
Religion And Prejudice Analysis

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Religion, Meaning and Prejudice is an article written by Bruce Hunsberger and Lynne M. Jackson and published in 2005. Te article is intended towards other psychologists and its purpose is to analyze the links between religion and prejudice that have been interpreted to suggest that religion can both reduce and exacerbate prejudice, as well, this article look for to provide an analysis of religion as a meaning system that illuminates how religion can affect intergroup attitudes.

According to Hunsberger and Jackson after the terrorist attack on the World Trade Center in New York City and the Pentagon and Washington DC on September 11, 2001, the role of religion-based prejudice in context is exemplified in the claim involvement of extremist …show more content…

Numerous studies have linked religious fundamentalism with prejudice, as well as with right-wing authoritarianism. In order to access the recent relationship of these four religious orientation with prejudice, with examine studies since 1990 involving I, E, Q, or RF measures, and at least one measure of prejudice or endorsement of discrimination toward racial/ethnic group gay or lesbian person women, communist or religious out-group, or RWA. We wanted these measures to be as pure as possible, so we purposely did not include measures such as frequency of church attendance, or extent of interest in religion, even though these have sometimes been considered proxies for intrinsic or extrinsic religious orientation. In the article, Hunsberger and Jackson also talks about the targets of prejudice studies. From 1940 through the night and 70s, the most frequently started talking of prejudice in relevant investigation was raised and/or ethnicity, however, more recently Interest in gay men and lesbians, woman, Communist and religious out-group such as nonreligious, as target groups, has increased. Research suggests that more implicit measures might be necessary to …show more content…

There is no doubts that religiosity is usually experienced by individuals as a vehicle through which one does good company and as such might be expected to mitigate against prejudice. First, the coexistence of religious teachings related to tolerance and prejudice among religious individual seems to be contradiction only if prejudice is Defined it too narrowly, intent of antipathy. An equation of prejudice with antipathy is simplistic in part because even evaluatively positive attitude can be constructed as a form of prejudice in that they can legitimize the unequal treatment of groups. Second, religious teachings that advocate love, acceptance, and so on are likely insufficient to mitigate against prejudice and discrimination because intergroup responses involve not only explicit attitude and motives that may be shaped by things such as teachings related to tolerance, but also implicit attitudes or processes that are shaped by less deliberative mechanisms such as emotional conditioning, early experiences, and so on. Sarah, as with many believe system, some religious teachers themselves contained or are perceive to contain, justification for particular negative

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