“Hey Page, I’m going to need a caramel macchiato, sugar-free chocolate syrup, extra shot of foam, light ice, no whip, and exactly one hundred-twenty degrees fahrenheit. Oh and don’t forget decaf.” “Relax Marge. I’m not an intern anymore, you can’t just boss me around. Which means I won’t be taking coffee orders for anyone. Not even you. Besides I know that you can’t stand coffee.” “ Oh look I’m Page, I won’t get coffee for anyone, and I’m going to use the elevator.” Marge proceeded to mock me for a considerable amount of time, occasionally mumbling under her breath making sure I couldn’t hear her. Most of the time I can’t stand her . At twenty-three years old I shouldn’t allow this kind of treatment to happen to me. No one knows how much
Turner goes on, "Well, now there's always a lot of advertising boards in the window. Now how could you look in there and see somebody with all those posters?"
“Gather up everybody, and tell them to meet us at the base. I am going to go grab a quick cup of coffee. Do you want a glass?”
On 05/14/17, I was dispatched to 2440 W. Madison in reference to an assault that occurred at the location.
Hello my name is Madelyn Johnson, I attend Bartels Middle School and am a 11 years old. I have played ball ever since I was little and fell in love with it instantly. I would watch the Brewers all the time and they give me motivation. I really appreciate how many of the activities are involved around children. I wish I could go to more games in the summer.
As a Brit-Cuban raised in the States, I get my fair share of gag birthday gifts. This year, a 16- ounce tub of Marmite landed in my kitchen. However, the joke ison my friends, since I plan on making several Marmite- inspired dishes and serving it back to them without their prior knowledge. Despite its unsavory reputation forbeing unpalatable, the impressively potent substance has legions of fans throughout the English-speaking world. Since 1902, generations of British families have willingly slathered this polarizing condiment on their toast.
If you haven’t used a tampon before, and you don’t have a Phd at the end of your name, it’s hard to hear you. TMI I know, but while you change multiple times, you use them for 24 hours, and up to 4 to 7 days. It is very disturbing to think that our cotton fields are being contaminated to the point that it’s transferring into everything. And now, we’re using something that over the years could endanger our health, or God forbid our future children. And it’s not just tampons, but pads, wipes, washes and so much more. We are our own worst enemy, and we will destroy
When George went to offer Hazel some of his reviving beverage, there was a hard pounding clamor which seemed like a thump on the entryway. The more hesitant they became, the louder and more restless the sound got to be. At first, George thought it was another of those sounds, yet he didn't generally observe an effect.
I remember walking through the doors of my high school and feeling a mixture of dread and excitement settle heavily somewhere between my throat and my gut. This was not the first time, nor the last time that I experienced what most people would call butterflies, except in my case it felt more like the butterflies were nukes playing tag, and the aftershocks were giving me the shakes. Due to my inability to talk to my fellow classmates without feeling like a leaf in the middle of a hurricane, I came to the conclusion that the only way to get rid of this fear was to face it head on, so that’s exactly what I did.
“Martin why do you want to attract a bunch of needy girls? Girls are a drag. They always want attention and you to buy stuff for them and hold their heavy bags.”
I stop, remembering my mother warning me not to get in the car with strangers who offer you candy... She never said anything about getting in the car with cute guys who offer you coffee. Reluctantly, I follow him to his black charger and direct him to my house.
It is a warm sunny afternoon, celie and nettie are on the front porch of celie’s house drinking ice cold tea. Celie was old but in her heart still felt younger than ever. The sisters were reflecting on the last twenty years of their lives. So much had changed for celie since nettie returned with her children, adam and olivia. She was so happy for all the positive things going on in her life and gave thanks daily for all that she was given.
The African societies (like those of the American Indians and the Europeans) were highly dependent on the environmental conditions and varied widely across the continent. Africa very much resembled America in its diversity of cultures across deserts, grasslands, and forests, its established networks of trade, and resource competition. The early use of iron implements raised productivity and subsequently increased the continent's population, which reached about 50 million by the fifteenth century. Much of that population was organized politically under large empires, like the Kingdom of Ghana. Ghana achieved architectural and artistic wealth principally through important trading contacts with the Middle and Far East. Other kingdoms also developed
The orchestra tunes their instruments as I sit in the back of the auditorium, fiddling with my Thoroughly Modern Millie playbill. A friend of a friend, Jolie, is sat next to me as we wait for our mutual friend to join us. Though we sat in silence, it was comfortable. Our friend, Kyra, joins us as the lights begin to dim. Before we are left in the dark, Kyra throws me a knowing smile as if she knows exactly how these next two hours will impact the rest of my life. I smile back though and turn my attention to the stage.
“Large café latte?” the barista at Lake Avalon Coffee shop called out in a cheerful voice.
I’m late. The Starbucks line was long and the coffee stain is still splattered on my black skirt. I check my calendar, September 11. The city’s smog is killing me. If it wasn’t for this meeting, I’d be at my allergist getting new medication to deal with it. I take another sip of my coffee. The heat and the splash of mint I had them add, helps open up my sinuses.