
Relativism And Abortions. Does Not Every Child Have The

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Relativism and Abortions
Does not every child have the right to life? Recently, disputing discussions about abortions has been a main topic all over social media and the news (Bruenig pg. 10). During the campaign for our President, abortion was at the top of the list for moral debates on right and wrong (Schlabach, pg. 11-13). Throughout this election, many American has cast their vote for which they assumed had the same beliefs as they did (Miller, pg. 17-18). Whether it is prolife or prochoice, everyone has a different viewpoint. For example, pro-life supporters believe that every child has the right to live no matter the circumstances. On the other hand, pro-choice supporters believe that all women have a choice over their body. In this …show more content…

The prolife activists believe that any life ought to be cherished and guarded from the instant of conception until natural death (" The Pro-Life Declaration”). By the improvements made in technology, such as ultrasound images and fetal Doppler that is used to hear the heartbeat of the fetus, it shows that the fetus has life of its own. For instance, science has invested the development of the fetus during pregnancy. It has been reported that more brain activity has been discovered than originally thought was going on inside the womb (Easterbrook 21-25). Pro-life supporters believe in “right to life” starting with the moment of conception no matter the circumstances (" The Pro-Life Declaration”).
On the other hand, pro-choice does not protect the rights of the fetus. Mother’s choice is the main consideration involved with abortions. Following Roe vs. Wade, it was determined that the mother has the right to decide what she thought was right for her own body. Pro-choice supporters believe that having an abortion is a choice that the person expecting a baby should make on her free will (Pro-choice). Having the right to have an abortion is solely her decision.
Relativism is the belief that moral value is ones’ exclusive decision (Shafer-Landau 293). For relativists, there are no moral rights or wrongs. For example, some people believe that killing is not right, while others contradict this opinion, but they are both right under this theory. Instead,

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