From what I have experienced it is extremely hard to separate culture and religion. Most times, if aspects of your religion and culture clash, then religion usually takes over. During the group discussion part of the midterm, I noticed that some countries had to change their ways to adapt to their religion. For example, when Islam was introduced to certain African countries, most of the people had to change their customs in order to be considered ‘Proper Muslims’. As an example, let's consider Somalia, the country my father is from. When I saw pictures that showed how people used to dress in Somalia, I noticed that women used to wear wrap around dresses that would expose one shoulder. They would also have their legs exposed and hijabs were …show more content…
For example, in the United States, citizens take pride in the fact that our country allows people of religions to practice freely. Most citizens may claim that religion does not influence law in any way, but in reality this country was built with Christian aspect of law. In the book “The Left hand of Darkness”, it was hard to separate religion, culture and law as well. In Karhide, it seemed like it was impossible to take religion and culture apart, they were too intertwined. It was so inseparable that Handdara, their religion, became an ‘umbrella religion’. This means that everyone claimed to follow their religion, but not everyone was religious and followed all of the rules of the …show more content…
She was rude and overworked them. One day, the older brother stood up to the rude stepmother and she cast a spell on him. She turned him to a donkey and pretended that the son of the family passed away in an accident. To explain the donkey she brought home, she said that she saw it out wandering along the road without an owner. The father was sad about his son, but suspiciously didn't get too upset. The daughter on the other hand, was devastated. She could not accept her brother's demise and started investigating. After investigating, she found out the truth about her stepmother and told her father. Her father did not believe her. She sought out a way to learn magic and turned her brother back to is normal self in front of her father to show him the truth, and the father discovered the true nature of the stepmother and kicked her
American author Christopher Hitchens once wrote, “Religion is part of the human make-up. It's also part of our cultural and intellectual history. Religion was our first attempt at literature, the texts, our first attempt at cosmology, making sense of where we are in the universe, our first attempt at philosophy.” I enjoy this quote because it acknowledges a key aspect of the human condition: our overwhelming desire to know and understand our place in the world. Religion, in turn, is our attempt at that, a construction of what we believe to be the relationship between us, our surroundings, and beyond. For two cultures, religion played an important role in everyday society: the Aztec Empire in Mesoamerica and the Islamic empires of West Africa. Now, I am going to compare and contrast West African and
Every culture has their own practices that are seemingly foreign to other cultures that come after them. For example, we cannot judge the culture of Chinese people today in present day China as we judged the culture of the people who used to settle in the same country. The only thing that they share is location because history, technology, and religion have influenced modern cultures in ways that would have been completely foreign to ancestors of the same place. An example of this comes from Ruth Benedict in her essay The Pueblos of New Mexico. In this essay she describes that Indians who used to live in New Mexico. They were very different from the people that live there today. They were very relaxed in many ways of their culture expect religion.
“Culture is sometimes described as a lens through which we view the world, meaning that one’s culture influences their perceptions and interactions in everyday life” (Davis, 2006). Every culture has different beliefs and customs
During this unit of human geography, I have learned so much about religions, ethnicities, and even culture. For example, I learned about the religion Islam and how it is a religion of peace just like the Hindu religion and as well as the Buddhist religion and much more others. These religions and some others have much in common whether they accept it , these religions and some more are all peaceful religions and all teach good morals and principles to the followers, everyone following footsteps of good people and their good actions and/or deeds. When I was reading chapter 7 ( ethnicity) I learned that ethnicity also has to do with culture and that the chapter before that one, we were reading about ( folk culture) and how it much ties in with
First, the religious culture that impacts me is being Lutheran. A value we have is going to church to pray, we are expected to participate and be kind and respectful to everyone joining us. I do this by going to church on Sundays and Wednesdays, (confirmation), along with going to church choir too. I attend the services quietly, and always try to respect people´s space. Another value is our spiritual beliefs, we pray to
This story has many impressive and complex characters, such as the stepmother and the stepson. The stepmother is a fruitful and influential business woman who searches perfection, including perfection in men. For instance, her husband was faithful, charming, handsome, sweet and generous, and when he died, she wished the closest to perfection, his son. She shows power, hard work, intelligence, and resourcefulness. She demonstrates how resourceful she is when Poorskin asked her for impossible suits, and she managed to find the best tailors in the world to do the suits.
Everyone of us has our own unique culture and religion identification in the world. Also, known by the culture beliefs, behavior patterns, and which group or religion, we represent, but we have to represent each other because of their religion after all we are all human beings first. Also, their are many different variations of cultures living together in the same neighborhood, these days, and representing each other for cultures identity and what we believe in. We need to avoid any misunderstanding there is in the world about any cultures or religion.
Cinderella was kind to her step mother and step sisters, and the truth found them out. She did not have to be nice to them, and she did not have to show mercy, but she did. Cinderella had the courage to forgive.
How are religion and culture connected? Religion and culture are super important in any society and have major influences on one another. Religions have a huge impact on all cultures and even societies. It is basically an “outline” of how we should behave in a society and culture. These “guidelines” are how you should be living your day to day lives. The Maurya and Gupta empire, at one time had a very honored leader, Asoka. Have you ever even thought about how much Asoka actually did for the Indian empire? He grew and united his empire through pacifism. The empire stopped their expansion, Mauryan people were very strong, but stopped conquering others for area. They focused on staying peaceful and uniting together.
The cultural relativists have offered us a view on what is the good, is depending on whether the virtue is approved by one’s culture or not. This brings us to another question—what is culture? Seemingly, people in a different country are practicing different religions so that everyone should have
By studying cultures and religions other than my own in Turkey, Morocco, Egypt and Greece it became clear to me that religion plays a huge part in shaping ones cultural identity. Bringing this "cultural identity" viewpoint to its
Religion is one the most important aspects defining culture. There is no one dominant faith on the
The meaning of religion is something that scholars, along with society at large, have attempted to define for centuries. Although the term cannot truly have one solid meaning, it is clear that religion is much more than a set of beliefs and practices. In Religion: The Basics, author Mallory Nye discusses his approach to studying religion. In arguing that culture and religion strongly influence each other, he explains that those studying religion must make people and culture their focus, as variations even within the same religions exist and must be considered. Moreover, Nye explains how religion is, essentially, a universal concept, as it takes form in an array of shapes across the globe. With Nye’s argument, I have developed new insights
Culture is one of the major influences on our lives and social interactions; culture is associated with our characteristics of religion, societal norms of behavior; moreover, culture is always changing and the influence increases. With every religion there are traditions and cultures that are a form of art as it involves many characteristics’ of individuals and their beliefs, values, and perspective, for this reason, there are various dynamics in terms of how culture is involved and the influence of our actions, such as media, peers, family, and socializations. Culture is a factor of social environment and what is modeled to us in our early years of development.
Cinderella, a lovely young pretty woman who loved to dance had a dad who was taken from her in a war. She was then taken home by a woman and her two daughters; Daisy the mother and the 2 girls, Becky and Romie. By the face she had when she arrived at Daisy’s home, she had disgust, disappointment, and disgrace all smashed on her face. You could tell she didn’t want to be there. She looked furious, but it wasn’t that she was, she was still getting over the death of her dad.Daisy and the girls welcomed her with love and respect, but Cinderella didn’t accept their love and care. She just wants to feel the same love her dad gave her.