporters believe that every child has the right to live no matter the circumstances. On the other hand, pro-choice supporters believe that all women have a choice over their body. In this
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The prolife activists believe that any life ought to be cherished and guarded from the instant of conception until natural death (" The Pro-Life Declaration”). By the improvements made in technology, such as ultrasound images and fetal Doppler that is used to hear the heartbeat of the fetus, it shows that the fetus has life of its own. For instance, science has invested the development of the fetus during pregnancy. It has been reported that more brain activity has been discovered than originally thought was going on inside the womb (Easterbrook 21-25). Pro-life supporters believe in “right to life” starting with the moment of conception no matter the circumstances (" The Pro-Life Declaration”).
On the other hand, pro-choice does not protect the rights of the fetus. Mother’s choice is the main consideration involved with abortions. Following Roe vs. Wade, it was determined that the mother has the right to decide what she thought was right for her own body. Pro-choice supporters believe that having an abortion is a choice that the person expecting a baby should make on her free will (Pro-choice). Having the right to have an abortion is solely her decision.
Relativism is the belief that moral value is ones’ exclusive decision (Shafer-Landau 293). For relativists, there are no moral rights or wrongs. For example, some people believe that killing is not right, while others contradict this opinion, but they are both right under this theory. Instead,
Right now, thousands of children around the world are in a live or die situation, in which their mother decides whether to keep or to terminate them. There are multiple issues that Pro-Life and Pro-Choice argue about constantly trying to justify if abortion should be legal or Illegal. While the mother has rights, the fetus also has rights.
Pro-choice people are all about choices the more the merrier but in the end of the decision we want the choice to be made by the mother and no one else. Pro-life people talks all about life and only life but are they really for life when that also agree that rape, victim of incest and if a woman’s life was at risk abortion is doable. Not to mention not all pro-life feels the same way even when they’re on the same side. Yes pro-life do think more about the viable fetus rights other than the mothers but that does not mean pro-choice does not think about the viable fetus at all. Pro-choice wants the child to be welcomed into warm opened arms instead of a hard brutal world depending on the mother’s situation. Such as if the mother had no one to turn to and was out in the street and could barely provide for herself.
The issue of Abortions has been a controversy for years now. There are two main groups for this problem, Pro-Life, and Pro-Choice. Pro-Life supports the human rights of life should be embraced, by religion and ethics. Pro-choice is when someone wants to make this choice without no remorse of human life, but because someone wants no part of it raising one.
Pro-choice describes political and ethical views that a woman should have the control over her fertility and the choice to continue or terminate her pregnancy. Pro-choice activists argue that an embryo has no rights as it is only a potential and not an actual person and its rights should not override those of the mother’s until after it is born. The right to choose to have an abortion is personal and essential to women’s lives and without this right, women cannot exercise their rights and liberties guaranteed to them by the Constitution. Without the right to choose an abortion the 14th amendment’s guarantee of liberty has little meaning for women. Another point made could include that a man can withdraw from a relationship when he finds out that his spouse is pregnant, it is only fair that women be given the same choice.
To have a complete picture of this debate, arguments from both sides must be heard and understood. One of the main tenets of the pro-choice movement is how reproductive choice empowers women and giving them control over their own bodies. To decide if or when they remain pregnant is extremely important to women from all walks of life, whether the circumstances are rape or incest, or whether they simply are not prepared to take care of a child at that time in their lives. Pro-choice advocates point out the possible negative effects of a mother bringing to term a child will constantly remind them of their attack, or serve as a punishment to the mother, all of which can be avoided when women are allowed to choose the right time for them. The US Supreme Court has declared abortion to be a "fundamental right" guaranteed by the US Constitution. The ruling in Roe v Wade was clear; women should have access to abortions if they want them. It has been proven that there is an association between unsafe abortions and restrictive abortion laws. The article states “The median rate of unsafe abortions in the 82 countries with the most restrictive abortion laws is up to 23 of 1000 women”, the median rate in nations that allow abortion is 2 of 1000. It goes on to say that “Abortion-related deaths are more frequent in countries with more restrictive abortion laws (34 deaths per 100,000 childbirths)”
The controversy within the biomedical ethics topic, abortion, has two main proponents. The first is the view against abortion, also known as pro-life. The other view is rooted upon the belief of being pro-choice, or basically for abortions. These two different views are like two mathematical principles, in that although these two views have many differences, they also have larger similarities in the background. For example, when pro-choice activists support abortions due to unwanted pregnancies, the activists are not rallying behind the idea of sexual incompetency (pregnancies due to lack of birth control). Rather, they are supporting the idea that women have the right to choose what to do with their own bodies. In order to understand
The argument of abortion has been raging since the Supreme Court case, Roe vs. Wade, in 1973. This court case has divided the country into two factions: pro-choice and pro-life. Pro-life advocates argue that abortions are murder and extreme levels of child abuse. While pro-choice advocates believe abortions are a justifiable means to end pregnancies. The pro-choice argument is that the fetus is not yet a human being and its rights should not override that of the mother’s.
