The interview is composed of 6 different parts that evaluate your outlook/position on specific subsets of religion. For each subset, respond to the example questions as best you can. Feel free to be specific/ elaborate. The subset of Ontology is broken up into 3 more specific categories in order to better outline one’s beliefs on the divine. These 6 categories/ questions that go along with them were outlined by my professor, but if you have questions/ would like more specific examples feel free to ask!
1. Epistemology- Inquiry into knowledge What constitutes valid knowledge and how to interpret that knowledge? What do you rely on in order to gain knowledge? What should be used to understand and properly interpret that basis of
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It is the idea of the object or thing that holds actuality. A table is not real, the idea of a table, a surface that holds objects or is used for support, is real. The only requirement in achieving ultimate reality is belief in and a surrender to one of these ideas. When referring to religion, the idea is a greater power and in the case of Christianity, the greater power is God. The distinction between whether something is more real or less real depends on one’s perception. One person may believe in the idea of Heaven and identify it as real while another person may be unsure of the existence of Heaven. The latter person would perceive the idea of Heaven as less real than the person who fully believes in it.
a. Theology- What do you believe about gods/God? What do you believe about the nature or characteristics of gods/God?
I believe there is a God. I believe He is eternal and His existence will never end. He is immortal, infinite, inscrutable, immutable, incomparable, unequaled, unfathomable, unsearchable, and past finding out as far as understanding Him completely.
b. Cosmology- What is the nature of created existence? What led to the development of created existence as we see it?
I believe God is our creator and created everything that we see today in our existence. All man is created in His image.
c. Eschatology- What will be the nature of reality if or when the world as we
I believe in one God, the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth, and of all things visible and invisible.
I believe that God created the universe and created mankind as his children. We were shown his ultimate love even after we sinned in the Garden of Eden by sending his only son to earth to atone for mankind’s sins. The Holy Bible is the word of God and is illustration of his love for us. When all the evidence of Christ’s death and resurrection and things that have transpired through out the Bible how can one not believe? Our heavenly father and his love are evident through out the world and nature around us. This is why I have strong faith that there is a God and a supreme creator of
There have been debates whether God is exist since the beginning of time. Many people claim many different things. There say there are three models of ultimate reality: Materialism, Pantheism, Transcendence. Transcendence is the only Ultimate Reality. Transcendence is that there is a perfect being (God). He created the universe. He is not the universe. In Christianity we believe we die physically and when Jesus Christ returns we will be resurrected and join Him and God in the perfect Heaven. God has given us the Bible so that we know right from wrong.
As stated by the Christian world view on the origin of life, the inception of everything that exists was a result from God himself. The
The existence and nature of God are topics that have been discussed amongst philosophers throughout time and has resulted in many different opinions of what God is truly like and if He exists as the greatest being in reality. Many different views of this argument are included in John Feinberg and Russ Shafer- Landau’s Reason and Responsibility: Readings in Some Basic Problems of Philosophy which helps to gain a broad perspective on the claims that notable philosophers have made. Specifically, there is The Ontological Argument, from Proslogion by Anselm of Canterbury in which he defends the existence of God using faith and reason. God exists and is so great that nothing greater can be even be thought of.
I personally believe there is a God, a spiritual being that is all around us and watching over everyone. As the bible states “for the Lord your God is Gods of gods and the Lord of lords, the great God, mighty and awesome, who shows no partiality and accepts no bribes” (Deuteronomy 10:17 NIV). Furthermore, with my personal believes the world around us was created by God. For instance, the bible informs readers that “in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the spirit of God was hovering over the waters” (Genesis 1:1, NIV). Moreover, although I believe there is good, evil still continues to exist around us. That we must fight against through prayer and protecting the innocent who can’t help themselves. Lastly, the prime reality relates differently to everyone and the nature of the world around us.
My religion is Methodist. My religion is very important in my daily life because I believe in God and knows that God can only resolve any of my problems that occur in my daily life. I called on God daily in my life especially when I am dealing with any issues that occur with me in a workplace, in public place, personal problems, especially when the weather is not appropriate when I’m driving. The religion currently practice the “the ordinances of God," or engage in individual and communal spiritual practices such as prayer, Bible reading, worship and the Lord's Supper” (United Methodist Church Foundation, 2015).
It is a creature created by God. We are extraordinary machines full of mystery images of God and we were made to serve God. “Human beings are created in the image of God and thus possess personality, self-transcendence, intelligence, morality, gregariousness and creativity” (Sire, 2009). In postmodernism and scientism human beings are created by matter and there is no foundation of human beings from the beginning or why we exist.
One of the most argued world view issues is the one concerning the question is there a god? Many would say that we are our own God. And we are here to do as we please.
God is the one who breathed life into us, creating humanity out of the dust of existence to be involved in the world, but also to serve him with our own vocation and have a spiritual connection with Him. When the universe was created, God entrusted mankind to “fill the earth and subdue it” (Gen 1:27). How we are in relation to him is simply up to our own accord, you can choose to believe in no God (atheism, buddhism, etc), you can believe there is a higher being, but you are not sure if you would categorize him as "God" (agnosticism), you can believe in multiple gods or goddesses, or simply in an
The question of God’s existence has been pondered by humans for centuries. There are an infinite number of different opinions, arguments, and ideas favoring for or against the idea of God. Personally, I strongly believe in God not only due to my religious affiliation, but also because of my own opinions, ideas, and experience. To begin with, the complexity of Earth and the life that has formed upon it cannot be based just on luck or chance. I believe that ultimately God, as a power, rather than a mystical being is the one created and controls the universe. Although the God and his authority are not entirely comprehensible by humans, it’s our faith as worshiper that eventually lead us to a greater understanding.
God is our creator; He came before us and created the universe as we know it. “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth”
First, I will start off by saying that I believe there is one God who has infinite wisdom, holiness and power, who has existed eternally as the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Knowing that the entire universe is a creation of God and is entirely dependent on him for the existence of every living organism is a
God is defined as “the Being perfect in power, wisdom, and goodness who is worshipped as creator and ruler of the universe” (“God”). I find it highly unlikely that God exists because if God is perfect in power and perfect in goodness then why are so many human attributes given to god: A perfect being would be one without emotions such as anger, hate, jealousy, sadness, and happiness to influence their decisions (“God”). I believe it stems from people’s innate sense to belong and be loved due to the evolution of society. Therefore, humans attempt to explain the unexplainable (the creation of the universe) by creating a deity which is not only all powerful but human-like as well because humans realize they are the most complex beings while
Are all the theologians right in their own opinion of God or gods? Why?