The issue of abortion is a controversial one; there are arguments on both sides of the debate. In 1973 the national case of Roe v. Wade, sparked political decisions that created a national right to abortion. Further, "Roe v. Wade declared that unborn children are not `persons ' nor are they entitled to the same constitutional protection as `born children '" (Baird, Rosenbaum, 2001). However, Roe v. Wade did not end the debate, nor, did it stop both sides for continuing the fight for their individual beliefs. On the one hand, pro-choice’s believe that woman are entitled to have abortions. Stating that an unborn child is under the rights of the pregnant women. On the other hand, pro-lifers believe that a woman should not have the right to obtain an abortion, stating that an unborn child is a human deserving the same constitutional rights as a child that has been born. The political goal most frequently mentioned by pro-lifers has been a Human Life Amendment (HLA) to thus, reverse Roe v. Wade. The HLA would declare unborn children to be "persons" deserving equal protection under the Constitution. From an ethical standpoint, one can take either side, for not only these reasons but also many more that we will further explore. I personally think that abortion is a decision that can only be made by the person in question, and not between that person and the government or an HLA. We well first look at the overall argument of the pro-choice side. After which, we will delve into the
Relativism, therefore, is a philosophical doctrine that acknowledges that truth, knowledge, and morality are not absolute. Meaning that what may be considered moral or true depends on the context such as culture and society. For this reason, moral relativists believe that different people can have different views regarding what is moral or immoral without either side being wrong or right. Therefore, right, or wrong, good or bad does not exist, as there is no universal standard for determining ethical decisions. In other words, moral values are not objective but rather subjective as they are based on the feelings, values, and preference of a person (Brogaard
The issue of abortion has always been a controversial one for citizens of the United States. Abortion is the practice of terminating a pregnancy after the embryo has been planted in the uterus (Abortion). An individual’s stance on this controversial issue categorizes them into one of two very different groups. An individual who feels that a woman should not have an abortion- due to moral or religious views- is said to be “pro-life”. Coincidently, those who feel that a woman should have the right to choose abortion are said to be “pro-choice”. “Pro-life” supporters point to the practice of abortion as an immoral one. Supporters state abortion is immoral because it takes away the rights of the unborn fetus, since activists consider human
One of the first moral issues addressed by both sides of the abortion debate concerns a pregnant woman’s so-called natural “right” to make “reproductive choices.” (“The Rights of Pregnant Women”) Anti-abortion advocacy groups claim that “the only way to actually protect the mother’s rights will be by enforcing laws that secure her child’s right to life,” (“Argument 2”) whereas pro-abortion groups contend that these laws “create a dangerous precedent for wide-ranging government intrusion into the lives of all women.” (“The Rights”) With two fundamentally contrasting viewpoints at odds with each other, it is apparent that one of the core issues concurrent with abortion is a woman’s rights versus the rights of her unborn fetus.
People who are pro-choice support the advocating and legalizing of abortion. Those who are pro-choice believe that the woman should have the choice in whether or not their child should live. I understand in some cases like rape the woman might want to abort the child and in some peoples eyes they would have all the right in the world to. In the case of rape the woman might not know she is
Ethical relativism is the theory that states morality is determined by the individual (Shafer-Landau, 292). One topic that fits this description is abortion. Abortion is the premature removal of a fetus. Many people believe abortion is the killing of an unborn child and is morally wrong while others believe it is the right thing to do because they believe they are morally correct. In this essay I will be explaining why relativism is not a valid way to decide wrong and right doings: as well as how abortion is the evil act of taking an innocent life prematurally.
Abortion has always been an incredibly controversial topic. It has been one of the most widely discussed issues in the American culture for decades. Abortion is a discussion of human interaction, in which emotions, ethics, and law all come together. In many cases, people on both sides of the argument have valid points and take moral positions. A pro-choice position would assert that the decision to terminate a pregnancy lies the mother and that the government has no right to interfere or step in and make that decision. On the other hand, the position of pro-life advocates argue that life begins at the moment of conception. They believe that because the embryo or fetus is a human life and that one has no moral right to abort it. This theory argues that this human has no power or say in the matter and is rendered helpless from advocating for itself. Although abortion is a morally and emotionally charged issues, it is ultimately protected under the 14th amendment. The most common reasons for abortion include but are not limited to, teen pregnancy, rape, and health issues.
Moral Relativism is defined as the belief that conflicting moral beliefs are true. This carries the impression that what you respect as a right behavior may be a right conduct for you, but not for me. Moral Relativism is an attempt to